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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / String functions
  • Conversion in PHP
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Converts a string in UTF8 format into an ANSI or Unicode string.
// Conversion d'une chaîne UTF8 au format ANSI
RésultatConversion = UTF8ToString(ChaîneUTF8, charsetAnsi)
<Result> = UTF8ToString(<UTF-8 string to convert> [, <Destination charset>])
<Result>: Character string
  • In ANSI: ANSI character string.
    • If the destination character set is not specified, the string is converted to ANSI using the current character set.
    • If the destination character set is specified, the string is converted to ANSI using the specified character set.
  • In Unicode mode, Unicode character string containing the conversion. The destination character set is ignored.
  • EOT if conversion problems occurred.
<UTF-8 string to convert>: Character string
String to convert.
WINDEVWEBDEV - Server code This string is an ANSI string in UTF-8 format.
iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This parameter corresponds to a buffer containing a UTF-8 string. The result will be an Unicode string with the result of the conversion.
<Destination charset>: Optional integer
Character set that will be used to create the string. By default, this parameter corresponds to the current character set (specified with ChangeCharset).
charsetAnsiRoman characters in ANSI standard
charsetArabicArabic characters
charsetBalticBaltic characters
charsetChineseChinese characters (People's Republic of China)
(Default value)
Uses the current character set specified with ChangeCharset (charsetOccidental by default)
charsetDefaultUses the computer's default character set. No character set is forced.
AndroidAndroid Widget Java Only this value is available.
charsetEastEuropeEastern European characters (Polish, etc.)
charsetGreekGreek characters
charsetHebrewHebrew characters
charsetJapaneseJapanese characters
charsetKoreanKorean characters
charsetRussianRussian characters
charsetThaiThai characters
charsetTraditionalChineseTraditional Chinese characters (Republic of Taiwan)
charsetTurkishTurkish characters
charsetUTF8Used to manage UTF-8 (used in XML, for example).
charsetVietnameseVietnamese characters

Conversion in PHP

The conversion in PHP uses the following extensions:
  • the php_iconv.dll extension
  • the php_mbstring.dll extension
If none of these PHP extensions are used, only Latin characters will be converted (e.g., Chinese or Russian characters will not be converted).
The php_iconv.dll and php_mbstring.dll extensions are currently proposed on PHP servers. To find out if your hosting provider offers these extensions, simply enter the following information in a search engine: phpinfo <Hosting provider>.
To install these extensions on your own PHP server, simply uncomment the desired extension in the PHP.INI file.
Component: wd300vm.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 10
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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