| |
AnsiToOem | Converts an ANSI string (Windows) to an OEM string (DOS). |
AnsiToUnicode | Converts:- an ANSI string (Windows) to a UNICODE string.
- a buffer containing an ANSI string (Windows) to a buffer containing a UNICODE string.
Asc | Returns the ASCII code of the specified character. |
BufferToHexa | Converts a buffer into a displayable hexadecimal string (e.g. "4A 5B 00"). |
BufferToInteger | Extracts an integer from a binary buffer at a given position. |
BufferToPhrase | Converts a buffer to a mnemonic phrase using the BIP39 algorithm. |
BufferToReal | Extracts a real from a binary buffer at a given position. |
CapitalizeEachWord | Capitalizes each word in a specified string. |
Charact | Returns the character corresponding to the specified ASCII code. |
CharactType | Returns information about the type of character. |
CharactTypeCount | Returns the number of characters matching a given type. |
CharactUnicode | Returns the character corresponding to the specified Unicode code. |
CommonLength | Returns the number of common characters between two strings (from the beginning or from the end of the string). |
Complete | Returns a character string of a specified length. |
CompleteDir | Adds a backslash to the end of a string, if necessary. |
Contains | Allows you to check if a substring is within a string. |
ExtractLine | Extracts a specific line from a character string. |
ExtractString | Allows you to:- extract a substring from a string based on a specified string separator.
- search for substrings in a string based on a specified string separator.
ExtractStringBetween | Allows you to:- extract a substring between two given separators from a character string.
- search for substrings between two given separators in a character string.
HexaToBuffer | Converts a string with hexadecimal bytes to a binary buffer. |
HexaToInt | Returns the numeric value of a hexadecimal string. |
HTMLToRTF | Converts an HTML string or an HTML buffer to an RTF string. |
HTMLToText | Converts an HTML string or buffer to text. |
IntToHexa | Returns the hexadecimal string of a numeric value. |
JSONToString | Converts the content of a JSON variable to a JSON string. |
JSONToVariant | Converts a JSON string to a Variant variable. |
JSONValid | Checks the validity of a JSON string. |
Left | Extracts the left part (i.e., the first characters) from a string or buffer. |
Length | Returns:- the length of a string, i.e., the number of characters in the string (including spaces and binary zeros).
- the size of a buffer, i.e., the number of bytes in the buffer.
LengthToString | Converts a size in bytes to a string with human-readable units such as kilobytes, megabytes or terabytes. |
LineToPosition | Returns the position of the first character of a line in a block of text. |
Lower | Converts all characters in a string to lowercase according to the region settings defined in Windows. |
MarkdownLink | Adds a clickable link in a Markdown string. This makes it possible to add a link in a control that supports Markdown format. |
MarkdownToDOCX | Converts a Markdown string to a DOCX file. |
MarkdownToHTML | Converts a Markwdown string to an HTML buffer (encoded in UTF-8). |
MarkdownToPDF | Converts a Markdown string (or buffer) to a buffer containing a PDF document. |
MarkdownToText | Converts a Markdown string to plain text (without tags). |
MatchRegularExpression | Checks whether a character string matches a specific format and retrieves the different substrings that match the format. |
Middle | Extracts: - a substring from a string starting at a specified position.
- part of a buffer starting at a specified position.
NoAccent | Converts accented characters in a string to non-accented characters. |
NoCharacter | Returns a string after removing the specified leading and trailing characters. |
NoLeftCharacter | Returns a string after removing the specified characters from the left side of the initial string. |
NoRightCharacter | Returns a string after removing the specified characters from the right side of the initial string. |
NoSpace | Returns a character string without the space characters: - from the left and right side of the initial string.
- within the string.
NumberInWords | Converts a number to words. |
NumToFinancialWritingChinese | Converts a numeric value (integer, real or currency) to a string in the Chinese financial writing format. |
NumToString | Converts a numeric value (integer, real or currency) to a string according to a specified format. |
OemToAnsi | Converts an OEM string (DOS) to an ANSI string (Windows). |
Phonetic | Returns the phonetic transcription of the string passed as parameter. |
PhraseToBuffer | Returns the buffer encoded in a BIP39 mnemonic phrase. |
Position | Finds the position of a specified string within another string. |
PositionOccurrence | Finds the Xth position of a string within another string. |
PositionToLine | Returns the number of the line that contains a character identified by its position in a block of text. |
RegexMatch | Checks whether a string matches the format defined by a regular expression. |
RegexReplace | Replaces all the parts of a string that match a specific format. |
RegexSearch | Searches for all the parts of a string that match a specific format. |
RepeatString | Concatenates N number of copies of the same specified string or buffer. |
Replace | Replaces all occurrences of a specified substring in a string with another specified substring. |
Reverse | Returns the character that corresponds to the difference between the ASCII code of a specific character in a string and 255. |
Right | Extracts the last characters from a string or string buffer. |
StringBuild | Builds a character string from an initial string and parameters. |
StringCompare | Compares two strings character by character:- according to the sequence of ASCII characters.
- according to the alphabetical order.
StringCount | Calculates: - the number of occurrences of a specific character string (by respecting the search criteria) in another character string.
- the number of occurrences of a set of strings in an array.
StringDelete | Deletes: - all the occurrences of a substring within a string.
- part of a string within another string. The part of the string to remove is identified by its position and length.
StringDeleteDuplicate | Removes duplicates among substrings of a string, based on one or more separators. |
StringEndsWith | Checks whether a character string ends with: - with a specific character string.
- with one of the character strings in an array.
StringFormat | Formats a character string according to the selected options. |
StringIncrement | Increments a number at the beginning or at the end of a string. |
StringInsert | Inserts a string into another character string at a given position. |
StringRetrieve | Retrieves a character string in a format external to PC Soft (character string that is the result of a Windows API for example). |
StringReverse | Reverses the characters of a string. |
StringSplit | Extracts all the substrings from a character string based on one or more string separators. |
StringStartsWith | Checks whether a character string starts: - with a specific character string.
- with one of the character strings in an array.
StringToJSON | Converts a JSON string into a JSON variable. |
StringToNum | Returns the numeric value of a character string. This feature enables you to perform numeric calculations on strings. |
StringToUTF8 | Converts an ANSI or Unicode string to UTF-8. |
SystemIntegerToInteger | Converts a system integer to a 4-byte integer. |
TextToHTML | Converts a text string into an HTML string (carriage returns are replaced by <BR>, accents are replaced by their HTML equivalent, ...). |
TextToRTF | Converts text to Rich Text Format. |
Truncate | Truncates the right part of a string or buffer. |
UncompleteDir | Removes the '/' or '\' characters from the end of a string, if necessary. |
UnicodeToAnsi | Converts:- a UNICODE string to ANSI (Windows).
- a buffer containing a UNICODE string to a buffer containing an ANSI string (Windows).
Upper | Converts all characters in a string to uppercase according to the region settings defined in Windows. |
URLDecode | Decodes an encoded URL (which means with characters in %xx format). |
URLEncode | Encodes a URL with a sub-set of ASCII characters. |
URLExtractPath | Returns the various elements of a URL: protocol, user, password, domain, port, resource path, resource name, resource extension, request and fragment. |
UTF8ToAnsi | Converts a UTF-8 string to ANSI. |
UTF8ToString | Converts a string in UTF8 format into an ANSI or Unicode string. |
UTF8ToUnicode | Converts a UTF-8 string to Unicode |
UTF8Valid | Checks the validity of a UTF-8 string. |
UTFConvert | Converts a string or buffer to the specified format: UTF, Ansi, Unicode. |
Val | Returns the numeric value of a character string. |
VariantToJSON | Converts the content of a Variant variable to JSON. |
WordCount | Returns the number of words in a string. |
WordToArray | Fills an array with the words from a string. |