HCheckMemo (Function) In french: HVérifieMémo Checks the structural integrity of memos in an HFSQL data file. IF HCheckMemo(Customer, PROGBAR_ProgBar1) <> "" THEN Info("Memo corrupted") END
<Result> = HCheckMemo(<File name> [, <Progress Bar>])
<Result>: Character string - Empty string ("") if there is no problem.
- In case of problem, string in the following format:
<Item 1> + TAB + <Record number 1> + CR + ... <Item N> + TAB + <Record number N> where: - <Item X> is the memo item,
- <Record number> is the number of the record containing the Memo item.
<File name>: Character string Name of the HFSQL data file to check. <Progress Bar>: Optional window or control name - Name of the window in which the progress bar will be displayed.
- Name of the Progress Bar control.
Remarks - The list of free blocks is checked in HFSQL Client/Server only.
- HCheckMemo is faster than HIndex with the hCheckMemo constant..
- If a problem is detected, you can use HIndex with the hCheckMemo constant.
- Starting with version 27, memo verification is better and more comprehensive, which can lead to longer processing times.
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