- Coherence between date and format
- PHP: Limitation
StringToDate (Function) In french: ChaîneVersDate Converts a date in character string format to a date in YYYYMMDD format. Remark: The transformation performed by function StringToDate consists in identifying the various components of the date in the initial character string, in order to construct the resultant character string.
Res = StringToDate("25/12/2001")
Res = StringToDate("25-12-2001")
Res = StringToDate("12-25-2001", "MM-JJ-AAAA")
Res = StringToDate("12-25-01", "MM-JJ-AA")
Res = StringToDate("12-25-2001", "MM-JJ-AA")
Res = StringToDate("12-25-01", "MM-JJ-AA")
Res = StringToDate("Sun, 25 Nov 2012 12:11:55 +0100", maskDateEmail)
Res = StringToDate("Sat, 25 Aug 2012 12:11:55 +0200", maskDateEmail)
Res = StringToDate("Sun, 24 Nov 2019 23:00:00 +0000", maskDateEmailUTC)
Res = StringToDate("2019-08-25T00:00:00.000+02:00", maskDateInternet)
Res = StringToDate("2019-08-24T22:00:00.000Z", maskDateInternetUTC)
<Result> = StringToDate(<Date> [, <Format>])
<Result>: Character string or Date variable - Date in YYYYMMDD format (YYYY corresponds to the year, MM to the month and DD to the day).
- Empty string ("") if a problem occurs.
<Date>: Character string Date in the format specified in <Format>. <Format>: Optional character string or optional constant Format of the date to convert: - in string format:
In this string:- YYYY represents a 4-digit year.
- YY represents a 2-digit year. The years will be included between 1951 and 2050.
- M represents the month without a leading zero.
- MM represents a 2-digit month.
- MMM represents a 3-letter month (e.g., Jan). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
- Mmm represents a 3-letter month with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Jan).
- mmm represents a 3-letter month with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., jan)
- MMMM represents the month as a full name (e.g., January). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
- Mmmm represents the month as a full name with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., January)
- mmmm represents the month as a full name with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., january)
- D represents the day without a leading zero,
- DD represents a 2-digit day,
- DDD represents a 3-letter day (e.g., Mon). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
- Ddd represents a 3-letter day with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Mon)
- ddd represents a 3-letter day with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., mon)
- DDDD represents the day as a full name (e.g., Monday). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
- Dddd represents the day as a full name with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Monday)
- dddd represents the day as a full name with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., monday)
- M represents the first letter of the day (e.g., M,T,W,T,F,S,S)
- via the following constants:
| | maskDateEmail | The format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-5322 standard used to encrypt an email, an RSS feed, etc, ... The result is expressed in the local time zone. | maskDateEmailUTC | The format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-5322 standard used to encrypt an email, an RSS feed, etc, ... The result is expressed in universal time (UTC). | maskDateInternet | The format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-3339 standard used for international communications. The result is expressed in the local time zone. | maskDateInternetUTC | The format used corresponds to the date format of the RFC-3339 standard used for international communications. The result is expressed in universal time (UTC). | maskDateSystem | The format used corresponds to the format defined in the project description for the current language: - On the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, click "Description".
- Select the "Languages" tab then the "Date" tab.
- The format used corresponds to:
- the settings of the operating system,
- the specified parameters (with the defined days and months).
If this parameter is not specified, the format used by default is DD/MM/YYYY (DD + a specific character + MM + a specific character + YYYY). Remarks Coherence between date and format You must check whether the <Date> and the specified <Format> are coherent. Therefore: - If <Date> = "The inauguration date of this monument was 10/02 of year 1995", the following format must be used:
<Format> = "This monument was inaugurated on MMMM DD, YYYY". - If <Date> = "11/03/1970", the following format must be used:
<Format> = "MM/DD/YYYY".
PHP: Limitation The format with 9 decimal places is supported only from PHP 8 onwards. Example: StringToDate("2019-03-05T07:21:45.123456789+11:00", maskDateInternet)
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