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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Print functions
  • Reinitializing the print module
  • iConfigure and iParameter
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
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Stored procedures
iConfigure (Function)
In french: iConfigure
Configures the printer for a print performed in WLanguage:
  • by opening the configuration window. If the information is validated by the user, the changes are performed for the current application only.
  • by modifying the printer used for the current print. This modification can be temporary (for the current program only) or permanent (the default printer is modified in the control panel of Windows for example).
To configure the printer when printing reports (created with the report editor), use iConfigureReport.
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)
IF iConfigure() = True THEN
	// Create a 48-point Pica font
	iCreateFont(1, 48, iBold + iItalic, iRoman)
	// Print a text with this font
	iPrint(iFont(1) + "48-pica text")
	// Ends the print job
WEBDEV - Server codeAjax
IF iConfigure("ServerPrinter") = True THEN
	// Create a 48-point Pica font
	iCreateFont(1, 48, iBold + iItalic, iRoman)
	// Print a text with this font
	iPrint(iFont(1) + "48-pica text")
	// Ends the print job
WINDEVReports and QueriesJavaUser code (UMC)

Opening the standard window for configuring the print Hide the details

<Result> = iConfigure()
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the information typed in the dialog box was validated by the user,
  • False if user cancellation.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeJavaUser code (UMC)Ajax

Modifying the destination printer Hide the details

<Result> = iConfigure([<Printer name> [, <Temporary modification>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the change of printer was performed,
  • False otherwise.
<Printer name>: Optional character string
Identifies the printer to use. Its name was defined in the control panel of or in the window for print configuration.
WINDEV If this name is not specified, the printer defined by default in Windows is selected.
WEBDEV - Server code This parameter must be specified.
Java The printer name is "Case Sensitive": it is necessary to respect the upper/lower case of the name.
<Temporary modification>: Optional boolean
  • True (by default) if the modification of the printer must be taken into account for the current program. This change will remain effective until the end of program execution (except if iReset is called).
  • False if the modification of the printer must be performed in the control panel of Windows or in the window for configuring the print. The default printer is modified.
Java The modification of printer is always temporary. This parameter is ignored.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeJavaUser code (UMC)Ajax

Reinitializing the print module

If iConfigure returns True, the print module is reinitialized. Therefore, iConfigure must be used before any other print function. Otherwise, all the operations previously performed by the print functions will be ignored (the settings performed by iParameter for example).
If a print is in progress, iConfigure cancels this print. Therefore, iConfigure must be called before the start of print.
WEBDEV - Server code To directly print on a printer connected to the server, a specific configuration is required. For more details, see Configuring the server to perform a print job.
WINDEVUser code (UMC)

iConfigure and iParameter

WINDEV The dialog box displayed by iConfigure can be called from the dialog box opened by iParameter.
iParameter can be used instead of iConfigure. In this case, only the configuration window is displayed.
Component: wd300prn.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
This page is also available for…
sCurrentPrinter is string = iInfoPrinter() //Impressora Atual

sDefaultPrinter is string = iInfoPrinter(False) // Impressora Padrao do Painel de Controle

sDriverUsadoImpressoraPadrao is string = iInfoPrinter(False,iDriverName) //"winspool"

sNomeImpressoraPadrao is string = iInfoPrinter(False,iPrinterName) //"LX300"

sPortaImpressoraPadrao is string = iInfoPrinter(False,iDeviceName) //"LPT1:"

sListaTodasImpressorasInstaladas is string = iListPrinter() //LX300 CR HP1200 CR FAX CR CutePDF


ok_situacao_01 is boolean = iConfigure("HP1200", False) // Mudar para a HP1200

IF ok_situacao_01 = True

Info("Impressora foi alterada com sucesso no painel de controle")

Printer has been successfully changed on the control panel")


// OU

ok_situacao_02 is boolean = iConfigure("HP1200", True) // Mudar para a HP1200

IF ok_situacao_02 = True

Info("Impressora foi alterada com sucesso somente enquanto tiver usando o aplicativo windev")

Printer has been successfully changed only while you are using the WINDEV application")


//Meu muito obrigado pela ajuda José Jorge Matos (Portugal).
30 Apr. 2016

Last update: 10/04/2024

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