| |
GalleryClosePopup | Closes the automatic zoom popup for the image gallery. |
GalleryDisplayPopup | Displays the automatic zoom popup for the Image Gallery control. |
GalleryPopupDisplayed | Indicates whether the automatic zoom popup of the Image Gallery control is displayed. |
LooperAdd | Adds a row at the end of a Looper control. |
| Adds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position. |
LooperAddInProgress | Gets or sets the display mode of the internal loading window used when additional elements are loaded in an Infinite Looper control. |
LooperAddIP | Adds a row as an internal page at the end of a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperAddIW | Adds a row as an internal window at the end of a Looper control populated programmatically. |
| Adds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position. |
LooperAddLine | Adds a row at the end of a Looper control. |
LooperBreakIndex | Returns the index of the break header and footer for a given break in a Looper control. |
LooperCancelSwipe | Cancels the display of the internal window displayed in a Looper control further to the row swipe. |
LooperCollapse | Collapses a break that was expanded beforehand in a Looper control. |
LooperCollapseAll | Collapses all expanded breaks in a Looper control. |
LooperCollapseExpand | On a given row of a Looper control: - collapses a break (if it is expanded),
- expands a break (if it is collapsed).
LooperCount | Returns the number of rows in a Looper control. |
LooperDelete | Deletes a row from a Looper control. |
LooperDeleteAll | Deletes all rows from a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperDeleteSelect | Deletes the selected rows from a Looper control. |
LooperDisplay | Refreshes a browsing looper from a given position: the modifications performed in the linked file are taken into account in the looper. |
LooperEndFilling | Ends the process to populate a Looper control programmatically. |
LooperExpand | Expands a break in the Looper control on a given row. |
LooperExpandAll | Expands all breaks in a Looper control with break. |
LooperInfoXY | Used to find out the row or control located at specific position in the Looper control (X, Y). |
LooperInsert | Inserts a row into a Looper control. |
LooperInsertIP | Inserts a row as an internal page into a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperInsertIW | Inserts a row as an internal window into a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperInsertLine | Inserts a row into a Looper control. |
LooperModify | Changes the values of the attributes in a row of a Looper control. |
LooperModifyIP | Modifies a row corresponding to an internal page in a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperModifyIW | Modifies a row corresponding to an internal window in a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperModifyLine | Changes the values of the attributes in a row of a Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically. |
LooperMoveLine | Moves a row or swaps two rows in a Looper control. |
LooperPosition | Moves the scrollbar to display a specific row or returns the index of the first row displayed in a Looper control populated programmatically. |
LooperRecNum | Returns the number of the current record in a Looper control based on a data file. |
LooperRefreshVisible | Changes or returns the visibility status of the refresh bar in a Looper control. |
LooperRestorePositionAndSelection | Restores the scrollbar position in a Looper control as well as the selected elements. |
LooperSave | Validates the modification or addition of the record associated with the current row in the Looper control. |
LooperSavePositionAndSelection | Saves:- the position of the scrollbar in a Looper control,
- the selected element(s).
These elements can be restored by LooperRestorePositionAndSelection. |
LooperSearch | Searches for a value in an attribute of a Looper control. |
LooperSearchEverywhere | Searches for a value in all the attributes of a Looper control. |
LooperSelect | Returns the index of the selected element in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectCount | Returns the number of selected rows in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectMinus | Deselects a row in a Looper control. |
LooperSelectPlus | Selects a row in a Looper control. |
LooperSort | Allows you to:- Sort a Looper control according to one or more attributes.
- Sort a Looper control on all its attributes.
- Cancel a sort that was performed beforehand (which means ignore the sort).
LooperStartFilling | Starts the process to populate a Looper control programmatically. |
LooperToExcel | Creates an Excel file with data from a RepeatString field (RepeatString field file or RepeatString field memory). |
LooperToWord | Creates a Word file (.RTF) using the data from a Looper control. |
LooperToXML | Creates an XML file with data from a Looper control (Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically). |