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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Configuration taken into account when printing a report
  • Configuration reset
  • Number of copies
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Stored procedures
Configures the printer by opening the configuration window. The configuration window is initialized with the parameters specified when the report was created (orientation, margins, etc.).
WEBDEV - Server code Directly configures the printer used for the current print by applying the parameters specified when the report was created (orientation, margins, etc.).
Linux Caution: Using this function under Linux requires a specific configuration.. For more details, see Printing in Linux.
IF iParameterReport(ETAT_MonEtat) = True THEN
	 Info("Configuration de l'état abandonnée")
<Result> = iParameterReport(<Report name>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the information typed in the dialog box was validated by the user,
  • False if user cancellation.
<Report name>: Character string
Name of report used as reference. The characteristics of this report (specified when the report was created) will be used to initialize the configuration window (orientation, etc.).

Configuration taken into account when printing a report

Only the last configuration is taken into account when printing a report.
We advise you not to use iParameterReport and iConfigureReport several times while no report is printed.

Configuration reset

After the call to iParameterReport (or iConfigureReport), any new call to this function will reinitialize the configuration window with the parameters used during the first call to the function.

Number of copies

If the user specifies a number of copies (using iParameter or iParameterReport) before printing the report, this number of copies will take precedence over the number of copies specified with the NbCopy property.
Component: wd300etat.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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