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Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Looper control functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage Looper controls:
GalleryClosePopupCloses the automatic zoom popup for the image gallery.
GalleryDisplayPopupDisplays the automatic zoom popup for the Image Gallery control.
GalleryPopupDisplayedIndicates whether the automatic zoom popup of the Image Gallery control is displayed.
LooperAddAdds a row at the end of a Looper control.
New in version 2025
Adds a row at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
LooperAddInProgressGets or sets the display mode of the internal loading window used when additional elements are loaded in an Infinite Looper control.
LooperAddIPAdds a row as an internal page at the end of a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperAddIWAdds a row as an internal window at the end of a Looper control populated programmatically.
New in version 2025
Adds a row consisting of an internal window at the beginning of an Infinite Looper control. The row is inserted before the first row in the Looper control. The scrollbar of the Looper control remains at the same position.
LooperAddLineAdds a row at the end of a Looper control.
LooperBreakIndexReturns the index of the break header and footer for a given break in a Looper control.
LooperCancelSwipeCancels the display of the internal window displayed in a Looper control further to the row swipe.
LooperCollapseCollapses a break that was expanded beforehand in a Looper control.
LooperCollapseAllCollapses all expanded breaks in a Looper control.
LooperCollapseExpandOn a given row of a Looper control:
  • collapses a break (if it is expanded),
  • expands a break (if it is collapsed).
LooperCountReturns the number of rows in a Looper control.
LooperDeleteDeletes a row from a Looper control.
LooperDeleteAllDeletes all rows from a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperDeleteSelectDeletes the selected rows from a Looper control.
LooperDisplayRefreshes a browsing looper from a given position: the modifications performed in the linked file are taken into account in the looper.
LooperEndFillingEnds the process to populate a Looper control programmatically.
LooperExpandExpands a break in the Looper control on a given row.
LooperExpandAllExpands all breaks in a Looper control with break.
LooperInfoXYUsed to find out the row or control located at specific position in the Looper control (X, Y).
LooperInsertInserts a row into a Looper control.
LooperInsertIPInserts a row as an internal page into a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperInsertIWInserts a row as an internal window into a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperInsertLineInserts a row into a Looper control.
LooperModifyChanges the values of the attributes in a row of a Looper control.
LooperModifyIPModifies a row corresponding to an internal page in a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperModifyIWModifies a row corresponding to an internal window in a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperModifyLineChanges the values of the attributes in a row of a Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically.
LooperMoveLineMoves a row or swaps two rows in a Looper control.
LooperPositionMoves the scrollbar to display a specific row or returns the index of the first row displayed in a Looper control populated programmatically.
LooperRecNumReturns the number of the current record in a Looper control based on a data file.
LooperRefreshVisibleChanges or returns the visibility status of the refresh bar in a Looper control.
LooperRestorePositionAndSelectionRestores the scrollbar position in a Looper control as well as the selected elements.
LooperSaveValidates the modification or addition of the record associated with the current row in the Looper control.
  • the position of the scrollbar in a Looper control,
  • the selected element(s).
These elements can be restored by LooperRestorePositionAndSelection.
LooperSearchSearches for a value in an attribute of a Looper control.
LooperSearchEverywhereSearches for a value in all the attributes of a Looper control.
LooperSelectReturns the index of the selected element in a Looper control.
LooperSelectCountReturns the number of selected rows in a Looper control.
LooperSelectMinusDeselects a row in a Looper control.
LooperSelectPlusSelects a row in a Looper control.
LooperSortAllows you to:
  • Sort a Looper control according to one or more attributes.
  • Sort a Looper control on all its attributes.
  • Cancel a sort that was performed beforehand (which means ignore the sort).
LooperStartFillingStarts the process to populate a Looper control programmatically.
LooperToExcelCreates an Excel file with data from a RepeatString field (RepeatString field file or RepeatString field memory).
LooperToWordCreates a Word file (.RTF) using the data from a Looper control.
LooperToXMLCreates an XML file with data from a Looper control (Looper control based on a data file or populated programmatically).
Related Examples:
The Looper control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Looper control
[ + ] Using the Looper control.
You have the ability to add a row with LooperAddLine.
The following syntax is used to retrieve the existing values:
WD Managing Contacts Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Managing Contacts
[ + ] This example presents the management of contacts in WINDEV.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the loopers
2/ the label reports
3/ the queries
4/ sending emails
5/ using Outlook
6/ handling the data found on a mobile device.
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example is used to manage the contacts and to send emails.
It also enables you to synchronize these contacts with the ones found on the mobile device connected to the PC and with the ones found in Outlook.
The Camera functions Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Camera functions
[ + ] Using the WLanguage "Camera" functions to start the native video camera application of the device in order to record a video or to take a photo.
WM Attendance Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Attendance
[ + ] This application is an attendance manager. It allows you to list the persons who attended a meeting.
The database is filled beforehand with the list of registered persons.
You have the ability to find a person by using his/her name.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ using a browsing looper based on a query
2/ using a database in HFSQL format.
WW_Rewali Complete examples (WEBDEV): WW_Rewali
[ + ] This example is a site for travel booking.

It proposes travels at very attractive prices.
You have the ability to choose the travel duration, the start dates, then validate the purchase until the payment via Paypal.

It is using the "scrolling banner" control and the planes.
webmillion Complete examples (WEBDEV): webmillion
[ + ] The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ Using queries
2/ Using "browsing" loopers in automatic browse
3/ Using "browsing" loopers in manual browse

Summary of the example supplied with WEBDEV:
This Web application, powered by WEBDEV, is used to display, find and order tee-shirts.
Once the order is placed, you have the ability to use the PayBox module for secure payment.

This example contains a page used to generate a data file containing an important number of records.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/23/2024

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