- Properties specific to xmlSignature variables
xmlSignature (Variable type) In french: xmlSignature
The xmlSignature type is used to define the advanced characteristics of an XML signature. You can define and change the characteristics of this signature using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MaSignature is xmlSignature
MaSignature.NormalizationAlgorithm = atC14NExclusiveWithComments
MaSignature.SignatureAlgorithm = saRSA_SHA_160
MaSignature.Key = MonCertificat
Add(MaSignature.Reference, maRéférence)
MaSignature.KeyInformation[1] = informationCléX509
MaRequête is wsRequest
MaSecurity is Security
id is string = DonneGUID(guidFormatted)
id = "_" + Middle(id, 2, Length(id) - 2)
cMaSignature is xmlSignature
cMaSignature.NormalizationAlgorithm = atC14NExclusive
cMaSignature.SignatureAlgorithm = saRSA_SHA_256
cMaSignature.Key = fExeDir + fSep + "macle.p12"
cMaSignature.KeyPassword = "password"
cMaSignature.KeyFileType = tfcPKCS12
cMaSignature.Reference[1].AlgorithmeHash = HA_SHA_256
cMaSignature.Reference[1].URI = "#" + id
cMaSignature.Reference[1].Transformation[1] = atEnveloped
cMaSignature.Reference[1].Transformation[2] = atC14NExclusive
x509 is xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509
x509.WithCertificate = True
cMaSignature.KeyInformation[1] = x509
dhDateHeureCourante is DateTime
MaSecurity.Assertion:ID = id
MaSecurity.Assertion:IssueInstant = dhDateHeureCourante
MaSecurity.Assertion:Version = "2.0"
MaSecurity.Assertion.Issuer = "test"
MaSecurity.Assertion.Issuer:Format = ...
SOAPAddXMLSignature(MaRequête, MaSecurity.Assertion.Signature, cMaSignature)
Properties Properties specific to xmlSignature variables The following properties can be used to handle xmlSignature variables: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
AlgorithmNormalization | Integer constant | Method for standardizing the XML (C14N): - atAucune: no standardization method.
- atC14N11Inclusive: C14N11 inclusive standardization method.
- atC14N11IncludedWithComment: C14N11 inclusive standardization method with comments.
- atC14NExclu: Exclusive C14N standardization method.
- atC14NExcluAvecComment: Exclusive C14N standardization method with comments.
- atC14NInclusive: C14N inclusive standardization method.
- atC14NIncludedWithComment: C14N inclusive standardization method with comments.
| AlgorithmSignature | Integer constant | Method used for the signature: - asDSA_SHA_160: DSA encryption algorithm and SHA 160 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_224: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 224 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_256: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 256 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_384: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 384 hash algorithm.
- asECDSA_SHA_512: ECDSA encryption algorithm and SHA 512 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_160: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 160 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_256: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 256 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_384: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 384 hash algorithm.
- asRSA_SHA_512: RSA encryption algorithm and SHA 512 hash algorithm.
| Key | | Certificate or key file used for the signature. If this property corresponds to a file, the KeyFileType property must be specified. | KeyFileType | Integer constant | If the Key property corresponds to a file, the KeyFileType property is used to define the type of file encoding: - tfcBinary: binary encoding.
- tfcDER: DER (Distinguished Encoding Rule) encoding.
- tfcPEM: PEM-type encoding.
- tfcPKCS12: PKCS12-type encoding.
- tfcPKCS8DER: PKCS8 DER encoding.
- tfcPKCS8PEM: PKCS8 PEM encoding.
| KeyInformation | Array of xmlSignatureInformationKeyX509 variables | Used to specify information about the key used. | KeyPassword | Character string | Password used to decrypt the private key. | Reference | Array of xmlSignatureReference | Elements to sign. |
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