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Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Functions for managing TreeView Table controls (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage TreeView Table controls:
TableAddAdds a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a Combo Box control "with table" (Table control displayed in a Combo Box control).
TableAddChildAdds a row into a TreeView Table control, at the end of a given hierarchy level.
TableAddLineAdds a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableAdjustAdjusts the title and size of columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableChildCountReturns the number of direct children for an element in a TreeView Table control.
  • a branch that was previously expanded in a TreeView Table control.
  • a break that was previously expanded in a Table control.
  • a detailed window displayed for a row.
  • the entire hierarchy (all nodes) of a TreeView Table control.
  • all breaks of a Table control.
TableColumnIndexReturns the index of a column in a Table or Treeview Table control.
  • the number of columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
  • the number of rows found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableDeleteDeletes a row from:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a table displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableDeleteAllDeletes all rows from:
  • a Table control populated programmatically,
  • a TreeView Table control populated programmatically,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableDeleteChildDeletes all child rows from a branch of the hierarchy.
TableDeleteSelectDeletes the selected rows from a Table or Treeview Table control.
TableDisplayRefreshes a Table or TeeeView Table control from a given position:
  • for a field linked to a file: changes made to the linked data file are reflected in the field..
  • for a programmatically manipulated field: calculated columns are re-calculated.
TableEnumColumnReturns the name of a column found in a Table or Treeview Table control.
  • the entire hierarchy (all nodes) of a TreeView Table control.
  • all breaks of a Table control.
TableFilteredColumnReturns the list of columns filtered by the user in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableFixColumnFixes a column to the left or frees a column fixed to the left.
TableGiveChildReturns the "children" of an element (next level down) in a TreeView Table control.
TableGiveParentReturns the "parent" of an element (next level up) in a TreeView Table control.
TableInfoXYReturns for a given position in a Table or TreeView Table control (coordinates of a control point):
  • the name of the column displayed for the specified position.
  • the index of the row or column for the specified position.
TableInputInProgressIndicates whether or not a Table or TreeView Table control is in edit mode.
TableInsertInserts a row into:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableInsertChildInserts a row into a TreeView Table control, in a given hierarchy level.
TableInsertLineInserts a row into:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableItemStatusReturns the state of a TreeView Table control node: rolled up, unrolled or non-existent..
TableListChildLists the "children" of a node and the "child" elements of these "children" in a TreeView Table control.
TableModifyModifies a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableModifyLineModifies a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableMoveBranchMoves the content of a row as well as its entire descending tree structure in a TreeView Table control.
TableMoveColumnMoves a column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TablePositionDisplays a Table or TreeView Table control from a specified row or returns the index of the first row displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableRefreshVisibleModifies or returns the visibility status of refresh bar in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableRestorePositionAndSelectionRestores the scrollbar position in a Table or TreeView Table control as well as the selected elements.
  • the scrollbar position in a Table or TreeView Table control,
  • the elements selected in the control.
TableSearchChildSearches for a value in a column of a TreeView Table control, in a specified branch.
TableSelectReturns the index of the selected element in the Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSelectCountReturns the number of selected elements in a Table or TreeView Table control (especially multi-selection controls).
TableSelectMinusDeselects a row from a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSelectPlusSelects a row in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSortChildSorts a branch in a TreeView Table control on one or more columns.
TableSwapBranchSwaps the content of two rows (as well as their respective tree structure) in a TreeView Table control.
  • two rows in a Table control populated programmatically.
  • two branches in a Treeview Table control populated programmatically.
TableToClipboardCopies the content of a Table or TreeView Table control to the clipboard.
TableToExcelCreates an Excel file with the data from a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToTextCreates a character string from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToWordCreates a Word file (.RTF) from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToXMLCreates an XML file from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableTypeItemChecks the existence of an element in a TreeView Table and returns its type (node or leaf) if the element exists.
Related Examples:
The TreeView Table control Unit examples (WINDEV): The TreeView Table control
[ + ] Using the "TreeView Table" control.
This control is used to organize the data found in a table in tree structure.
The user has the ability to see only the informations he is interesting it.
This example explains how to fill a treeview table, insert data, add child elements...
Drag and drop Unit examples (WINDEV): Drag and drop
[ + ] Using Drag & Drop with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to manage Drag&Drop between WINDEV controls
2/ How to manage Drag&Drop from the Windows file explorer to a WINDEV control
Drag & Drop is used to move objects via the mouse. "Drag" consists in clicking an object and moving the mouse while keeping the left button down. "Drop" consists in releasing the left mouse button.
Drag & Drop can be used with WINDEV on the List Box, TreeView, Table and Image controls.
The Table/TreeView Table control (Progress Bar columns) Unit examples (WINDEV): The Table/TreeView Table control (Progress Bar columns)
[ + ] Using a Progress Bar column as well as the ..TextProgressBar property in a Table or TreeView Table control
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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