- Use conditions
- Positioning on the last row of the Table or TreeView Table control
- Equivalence with the TableSelectPlus function
- Special case: Table field with rebound elevator
- "Select a row" event
- Selection at cell level
- Table control based on a data file containing more than 10 000 rows
- Row selector
TableSelectPlus (Function) In french: TableSelectPlus Selects a row in a Table or TreeView Table control. The selected row corresponds to the current row on which the selection bar is displayed.
TableSelectPlus(TABLE_TableProduit, 5)
TableSelectPlus(TABLE_TableProduit, 5, 7)
TableSelectPlus(<Table control> [, <Index 1> [... [, <Index N>]]])
<Table control>: Control name Name of the control to be used. This control can correspond to: - a Table control.
- a TreeView Table control.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control to which the current process belongs will be used. <Index 1>: Optional integer Index of the first row to select. If <Index 1> and <Index N> are not specified, all the rows in the control are selected. TableSelectPlus has no effect if <Index 1> and <Index N> correspond to rows that are already selected. You can get the index of a selected row with TableSelect. If this parameter corresponds to -1, the "current" row (the one with focus) is selected.
<Index N>: Optional integer Index of the Nth row to select. If <Index 1> and <Index N> are not specified, all the rows in the specified control are selected. TableSelectPlus has no effect if <Index 1> and <Index N> correspond to rows that are already selected. You can get the index of a selected row with TableSelect.
Remarks Use conditions TableSelectPlus can be used on: - Table or TreeView Table controls based on a data file.
- Table or TreeView Table controls populated programmatically.
- single-selection or multi-selection controls.
Positioning on the last row of the Table or TreeView Table control To position on the last row of a Table or TreeView Table control, use one of the following syntaxes: - TableSelectPlus function:
TableSelectPlus(<Champ Table>, <Champ Table>.Occurrence) - Property Count:
<Champ Table> = <Champ Table>.Occurrence - Function TableCount:
<Champ Table> = TableOccurrence(<Champ Table>)
Equivalence with the TableSelectPlus function For a single-selection Table or TreeView Table control (without stored item), the two following syntaxes are equivalent:
TableSelectPlus(<Champ Table>, <Indice>)
<Champ Table> = <Indice> Special case: Table field with rebound elevator Selecting a non-visible row in the Table control does not give focus to the selected row. Note: We recommend using a Table field with a proportional scrollbar.. "Select a row" event The "Select a row" event is not run when TableSelectPlus is called. Table control based on a data file containing more than 10 000 rows In a Table control based on a data file containing more than 10 000 rows, for performance reasons, the positioning in the Table control is approximate. For an exact positioning, you must: - Perform a search with HReadSeek.
- Call TableDisplay with the taCurrentSelection constant.
Row selector When the style of the Table control contains a row selector, the arrow on the left is positioned on: - the last selected row when the multiple selection is performed with the mouse or with the keyboard,
- the row to which "focus" is gien by assigning the Table control. For example:
TABLE_ListeClients = 3
TableSelectPlus(TABLE_ListeClients, 3, 4, 5)
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