GenerateLorem (Function) In french: GénèreLorem Generates a random "Lorem ipsum" text to temporarily populate a control with text, for example. This text does not contain any accents.
New in version 2025
sCoverText is string = GenerateLorem(200)
EDT_cover = sCoverText
<Result> = GenerateLorem(<Number of words> [, <Seed>])
<Result>: Character string - Generated text.
- Empty string ("") if the number of words specified is 0.
<Number of words>: Integer Number of words to generate. If this number is 0, the text returned will be an empty string (""). <Seed>: Integer Used to change the generated text. For each value of this parameter, a unique text is generated. If this parameter is not specified, the generated text will be different each time the function is called. New in version 2025
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