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Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Functions for managing Table controls (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to manage Table controls:
BuildBrowsingTableCreates a Table control from the items of a data file (view or query).
FileToMemoryTablePopulates a Table control programmatically with the records from a data file, HFSQL view or query (query created in the query editor or with HExecuteSQLQuery).
JSONToTablePopulates a Table or TreeView Table control with the contents of a JSON string or variable.
TableAddAdds a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a Combo Box control "with table" (Table control displayed in a Combo Box control).
New in version 2025
Adds a row at the top of an Infinite Table control. The row is inserted before the first row of the Table control. The scroll position of the Table control doesn't change.
TableAddColumnAdds elements on the right of an Horizontal Table control.
TableAddInProgressChanges or returns the visibility state of the internal loading window when additional elements are added to an infinite Table control.
TableAddLineAdds a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableAddLineWithAnimationAdds a row to a Table or TreeView Table control with an animation.
TableAddTitleHeaderAdds a column title-header into a Table or TreeView Table control in a window.
TableAdjustAdjusts the title and size of columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableBreakIndexReturns the index of the break header and footer for a given break in a Table control.
TableCellSelectReturns the coordinates (row number and column number) of a selected cell. This function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use TableSelect.
TableCellSelectOccurrenceReturns the number of selected cells found in a Table control. This function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use TableSelectCount.
TableCollapseExpandCollapses or expands an element in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableColumnIndexReturns the index of a column in a Table or Treeview Table control.
TableColumnSelectReturns the column number corresponding to one of the columns selected in the Table control. This function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use TableSelect.
TableColumnSelectOccurrenceReturns the number of selected columns found in a table. This function is kept for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use TableSelectCount.
  • the number of columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
  • the number of rows found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableDeleteDeletes a row from:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a table displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableDeleteAllDeletes all rows from:
  • a Table control populated programmatically,
  • a TreeView Table control populated programmatically,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableDeleteSelectDeletes the selected rows from a Table or Treeview Table control.
TableDeleteWithAnimationDeletes a row from a Table control, from a TreeView Table control (or from a table displayed in a Combo Box control) with an animation.
TableDisableFilterDisables a user filter on a column or on all the columns found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableDisplayRefreshes a Table or TeeeView Table control from a given position:
  • for a field linked to a file: changes made to the linked data file are reflected in the field..
  • for a programmatically manipulated field: calculated columns are re-calculated.
TableEnableFilterImplements a user filter on a column found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableEndStops the manual iteration of data file linked to a Table control based on a data file.
TableEndFillingEnds the process to populate a Table or TreeView Table control programmatically.
TableEnumBreakEnumerates the breaks found in a Table control.
TableEnumColumnReturns the name of a column found in a Table or Treeview Table control.
TableFilteredColumnReturns the list of columns filtered by the user in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableFixColumnFixes a column to the left or frees a column fixed to the left.
TableFormulaAddAdds a calculated row to a Table control by providing custom calculation procedures.
TableFormulaDeleteAllDeletes all formulas added with TableFormulaAdd.
TableInfoXYReturns for a given position in a Table or TreeView Table control (coordinates of a control point):
  • the name of the column displayed for the specified position.
  • the index of the row or column for the specified position.
TableInputInProgressIndicates whether or not a Table or TreeView Table control is in edit mode.
TableInputSearchEnables input in the search area in the column title of the Table or Treeview Table control.
TableInsertInserts a row into:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableInsertColumnInserts elements in the format of columns into a horizontal Table control.
TableInsertLineInserts a row into:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableInsertLineWithAnimationInserts a row into a Table control or into a TreeView Table control with an animation.
TableModeTableMode is kept for backward compatibility.
TableModifyModifies a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • tables displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableModifyColumnModifies a column in a horizontal Table control.
TableModifyLineModifies a row in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control.
TableMoveColumnMoves a column in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableMoveLineMoves a row or swaps two rows in a Table control.
TablePositionDisplays a Table or TreeView Table control from a specified row or returns the index of the first row displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TablePrintPrints the content of the specified Table control without having to create a report based on the Table control.
TableRecNumReturns the number of the current record in a Table control based on a data file.
TableRefreshVisibleModifies or returns the visibility status of refresh bar in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableRestorePositionAndSelectionRestores the scrollbar position in a Table or TreeView Table control as well as the selected elements.
TableSaveUpdates or adds the record bound to the current row in the Table or TreeView Table control.
  • the scrollbar position in a Table or TreeView Table control,
  • the elements selected in the control.
TableSearchPerforms a search in:
  • a Table control,
  • a TreeView Table control,
  • a table displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableSearchEverywhereSearches for a value in all the columns of the following controls:
  • Table control,
  • TreeView Table control,
  • Table control displayed in a Combo Box control.
TableSelectReturns the index of the selected element in the Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSelectCountReturns the number of selected elements in a Table or TreeView Table control (especially multi-selection controls).
TableSelectMinusDeselects a row from a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSelectPlusSelects a row in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableSelectToFilePositions on the data file record corresponding to a row selected in the multi-selection Table control based on a data file.
TableSetFocusGives focus to a row found in a Table or TreeView Table control: the control switches to edit for the specified row and column.
TableSortSorts a Table or TreeView Table control on one or more columns (lexicographical sort).
TableSortedColumnReturns the list of sorted columns found in a Table control.
TableStartFillingStarts the process to populate a Table or TreeView Table control programmatically.
  • two rows in a Table control populated programmatically.
  • two branches in a Treeview Table control populated programmatically.
TableToClipboardCopies the content of a Table or TreeView Table control to the clipboard.
TableToExcelCreates an Excel file with the data from a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToJSONConverts the contents of a Table or TreeView Table control to a JSON string.
TableToTextCreates a character string from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToWordCreates a Word file (.RTF) from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
TableToXMLCreates an XML file from the data found in a Table or TreeView Table control.
Other functions can also be used to manipulate the Table controls:
CurrentIndexReturns the number of the current row displayed in the current Table control.
NextIndexReturns the number of the next row displayed in the current Table control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/13/2024

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