| |
AddVoiceCommand | Adds a voice command into the current window. From version 17, this function is replaced with SpeechRecognitionAddCommand. |
AJAXCallInProgress | Used to determine if the request being processed is an AJAX request. |
AutomationEvent | Branches a procedure to the event of an automation object. |
AutomationParameter | Configures the management of accesses to the ActiveX objects and to the Automation objects. |
Beep | Emits a beep. |
BuildAutomationVariant | Builds an Automation variant parameter. |
Clone | Constructs a copy of a class instance: - An object of the actual class of the class instance is allocated.
- The members of the class instance are copied to the members of the new object.
CommandLine | Identifies and retrieves the different elements of the command line passed as a parameter to the current program. |
Compile | Dynamically compiles an Procedure whose source code is provided (dynamic compilation). |
ComponentInfo | Returns information about a component. |
ConfigureAAF | Used to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF). |
DataType | Identifying the type of a WLanguage variable. |
DeleteVoiceCommand | Deletes a voice command that was added by AddVoiceCommand. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionDeleteCommand. |
diffApply | Applies a difference buffer to a specific buffer. |
diffCreate | Compares two buffers and creates a buffer containing the differences between these two buffers. |
Dimension | Returns the size of a variable (string, numeric, array, ...) or resizes a dynamic array. |
DisableAAF | Disables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application. |
DrawingStyle | Allows you to find out and modify:- the display mode of grayed buttons found in the windows of your application.
- the display mode of translucent border for the windows of your application.
- the mode for loading large images.
EndAutomatedProcedure | Stops the current or forthcoming execution of an automatic procedure (defined by the properties of the procedure in the code editor). |
EndProgram | Ends the execution of the current program. |
EvaluateExpression | Evaluates the value of an expression built in a character string. |
Execute | Starts the execution of a process through programming. |
ExecuteAAF | Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window. |
ExecuteAncestor | When the code is overridden, used to run the process of the template corresponding to the process of the current control. |
ExecuteCode | Runs the WLanguage code found in a character string. |
ExecuteFunction | Executes a WLanguage function identified by its name. |
ExecuteJS | Runs JavaScript code in the context of the Web page displayed by an HTML Display control. |
ExecutePresetAction | Runs a preset WINDEV action. |
ExecuteProcess | Starts the execution of a process programmatically, i.e. without the user having to perform any particular action in the interface. |
ExecutionMode | Allows you to:- find out and/or modify the behavior of the application or site when some errors are generated.
- optimize the calls to the functions declared externally.
- find out and/or change how the application uses JITc.
- find out and/or modify the management mode of low references for all the instantiated objects.
GenerateGeometricImage | Randomly generates an image with geometric shapes. This image can be used to temporarily fill an Image control, for example. |
GenerateLorem | Generates a random "Lorem ipsum" text to temporarily populate a control with text, for example. |
GeneratePassword | Automatically generates a password with specific characteristics (size, characters used, ...). |
GetColor | Allows you to get a set of harmonious colors without having to use a table of colors. |
GetGUID | Calculates a globally unique identifier (named "GUID"), whose size is: - equal to 16 bytes, which means 32 hexadecimal characters.
- equal to 32 bytes, which means 64 hexadecimal characters.
GetIdentifier | Calculates a unique identifier (integer) for an executable or for a session. |
GetUUID | Calculates a 128-bit Universal Unique Identifier ("UUID"). |
GetUUID256 | Calculates a 256-bit Universal unique identifier ("UUID"). |
HelpFile | Returns or modifies the name of the help file used by the context-sensitive help of a window. |
In64bitMode | Indicates whether the code is run in 64-bit mode or not. |
InAJAXMode | Specifies whether the code is run from: |
InAndroidEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Android emulator. |
InAndroidMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Android mode. |
InAndroidSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Android simulator. |
InAppleWatchEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch emulator. |
InAppleWatchMode | Indicates whether the code currently run is in Apple Watch mode. |
InAppleWatchSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch simulator. |
InApplicationTestMode | Determines if there is an application test in progress. |
InAutomaticTestMode | Used to find out whether an automatic test is currently run or not. |
InAWPMode | Used to determine if the page currently run is an Active WEBDEV Page. |
InBackgroundMode | Indicates whether the code is run when the application is in background. |
InComponentMode | Indicates whether the code is run:- from a WINDEV application, a WEBDEV site or a PHP page.
- from a component.
InDelayedProcedureMode | Indicates whether the code is run from a delayed procedure or from a scheduled task on the WEBDEV Application Server. |
InDeviceOwnerMode | Indicates whether the Android application is in "Device owner" mode. |
InFactoryMode | Indicates whether the code is run by an action plan of the software factory. |
InGuidedTourMode | Indicates if there is a Guided Tour in progress. |
IniOSEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS emulator (iPhone, iPad). |
IniOSMode | Indicates whether the code currently run is in iOS mode (iPhone, iPad). |
IniOSSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the iOS simulator (iPhone, iPad). |
INIRead | Reads the content of an INI file (or the content of a file structured like .INI files). |
InitRandom | Initializes the generator of random numbers. |
INIWrite | Writes a specific value into an INI file (or into a file structured like an.INI file). |
InJavaMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Java. |
InKioskMode | Indicates whether the Android application is in kiosk mode. |
InLinuxMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Linux mode or not. |
InMacCatalystMode | Indicates whether the application is running in Mac Catalyst mode (running an iPad application on a Mac). |
InPageWithinWindowMode | Indicates if the page is displayed in a WEBDEV Page control in a window. |
InPHPMode | Indicates whether the code is run in PHP. |
InPHPSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in PHP simulator mode. |
InPocketSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Pocket simulator. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InPrelaunchedSessionMode | Used to find out whether the site is started in "pre-launched session" mode of WEBDEV. |
InReportsAndQueriesMode | Indicates whether the code is run during the test of a report or query in Reports & Queries. |
InServiceMode | Indicates whether the code is run in a service. |
InSimulatorMode | Used to find out whether the application is started in "simulator test mode" from WINDEV Mobile. |
InStoredProcedureMode | Indicates whether the code is run on an HFSQL server. |
InSysNotificationMode | Used to determine if the application is launched from an interactive notification in "Windows 10". |
InTestMode | Indicates whether the application or the site is started:- from the WINDEV or WEBDEV editor,
- from the executable or browser.
- from the WEBDEV administrator.
InTSEMode | Indicates whether the code is run: - from a computer in TSE mode or from a remote desktop.
- from a computer directly.
InUMCMode | Indicates whether the code is run from a code written in a user macro-code. |
InUnitTestMode | Determines if there is a unit test in progress. |
InUniversalWindowsAppMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
InUniversalWindowsAppSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode. |
InUniversalWindowsPlatformMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App). Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InUniversalWindowsPlatformSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App). Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InVGAMode | Indicates whether the application is run in VGA mode on a mobile device. |
InWebMode | Indicates whether the current process is run:- from a WINDEV executable.
- from the WEBDEV runtime engine (AWP).
InWebserviceMode | Used to find out whether the execution is in progress in the AWWS engine. |
InWebSocketServerGlobalServiceMode | Indicates if the current code is being executed on the global service of the WebSocket server. |
InWebSocketServerMode | Indicates if the current code is being executed on the WebSocket server. |
InWidgetMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Android Widget mode. |
InWindowsMobileMode | Indicates whether the code is run:- from a Windows Mobile application.
- from a WINDEV application, from a WEBDEV site or from a PHP application.
Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Windows mode or not. |
InWindowsPhoneEmulatorMode | Indicates whether the test is run via the Windows Phone emulator. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsPhoneMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Phone mode. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsPhoneSimulatorMode | Indicates whether the code is run in the Windows Phone simulator. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsStoreAppMode | Indicates whether the code is run in Windows Store apps mode. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWindowsStoreAppSimulatorMode | Identifies whether or not the code is executed in the simulator for applications in Windows Store mode. Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWinRTMode | Indicates whether the code is run in WinRT mode (Windows Store apps). Function kept for backward compatibility. |
InWinRTSimulatorMode | Identifies whether or not the code is executed in the WinRT simulator (simulator for applications in Windows Store mode). Function kept for backward compatibility. |
IsNumeric | Enables you to find out whether a variable or a control is: - a numeric (integer, real, currency or numeric).
- a string that can be converted into numeric.
LargeFontFactor | Returns the current enlargement ratio of a WINDEV window (only if Windows is in "large fonts" mode). |
LoadProcedure | LoadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility. |
LoadWDL | Loads a library of WINDEV objects in memory (.WDL). |
NumHelp | Returns the number of the help context associated with the specified control. |
OpenDocument | Opens a document in a new (modeless) window using the appropriate WINDEV editor (word processor, spreadsheet, PDF reader or image editor). |
OpenDocumentAsynchronous | Opens a document using the appropriate editor |
ProfilerEnd | Stops "collecting data" for the performance profiler. |
ProfilerStart | Starts "collecting information" for the performance profiler. |
Random | Returns a random number. |
RandomCryptoBuffer | Returns a buffer to the specified size filled with random data, that can be used with the cryptographic technologies. |
RandomCryptoInteger | Returns a random number that can be used with the cryptographic technologies. |
RunReportsAndQueries | Starts Reports and Queries and opens the WINDEV project corresponding to the current application. |
SelectColor | Opens the standard window for color selection and selects the specified color. |
Sound | Plays a sound in WAV format. |
StyleDrawCaptionGrayed | Customizes how text is drawn in grayed out controls. |
ToolTipMargin | Modifies the margin of the text in the tooltips. |
Trace | Displays the requested information (content of a control, for example) in a window opened next to the current window. |
TraceBuild | Displays a customizable message in the trace window opened in parallel with the current window. |
TraceDeleteAll | Clears the content of trace window opened in parallel with the current window. |
TraceEnd | Closes the trace window if this window was opened or stops saving the trace information in a text file. |
TraceStart | Opens the trace window or saves the trace information in a text file. |
TrialVersion | Used to find out whether the current execution of the application is in "trial version" mode. |
TypeIsNullable | Determines whether an element is nullable. |
TypeVar | Identifies the type of an expression, a variable (during a call to a procedure for example) or a control. |
UnloadProcedure | UnloadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility. |
UnloadWDL | Frees the library that was loaded in memory by LoadWDL. |
VariableReset | Resets the variable to its initial value. |
VariantConvert | Converts the value stored in a Variant variable]. |
WHelp | Displays a file or a help page in HLP or CHM format. |
WINDEVVersion | Returns the version number of the wdxxxvm DLL. |
WLanguageCodeFormat | Applies formatting to WLanguage code: syntax highlighting, style standardization, indentation, translation, etc. |
WLanguageCodeGetCSSDeclarations | Returns a CSS style sheet corresponding to a WLanguage code theme. |