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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Table functions
  • Use conditions
  • Displaying a row in first position (syntax 1)
  • Selection bar and TablePosition function
  • Table based on a data file field: function limitations TablePosition
  • Event "Entry in edit in a row of"
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Displays a Table or TreeView Table control from a specified row or returns the index of the first row displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control.
WEBDEV - Browser code This function is only available for Table controls in "Browser" mode.
// Indice de la première ligne affichée dans le champ "TABLE_Produit"
ResPosition = TablePosition(TABLE_Produit)

Displaying a Table or TreeView Table control from a specified row Hide the details

TablePosition(<Table control> , <Index> [, <Option>])
<Table control>: Control name
Name of the Table or TreeView Table control to be used.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control used will be the Table control to which the current event belongs.
<Index>: Integer
Index of the row that will be displayed in the control. This row is displayed in first position by default.
If <Index> is greater than the number of rows in the control (returned by TableCount), the last row is selected by default.
<Option>: Integer constant
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codeiPhone/iPadPHP Position of the row in the control:
(Default value)
The row specified by <Indext> is displayed at the first position in the Table/TreeView Table control.
taVisibleThe row specified by <Index> becomes visible in the Table/TreeView Table control. It is displayed:
  • at first position (if <Index> is less than the current row).
  • at last position (if <Index> is greater than the current row).
If the row is already visible, the display of the Table/TreeView Table control does not change.

Getting the index of the first row displayed in a Table or TreeView Table control Hide the details

<Result> = TablePosition(<Table control>)
<Result>: Integer
Index of the first row displayed in the specified control.
PHP Last value of <Index> specified in the syntax displaying a row. You cannot find out the first row actually displayed once the scrollbar of the Table control has been used.
<Table control>: Control name
Name of the Table or TreeView Table control to be used.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control used will be the Table control to which the current event belongs.

Use conditions

TablePosition can be used on:
  • Table or TreeView Table controls based on a data file.
  • Table or TreeView Table controls populated programmatically.
  • single-selection or multi-selection controls.
WEBDEV - Server codePHP Reminder: Multiselection is not available for "classic" Table fields.
WEBDEV - Server code TablePosition can only be used in a standard Looper control without scrollbar.

Displaying a row in first position (syntax 1)

The row displayed in first position may differ from the requested one. Indeed, TablePosition tries to display as many rows as possible in the control.
TablePosition will display the specified row only if this row is followed by a sufficient number of non-empty rows. In the following example, the "Durand" row cannot be displayed at the beginning of Table control.

Selection bar and TablePosition function

TablePosition does not modify the current row (i.e. the row selected with the selection bar).
Therefore, if the Table control has focus when TablePosition is run, the current row will have to be visible at the same time as the specified row. If the current row and the specified row cannot be displayed at the same time, the content of the control will be displayed from the current row (and not from the row specified by <Index>).
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)

Table based on a data file field: function limitations TablePosition

TablePosition does not work with Table controls based on a data file in "manual" mode that use a bouncing scrollbar ("Proportional scrollbar" not checked in the "Details" tab of the control description).
  • A Table control based on a data file in "manual" mode is a control that is linked through programming to a data file.
  • A bouncing scrollbar allows you to move the scrollbar by keeping the mouse button pressed on the scrollbar box or by keeping one of the arrow keys down.

Event "Entry in edit in a row of"

  • TablePosition does not force the execution of the "Entry in edit in a row of" event.
  • TablePosition cannot be used in the "Entry in edit in a row of" event of the control (the result returned is incorrect).
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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