Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Looper functions
  • Use conditions
  • Deletion in a Looper control based on a data file
  • Referential integrity and Looper control based on a data file
  • Deletion in a Looper control based on a data file and Trigger
  • Handling errors
  • Locking the linked data file
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Stored procedures
LooperDeleteSelect (Function)
In french: ZoneRépétéeSupprimeSelect
Deletes the selected rows from a Looper control.
// Deletes all selected rows
IF YesNo("Do you really want to delete the selected customers?") THEN
LooperDeleteSelect(<Looper control>)
<Looper control>: Control name
Name of the Looper control to be used.
If this parameter is equal to an empty string (""), the deletion will be performed in the current Looper control.

Use conditions

LooperDeleteSelect can be used on:
  • a Looper control based on a data file,
  • a Looper control populated programmatically.

Deletion in a Looper control based on a data file

LooperDeleteSelect deletes the corresponding records from the data file associated with the control. If items are linked to other data files, no modification is automatically performed on these linked data files.

Referential integrity and Looper control based on a data file

If the management of referential integrity is enabled (HSetIntegrity), HErrorIntegrity must be called after LooperDeleteSelect to check the integrity. If an integrity error is detected, the row is not deleted and it remains visible in the control.

Deletion in a Looper control based on a data file and Trigger

A trigger can be activated when deleting a record from a Looper control based on a data file. For more details, see the documentation about HDescribeTrigger.

Handling errors

The ErrorOccurred variable is set to True if the deletion fails. To get the details of the error, use ErrorInfo.

Locking the linked data file

If the data file is locked in the current process, LooperDeleteSelect deletes the specified row and unlocks the data file.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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