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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Miscellaneous WINDEV functions
  • Changing language and help file
  • Miscellaneous
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Stored procedures
WHelp (Function)
In french: WHelp
Displays a file or help page in HLP or CHM format.
// Ouverture du "NotePad.hlp" sur la page de Couper/Coller
WHelp("C:\Windows\NotePad.hlp", "COLLAGE DE TEXTE")
// Ouverture du "NotePad.hlp" sur la page ayant 35 pour numéro de contexte 
// ou sur l'index si le numéro n'existe pas
WHelp("C:\Windows\NotePad.hlp", 35)

Opening the help about the help (WinHelp.hlp)


Opening a help file Hide the details

WHelp(<Help file name> [, <Keyword>])
<Help file name>: Character string
Name and path of help file (.HLP or .CHM). If the help file is not found, the function has no effect.
<Keyword>: Optional character string
Keyword used to find the help page.
This parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") or is not specified, the help file's index is opened and the user will be able to select the keyword he wants. If the help file has no index, the file is opened on the first help page.

Displaying a specific help page Hide the details

WHelp(<Help file name> , <Context number>)
<Help file name>: Character string
Name and path of help file (.HLP or .CHM). If the help file is not found, the function has no effect.
<Context number>: Integer
Context number associated with the help page and with the control for which the page must be displayed. The help number associated with a control is returned by NumHelp.

Changing language and help file

In the WINDEV help editor, the name of the help file can be built from a numeric identifier corresponding to Nation.
In this case, to start the help file corresponding to the current language, all you have to do is use the following code:
// Lancement de l'aide au format CHM
WHelp("MonFichier" + NumToString(Nation(), "03d") + ".chm")


  • For more information about WinHelp, see the Windows documentation.
  • To associate a context-sensitive tooltip with the controls of a window, use HelpFile.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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