Version: SaaS

Category: Duplicated properties
371 results
The AccountID property manages account identifiers.
The Accuracy property is used to handle the precision of an element.
The Action property is used to specify the action to be performed.
The AllowedAction property defines which actions are allowed or not allowed on an element.
The ActionClick property is used to define the procedure executed when an element is clicked.
The ActionLabel property is used to get and change the label of the notification's action button.
The ActionOutsideTarget defines the action performed when the user clicks a control other than the target control(s) of a step of a Guided Tour.
The ActionTarget defines the action performed when the user clicks the target control(s) of a step of a Guided Tour.
The AdditionalParameters property is used to specify additional parameters in the authentication string.
The Address keyword can correspond to...
The AdjustmentMode property determines and changes how a Spreadsheet control is adjusted for printing.
They After keyword can correspond to:
The Age keyword can correspond to...
The Alias property gets the alias of an element.
The Alignment property is used to align elements.
The AnimationDuration property sets the animation duration of the effect applied to the target control of a Guided Tour.
The Area property is used to define an area.
The Associated property determines if an element belongs to the base class or to an associated class.
The AssociatedValue property is used to get the value associated with the element.
The Attach property gets and changes the attachments of an email.
The Attachment property is used to manage attachments.
The Attribute property is used to manage attributes.
The AttributeMapping property gets the value of the <Mapping> extension attribute.
The AttributeNote property gets the value of the <Note> extension attribute.
The AttributeSerialize property gets the serialization name of the type according to its name and the <Serialize> extension attribute.
The Authentication property defines the authentication method required to access resources in a given server or website.
The Author property gets and changes the author of an element.
The AuthToken keyword can correspond to:
The URLAuth property gets and defines the authorization URL to be used (first URL of the OAuth 2.0 specification).
The AutomaticValidationTimeout property defines the time elapsed before the steps of a Guided Tour are automatically validated.
The "Background" keyword can correspond to:
The BackgroundColor property gets and sets the background color of an element.
The BackgroundImage property gets and sets the background image of an element.
The BackgroundPattern property is used to get and change the background pattern of an element.
The Bcc property gets and sets the list of Blind Carbon Copy recipients of an email.
The BitPerPixel property is used to get and change the number of bits per pixel in an image.
The Bookmark property is used to manage the bookmarks of a document.
The Border property is used to get and change the borders of an element.
The Border property defines the characteristics of the borders in a document.
The BorderColor property sets the tooltip border color of a step.
The BottomMargin property sets the bottom margin of an element.
The Buffer keyword can correspond to...
The Calendar keyword can correspond to...
The Caption property is used to get and change the text of an element.
The CaptionHTML property is used to manipulate text as HTML code.
The Category property gets and sets the category of an element.
The Cell property is used to manipulate one or more cells.
The Certificate keyword can correspond to...
The Client property is used to get the SaaS client account associated with:
The ClientCertificate property is used to manage client certificates.
The ClientCertificatePassword property sets the password of a client certificate.
The ClientID property gets the client ID defined when the application was declared or registered.
The ClientSecret property gets the client secret defined when the application was declared or registered.
The Color property gets and sets the color of an element.
The ColorFormat property defines the color format (color or grayscale).
The ColorLED property is used to set the color of the LED light when displaying notifications.
The Column property is used to manipulate one or more columns.
The Columns property allows access:
  • to the configuration of a table column in a Word Processing document (docTable variable).
  • to the configuration of a text column in a multicolumn document (docFormatMulticolumn variable).
The CommandLine keyword can correspond to...
The Comment property is used to manage comments.
The Company property is used to get and modify the company associated with an element.
The Compile keyword can correspond to:
  • the Compile function, which dynamically compiles a procedure whose source code is specified..
  • the <COMPILE IF> statement, which allows you to compile WLanguage code according to a condition (mainly used to compile code according to a platform or configuration type).
The CompressedSize property gets the size of a compressed element.
The Compression property gets and sets the data compression mode.
The ConfidenceLevel property gets the confidence level of a data analysis.
The Connection keyword can correspond to:
  • the Connection variable.
  • the Connection property used to get and change the connection currently associated with a data file.
    For more details, see Connection.
  • the Connection property of a hbScanParameter variable.
The ConnectionPoint property allows you to handle the connection points of a shape in a Diagram Editor control.
The ConnectionTimeout property sets the connection timeout.
The ContactID property is used to manage contact IDs.
The Content property gets and sets the content of an element.
Utilisation dans la classe docElément - Accès en Lecture - Type : docElémentChamp
The ContentType property is used to get and define the content of an element.
The ContentType property gets and sets the type of a message.
The Continent keyword can correspond to:
Count keyword can correspond to:
  • the Count function. This function returns the number of occurrences of a control in a window, page or group of controls.
  • The Count property, which returns a number of elements. This property can be used on:
    • the controls of a window or page. For more details, see Count.
    • a xmlNode variable.
    • a JSON variable.
The CriticalSection keyword can correspond to:
  • the CriticalSection function, which makes it possible to enable a named or on-variable critical section in the statement USING ... IN.
  • the CriticalSection variable, which makes it possible to define critical sections to limit the simultaneous execution of a code (procedure, line of code, etc.) to one thread at a given moment in an application.
The Database property is used to get and modify the database associated with a connection.
The DataDirectory keyword can correspond to...
The Date keyword can correspond to...
The DateCreated property gets the date an element was created.
The DateLastAccessed property gets the date the file was last accessed.
The DateModified property gets the date an element was modified.
The DayOfMonth property gets and sets the number of the day of the month on which the scheduled task should be executed.
The DayOfMonthOrDayOfWeek property is used to set the execution of a scheduled task by specifying the day number of the week or the day number of the month.
The DayOfWeek property gets and sets the day of the week in a schedule.
The Declaration property is used to define a type.
The Default property is used set default values.
The DefaultCell property sets the style of cells in XLS documents.
The Definition property is used to define a type.
The Description property is used to get and change the description of an element.
The DescriptionStatusCode property gets the status description of the response to the request.
The Destination property is used to define:
  • the destination of a backup.
  • the result file of the request.
The DisplayLED property manages LED notifications.
The ReadOnly property determines if an element is read-only.
The DispositionNotification property gets and sets the email read receipt request.
The Domain property is used to get and change domains.
The DownloadProgress property gets the download progress notification.
The Duration keyword can correspond to:
  • the keyword used to define a Duration variable.
  • the Duration property of a saasVisit variable.
The Effect property sets the effect that will be used to highlight the target control(s) of a Guided Tour step.
The Element property is used to manipulate elements in a Word Processing document.
The Email property is used to get and change an email address.
The Empty property is used to determine if an element is empty.
The Enabled property enables or disables an element.
The Encryption property gets and sets the encryption algorithm used.
END can correspond to:
  • the END keyword of WLanguage used to specify the end of a loop.
  • the End property, which can be used on EventTimeline variables.
The EndDate property gets and sets the end date of a time period.
Use in the docFragment class - Read + Write access - Type: Integer32
The EndTimestamp property sets the end date and time of an action.
The EndTour property is used to allow or prevent the user from ending the Guided Tour from the tooltip of a given step.
The Error keyword is used to manage the errors.
The Event keyword can correspond to:
The Exist property is used to determine if an element exists.
The Extra property manges additional information.
The File property is used to manage the files a functionality applies to.
The FileName property gets the name of a file (WDPic file or file generated for a print job).
The FilePath property gets the name of the file associated with a control.
The FileSize property gets the size of a file.
The FillCharacter property gets and sets the character used to fill an element.
The Filter keyword can correspond to:
  • the Filter function.
  • the Filter property.
The FirstName property can be used on:
The Font keyword can correspond to:
  • a Font variable.
  • the Font property.
The FontBold property defines bold style in a text.
The FontItalic property is used to apply or remove italic formatting on a text.
The FontName property gets and sets the font used.
The FontSize property is used to define the size of the font used for an element.
The FontStrikeOut property is used to determine if a text is struck through.
The FontUnderlined property is used to underline text.
The ForbiddenFunctions property gets and sets the list of functions that cannot be used in the Code Editor control, or with the Compile, ExecuteCode or EvaluateExpression functions.
The Format property is used to identify and change the format of an element
The Formatting property describes the formatting of an element.
The Formula property describes a formula in a document or data sheet.
The Fragment property is used to handle fragments.
The FreeDLL keyword can correspond to ...
The FullName property is used to get the full name of an element.
The Generator property is used to identify the program that generates an element.
The Geodesic property is used to indicate whether the drawing should follow the curvature of the Earth.
The Geometry keyword can correspond to:
The Global property determines if an element is global.
The GrantType property gets the grant types available.
The Group property is used to identify and change groups of elements.
The Grow property defines how much the halo grows around an element in a step of a Guided Tour.
The Guest property is used to get and modify a list of guests.
The Handle keyword gets and sets the handle of an element.
The HCheckMemo keyword can correspond to:
The Header property is used to get and change a header.
The HeaderVisible property allows you to get and set the visibility status of the row and column headers in the layout of an XLS document.
The Height property gets and sets the height of an element.
The HighlightColor property sets the highlight color of an element.
The Hole property is used to define the holes of a polygon.
The HorizontalAlignment property is used to get and change the horizontal alignment of a control or text.
The Hour keyword can correspond to:
  • the Time variable.
  • the Time property which is used to get and change the time of an element.
The HTML property is used to configure the use of HTML content.
The HTTPRequest keyword can correspond to...
The "Icon" keyword corresponds to the Icon type, or to the Icon property.
The Identifier property is used to get and change the identifier of an element.
The IDToken property gets the token associated with an authentication.
The IgnoreError property is used to specify errors to be ignored.
The Image keyword can correspond to:
  • an Image variable.
  • a property used to get and change the image of an element.
The Importance property is used to get and change the importance level of an appointment.
The IndentFirstLine property gets and sets the indent of the first line of an element.
The Index property is used to get the index of an element.
The Inherited property determines if an element is inherited.
The Initialization property is used to handle the initialization of certain processes.
The InitialValue property is used to get and/or change an initial value.
The InstantMessaging keyword can correspond to:
The InternalPage property sets the name of the internal page to be used.
The InternalWindow property sets the name of the internal window to be used.
The Issuer property gets and sets the issuer of a certificate or authentication.
The Key property is used to manipulate keys:
The KeyFileType property defines the type of encoding used for a key file.
The Keyword property is used to get and change a keyword.
The Label property is used to get and define the label of an element.
The Language property gets and sets the language used.
The LargeIcon property is used to define the large icon used in notifications
The LatestDateCovered property is used to get the date of the last selected record. This property can be used on:
The Latitude property gets and sets the latitude of an element.
The LeadID property is used to manage lead IDs.
The LeftIndent property gets and sets the left indent of an element.
The LeftMargin property sets the left margin of an element.
The Level property is used to get and change the numbering level.
The Line property is used to define the line style used.
The LineColor property is used to define the line color of a shape.
The Interline property is used to set the line spacing of an element.
The LineSpacingType property gets and sets the type of line spacing used.
The Linestring property is used to define the different linestrings that constitute a MultiLinestring.
The Link property is used to get and change the link of an element.
The Login property is used to get and change the username.
The Longitude property gets and sets the longitude of an element.
The Major property is used to get and change the Major number of a Beacon.
The Margin property sets the margins around text, for example.
The Markdown property is used to enable or disable Markdown formatting:
  • in a control in a window.
  • in a Static control in a report.
  • in the controls of the internal window (title and description) used as a step of the Guided Tour.
The MaxSize property is used to get and set a maximum size.
The Message keyword can correspond to:
  • the Message function.
  • the Message property, which is used to get and change the help message of a control or menu option in a window.
  • the Message property available for:
    • a SFError variable.
    • the email structure.
    • an Email variable.
    • a Notification variable.
The MessageID property is used to get and change an email ID.
The Method property specifies the HTTP method used.
The MIMEType property is used to get and change the MIME type of an element.
The MinimumLength property gets and sets the minimum length of an element.
The Minor property is used to get and change the Minor number of a Beacon.
The Minute property is used to get and change the minutes of an element.
The Mode property describes:
  • the minimum number of nodes that must acknowledge a write operation before it is considered as successful (mongoWriteConcern variable).
  • the management mode of multicolumn sections (docFormatMulticolumn variable).
  • how the tooltip of a step of a guided tour is displayed.
The Modified property lets you know if an element has been modified.
The Monochrome property determines whether an image should be used in monochrome mode.
The Month property is used to get and change the month of an element.
The Movable property is used to define if an element can be moved.
The Move property determines if an element can be moved.
The Multiline property determines if an element supports multiline text.
The Name property is used to get the name of an element.
The Namespace property is used to manage namespaces.
The NamespaceDeclared property manages defined namespaces.
The Nation keyword can correspond to...
The NbState property gets and sets the number of states of an image.
The NextApproverID property is used to manage the users that will perform the next action.
The NextStep property defines whether or not the user can go to the next step of a Guided Tour.
The Note property is used to get and change a text associated with an element.
The Notification keyword can correspond to:
The "Null" keyword can correspond to:
The Number property is used to get the number of an element.
The NumberColumn property gets and sets the number of columns of an element.
The NumberExecution property gets and sets the number of executions of a task.
The Numbering property is used to describe the numbering of an element.
The Opacity property is used to get and change the opacity of an element.
The Opening keyword...
The Option property is used to get and change certain options.
The Order property gets and sets the order of a list of elements.
The Orientation property gets and sets the angle of an element.
The Orientation property gets and sets the orientation of an element.
The Outside property is used to know if an email was read correctly on the server.
The Page property is used to handle a page.
The PageFooter property gets and sets the height of a page footer.
The PageHeight property gets and sets the height of a page.
The PageLayout property sets the layout characteristics of a document.
The PageNumber property gets and sets a page number.
The PageWidth property gets and sets the width of a page.
The Palette keyword can correspond to:
The Paragraph property is used to manipulate paragraphs in a Word Processing document.
The Parameter property is used to get and change certain parameters.
The Parent property gets the parent element of an element.
The Password property sets and changes the password.
The Path property gets and sets a path.
The Permission keyword is used to get and change permissions.
The PhoneNumber property is used to get and change a phone number.
The PlainText property is used to get and modify the raw text of an email.
The Point keyword is used to manage a point...
The Polygon keyword can correspond to...
The Port property gets and sets the server connection port.
The Position keyword can correspond to...
The Prefix property is used to define prefixes.
The PreviousStep property defines whether or not the user can go to the previous step of a Guided Tour.
The Price property is used to manage the price of an element.
The Primary property can be used:
The Priority property is used to get and change the priority level of an element.
The PrivateKey property manages connections that use private keys (SSH or MQTT connections).
The PrivateKeyPassword property sets the key file password (for a private key connection).
The Procedure property can be used...
The ProcedureTrace property allows you to specify the name of the WLanguage procedure used to get the headers and data sent.
The Progress property returns the task progress status.
The ProgressBar property is used to identify and change the Progress Bar control used when calculating a Pivot Table control (PVTCalculateAll and PVTCalculateUpdate functions).
WLanguage proposes...
The ID property is used to get and change IDs.
The Y property gets and sets the Y-coordinate of an element.
The X property gets and sets the X-coordinate of an element.
The Cc property gets and sets the list of Carbon Copy recipients of an email.
The Property property is used to get and change the properties of an element.
The Protocol property is used to identify and change the protocol used.
The PublicationDate property gets the date an element was last accessed.
The Quality property gets and sets the quality level of an element.
The keyword "Query" is used to describe:
The ReceiveDate property is used to get an email received date.
The Recipient property is used to get and change the list of recipients of an email.
The RedirectionURL property gets the URL used for the result redirection.
The Reference property is used to:
  • get and change the unique identifier of one or more reference emails linked to the current conversation.
  • find out and modify the element to sign.
The Region property is used to get and change a region.
The Reminder keyword can correspond to...
The Remove property determines if an element can be removed.
The Repetition property is used to configure appointment repetitions.
The Replication property is used to identify and change the replication mode.
The Resource property is used to manage the resource associated with an appointment.
The ResponseRawContent property determines if the Content property of the variable should correspond to the raw content.
The ReturnedValue property is used to handle the return value.
The ReturnReceipt property gets and changes the email delivery receipt request.
The RightIndent property gets and sets the right indent of an element.
The RightMargin property sets the right margin of an element.
The RightToLeft property gets and changes the writing direction of an element...
The RootNode property gets the root nodes of an HTML or XML document.
The RoughHeader property gets the header returned with the response.
The Round keyword can correspond to...
The Row property is used to manipulate one or more rows.
The SandboxMode property determines if the sandbox mode is used.
The Scheduling property is used to get and change planning options.
The Scope property property is used to specify requested permissions.
The SecondaryMessage property is used to get and change the secondary message displayed below the primary message of the notification.
The Section property is used to manage sections in Word Processing documents.
The SelectedCipher property gets the name of the cipher used.
Utilisation dans la classe pdfOptionChamp - Accès en Lecture + Ecriture - Type : Booléen
The Sender property is used to get and change the sender's email address.
The SenderAddress property allows you to get and change the sender address of an email.
The Sensitivity property gets and sets the sensitivity level of an email.
The Separator property is used to manage separators.
The SerialNumber property is used to manage serial numbers.
The Server property is used to manage servers.
The ServerAddress property gets and sets the server address.
The Service property is used to get and change permissions.
The Shadow property enables or disables the shadow of a shape in a diagram.
The Shape property allows you to handle the different shapes of an element.
The Site property is used to get the SaaS site associated with:
The Size property is used to determine and change the size of an element.
The Sound keyword can correspond to:
  • the Sound function, which is used to play Wav audio files.
  • the Sound property.
The Source property is used to get and change the source of an element.
The Start property gets the starting point of an element or event.
The StartDate property gets and sets the start date of a time period.
The StartPosition property gets the starting position of an element in a Word Processing document.
The StartTimestamp property sets the start date and time of an action.
The State property is used to get and change the state of an element.
The StatusCode property gets the status of the response to the request.
The StoredValue property gets and sets the stored value of an element.
The Style property is used to:
  • retrieve or assign the entire style of a control (including the overrides).
  • find out the style characteristics of an element in a Word Processing document.
The StyleID property is used to get and change the identifier of the style associated with an element.
The SubCaption property gets and sets the secondary caption of:
  • an option in a Radio Button or Check Box control.
  • an element of a TreeMap control.
  • a QuickAction variable.
The Subject property is used to get and change the subject of an element.
The Success property indicates whether the operation was successful.
The "Table" keyword can correspond to...
The Termination property defines the WLanguage procedure executed when the user goes to the next or previous step, or at the end of a Guided Tour.
The Text property is used to get and modify text.
The TextColor property sets the text color of an element.
The Thickness property is used to get and change the thickness of an element.
The Thumbnail property can be used on:
The Timeout property is used to get and change the maximum wait time before a request times out.
The Timestamp property is used to manage the timestamp of values.
The TimeUTC property gets and sets a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The TimeZone property is used to set the time zone.
The Title property is used to get and change the title of an element.
The Token keyword can correspond to...
The TokenURL property gets and sets the URL for retrieving an access token.
The ToolTip property gets and changes the tooltip text.
The TopMargin property sets the top margin of an element.
The Type property gets and sets the type of an element.
The UnderlineColor property sets the color used to underline an element.
The Unicode property gets and sets the Unicode format of an element.
The Update property specifies the updates to be made.
The UpdateDate property gets the update date of an element.
The UploadProgress property gets the progress status of the POST request.
The URI keyword can correspond to...
The URL property is used to get and change a URL.
The User property is used to identify and change the user of a feature.
The UserAgent property identifies the client of an HTTP/HTTPS request.
The UserID property is used to get the user's identifier.
The UserPassword property is used to manage the user password required in an authentication process.
The UUID keyword can correspond to:
  • the UUID variable type.
  • the UUID property.
The Valid property is used to determine if an element is valid.
The Value property is used to get and change the value of an element.
The Version property is used to get and change the version of an element.
The HTTPVersion property is used to manage the HTTP version used by the server.
The VerticalAlign property is used align elements vertically.
The VerticalAlignment property is used to get and change the vertical alignment of a control or text.
The Vibration property is used to manage notification vibrations.
The Virtual property determines if an element is virtual.
The Visible property sets the visibility of an element.
The WayPoint property allows you to handle the waypoints of a connector.
The Weight property gets and sets the weight of an element.
The WholeDay property sets an event for an entire day.
The Width property is used to determine and change the width of an element.
The WithRepetition property is used to determine if an appointment should be repeated.
The WorksheetName property is used to get and change the name of a worksheet in an XLS document.
The Wrapping property gets and sets the wrapping options of an element.
The XMLSource property is used to get the XML source code.
The XPercent property gets and sets the X-coordinate of a point, expressed as a percentage.
The YPercent property gets and sets the Y-coordinate of a point, expressed as a percentage.
The Zoom property gets and sets the zoom to be applied to an element.
The ZOrder property gets and sets the Z-order of an element.