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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows management functions / Miscellaneous WINDEV functions
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
AddVoiceCommandAdds a voice command into the current window. From version 17, this function is replaced with SpeechRecognitionAddCommand.
AJAXCallInProgressUsed to determine if the request being processed is an AJAX request.
AutomationEventBranches a procedure to the event of an automation object.
AutomationParameterConfigures the management of accesses to the ActiveX objects and to the Automation objects.
BeepEmits a beep.
BuildAutomationVariantBuilds an Automation variant parameter.
CloneConstructs a copy of a class instance:
  • An object of the actual class of the class instance is allocated.
  • The members of the class instance are copied to the members of the new object.
CommandLineIdentifies and retrieves the different elements of the command line passed as a parameter to the current program.
CompileDynamically compiles a procedure whose source code is supplied.
ComponentInfoReturns information about a component.
ConfigureAAFUsed to specify the behavior of some Automatic Application Features (AAF).
DataTypeIdentifying the type of a WLanguage variable.
DeleteVoiceCommandDeletes a voice command that was added by AddVoiceCommand. From version 17, this function is replaced by SpeechRecognitionDeleteCommand.
diffApplyApplies a difference buffer to a specific buffer.
diffCreateCompares two buffers and creates a buffer containing the differences between these two buffers.
DimensionReturns the size of a variable (string, numeric, array, ...) or resizes a dynamic array.
DisableAAFDisables an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control, window or on the current application.
DrawingStyleAllows you to find out and modify:
  • the display mode of grayed buttons found in the windows of your application.
  • the display mode of translucent border for the windows of your application.
  • the mode for loading large images.
EndAutomatedProcedureStops the current or forthcoming execution of an automatic procedure (defined by the properties of the procedure in the code editor).
EndProgramEnds the execution of the current program.
EvaluateExpressionEvaluates the value of an expression built in a character string.
ExecuteStarts the execution of a process through programming.
ExecuteAAFRuns an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window.
ExecuteAncestorWhen the code is overridden, used to run the process of the template corresponding to the process of the current control.
ExecuteCodeRuns the WLanguage code found in a character string.
ExecuteJSRuns JavaScript code in the context of the Web page displayed by an HTML Display control.
ExecutePresetActionRuns a preset WINDEV action.
ExecuteProcessStarts the execution of a process through programming (which means without any particular action performed by the user).
ExecutionModeAllows you to:
  • find out and/or modify the behavior of the application or site when some errors are generated.
  • optimize the calls to the functions declared externally.
  • find out and/or change how the application uses JITc.
  • find out and/or modify the management mode of low references for all the instantiated objects.
GenerateLoremGenerates a random "Lorem ipsum" text to temporarily populate a control with text, for example.
GeneratePasswordAutomatically generates a password with specific characteristics (size, characters used, ...).
GetColorAllows you to get a set of harmonious colors without having to use a table of colors.
GetGUIDCalculates a globally unique identifier (named "GUID"), whose size is:
  • equal to 16 bytes, which means 32 hexadecimal characters.
  • equal to 32 bytes, which means 64 hexadecimal characters.
GetIdentifierCalculates a unique identifier (integer) for an executable or for a session.
GetUUIDCalculates a 128-bit Universal Unique Identifier ("UUID").
GetUUID256Calculates a 256-bit Universal unique identifier ("UUID").
HelpFileReturns or modifies the name of the help file used by the context-sensitive help of a window.
In64bitModeIndicates whether the code is run in 64-bit mode or not.
InAJAXModeSpecifies whether the code is run from:
InAndroidEmulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Android emulator.
InAndroidModeIndicates whether the code is run in Android mode.
InAndroidSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Android simulator.
InAppleWatchEmulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch emulator.
InAppleWatchModeIndicates whether the code currently run is in Apple Watch mode.
InAppleWatchSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Apple Watch simulator.
InAutomaticTestModeUsed to find out whether an automatic test is currently run or not.
InAWPModeUsed to determine if the page currently run is an Active WEBDEV Page.
InBackgroundModeIndicates whether the code is run when the application is in background.
InComponentModeIndicates whether the code is run:
  • from a WINDEV application, a WEBDEV site or a PHP page.
  • from a component.
InDelayedProcedureModeIndicates whether the code is run from a delayed procedure or from a scheduled task on the WEBDEV Application Server.
InDeviceOwnerModeIndicates whether the Android application is in "Device owner" mode.
InFactoryModeIndicates whether the code is run by an action plan of the software factory.
IniOSEmulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the iOS emulator (iPhone, iPad).
IniOSModeIndicates whether the code currently run is in iOS mode (iPhone, iPad).
IniOSSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the iOS simulator (iPhone, iPad).
INIReadReads the content of an INI file (or the content of a file structured like .INI files).
InitRandomInitializes the generator of random numbers.
INIWriteWrites a specific value into an INI file (or into a file structured like an.INI file).
InJavaModeIndicates whether the code is run in Java.
InKioskModeIndicates whether the Android application is in kiosk mode.
InLinuxModeIndicates whether the code is run in Linux mode or not.
InMacCatalystModeIndicates whether the application is running in Mac Catalyst mode (running an iPad application on a Mac).
InPHPModeIndicates whether the code is run in PHP.
InPHPSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in PHP simulator mode.
InPocketSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Pocket simulator.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InPrelaunchedSessionModeUsed to find out whether the site is started in "pre-launched session" mode of WEBDEV.
InReportsAndQueriesModeIndicates whether the code is run during the test of a report or query in Reports & Queries.
InServiceModeIndicates whether the code is run in a service.
InSimulatorModeUsed to find out whether the application is started in "simulator test mode" from WINDEV Mobile.
InStoredProcedureModeIndicates whether the code is run on an HFSQL server.
New in version 27
Used to determine if the application is launched from an interactive notification in "Windows 10".
InTestModeIndicates whether the application or the site is started:
  • from the WINDEV or WEBDEV editor,
  • from the executable or browser.
  • from the WEBDEV administrator.
InTSEModeIndicates whether the code is run:
  • from a computer in TSE mode or from a remote desktop.
  • from a computer directly.
InUMCModeIndicates whether the code is run from a code written in a user macro-code.
InUniversalWindowsAppModeIndicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
InUniversalWindowsAppSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows 10 App mode.
InUniversalWindowsPlatformModeIndicates whether the code is run in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InUniversalWindowsPlatformSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the simulator for the applications in Universal Windows Platform mode (Universal Windows 10 App).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InVGAModeIndicates whether the application is run in VGA mode on a mobile device.
InWebModeIndicates whether the current process is run:
  • from a WINDEV executable.
  • from the WEBDEV runtime engine (AWP).
InWebserviceModeUsed to find out whether the execution is in progress in the AWWS engine.
InWebSocketServerGlobalServiceModeIndicates if the current code is being executed on the global service of the WebSocket server.
InWebSocketServerModeIndicates if the current code is being executed on the WebSocket server.
InWidgetModeIndicates whether the code is run in Android Widget mode.
InWindowsMobileModeIndicates whether the code is run:
  • from a Windows Mobile application.
  • from a WINDEV application, from a WEBDEV site or from a PHP application.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsModeIndicates whether the code is run in Windows mode or not.
InWindowsPhoneEmulatorModeIndicates whether the test is run via the Windows Phone emulator.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneModeIndicates whether the code is run in Windows Phone mode.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsPhoneSimulatorModeIndicates whether the code is run in the Windows Phone simulator.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsStoreAppModeIndicates whether the code is run in Windows Store apps mode.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWindowsStoreAppSimulatorModeIdentifies whether or not the code is executed in the simulator for applications in Windows Store mode.
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWinRTModeIndicates whether the code is run in WinRT mode (Windows Store apps).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
InWinRTSimulatorModeIdentifies whether or not the code is executed in the WinRT simulator (simulator for applications in Windows Store mode).
Function kept for backward compatibility.
IsNumericEnables you to find out whether a variable or a control is:
  • a numeric (integer, real, currency or numeric).
  • a string that can be converted into numeric.
LargeFontFactorReturns the current enlargement ratio of a WINDEV window (only if Windows is in "large fonts" mode).
LoadProcedureLoadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility.
LoadWDLLoads a library of WINDEV objects in memory (.WDL).
NumHelpReturns the number of the help context associated with the specified control.
OpenDocumentOpens a document in a new (modeless) window using the appropriate WINDEV editor (word processor, spreadsheet, PDF reader or image editor).
New in version 27
Opens a document using the appropriate editor
ProfilerEndStops "collecting data" for the performance profiler.
ProfilerStartStarts "collecting information" for the performance profiler.
RandomReturns a random number.
RandomCryptoBufferReturns a buffer to the specified size filled with random data, that can be used with the cryptographic technologies.
RandomCryptoIntegerReturns a random number that can be used with the cryptographic technologies.
RunReportsAndQueriesStarts Reports and Queries and opens the WINDEV project corresponding to the current application.
SelectColorOpens the standard window for color selection and selects the specified color.
SoundPlays a sound in WAV format.
StyleDrawCaptionGrayedCustomizes how text is drawn in grayed out controls.
ToolTipMarginModifies the margin of the text in the tooltips.
TraceDisplays the requested information (content of a control, for example) in a window opened next to the current window.
TraceBuildDisplays a customizable message in the trace window opened in parallel with the current window.
TraceDeleteAllClears the content of trace window opened in parallel with the current window.
TraceEndCloses the trace window if this window was opened or stops saving the trace information in a text file.
TraceStartOpens the trace window or saves the trace information in a text file.
TrialVersionUsed to find out whether the current execution of the application is in "trial version" mode.
TypeVarIdentifies the type of an expression, a variable (during a call to a procedure for example) or a control.
UnloadProcedureUnloadProcedure is kept for backward compatibility.
UnloadWDLFrees the library that was loaded in memory by LoadWDL.
VariableResetResets the variable to its initial value.
VariantConvertConverts the value stored in a Variant variable].
WHelpDisplays a file or a help page in HLP or CHM format.
WINDEVVersionReturns the version number of the wdxxxvm DLL.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 03/01/2022

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