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Stored procedures
The following constants are used to manage Table, TreeView Table, Looper and List Box controls:
ConstantDescriptionUsed by the functions
amDisplayDestinationRow movement: The modified row is displayed in the control. If necessary, the rows are automatically scrolled to display the modified row in the Table control. The selected row (selection bar) does not change.
This constant can be combined with the amMove and amSwap constants.
amFirstRow movement: Moves the row to the first position.TableMoveLine
amLastRow movement: Moves the row to the last position.TableMoveLine
amMoveRow movement: Moves the row to the index of the destination row.TableMoveLine
amNextRow movement: Moves the row one position downwards.TableMoveLine
amNextPageRow movement: Moves the row one page to the bottom (a page corresponds to the number of rows that can be simultaneously displayed in the Table, List Box or Looper control).TableMoveLine
amPreviousRow movement: Moves the row one position upwards.TableMoveLine
amPreviousPageRow movement: Moves the row one page to the top (a page corresponds to the number of rows that can be simultaneously displayed in the Table, List Box or Looper control).TableMoveLine
amSwapRow movement: The source and destination rows are swapped.TableMoveLine
filterContainsDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Contains" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterDifferentDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "differs" from the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotContainDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "does not contain" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotEndWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "does not end with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotStartWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Does not start with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterEndsWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "ends with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is equal" to the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterGreaterDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is greater than" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterGreaterOrEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is greater than or equal to" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterLessDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is less" than the specified charactersTableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterLessOrEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is less than or equal to" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
filterNoneDisables the automatic filter used by the assisted input. The filter must be performed manually.AssistedInputConfigure
filterStartsWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Starts with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
MagnifierMode property
rowAverageUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Mean type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowCountUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (count type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowMaximumUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Maximum type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowMinimumUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Minimum type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowSelectedUsed to handle the row that is currently selected.ListMoveLine
searchContainsGeneric search whose type is "Contains" TableSearch, LooperSearch, LooperSearchEverywhere
  • Sorts the Table control according to the specified column and switches the column to search mode.
  • Exact-match search whose type is "Equals to".
searchExactMatchExact-match search (whose type is "Equals to") TableSearch, LooperSearch, LooperSearchEverywhere
  • Sorts the Table control according to the specified column, switches the column to search mode and fills the edit control of the column with the characters specified in <Initial Value;;>.
  • Generic search whose type is "Starts with"
taByLogicalOrderThe columns are created according to the logical order of items defined in the data model editor.
For the queries, the logical order and the physical order of items are identical.
taCollapseNode status: The node is collapsedTableItemStatus
taColumnDisplayedOrderExports the columns according to the order of columns currently displayed in the Table control (and not according to the order of columns defined in the editor).ConfigureAAF
taColumnsTitlesConfigure the Word/Excel file: inserts the title of columns.ConfigureAAF
taCurrentFirstRefreshes the Table control (Looper control or List box control) from the current file record. The first row is selected. This row corresponds to the current record.TableDisplay
taCurrentRecordRefreshes the Table control from the current record in the file:
  • Re-runs the linked query if necessary.
  • Takes into account the records added, modified or deleted by other computers.
  • Selects the current record. If the current record is deleted or if it does not correspond to the filter, selects the next record that is not deleted.
  • The scrollbar position is stored as long as the selection remains visible.
  • Runs the beginning of initialization and the end of initialization, then the selection process of selected row (even if it is not modified).
taCurrentSelectionRefreshes the Table control (Looper control or List box control) from the current file record. The position of selection bar is not modified. The selected record corresponds to the current record.TableDisplay
taErrorNode status: Node not found
Type of element: the element does not exist
taExpandNode status: The node is expandedTableItemStatus
taFillTableFills a Table control populated programmatically with the file content.BuildBrowsingTable
  • Child to return: the first child element
  • Position in the table: First table element
taInitRe-display the control by running the initialization code.TableDisplay
taItemCaptionThe column titles correspond to the captions of items typed in the analysis.BuildBrowsingTable
taKeepBrowseKeyThe search key of a Table control based on a data file does not change.BuildBrowsingTable
taKeepColumnKeeps the existing columns.BuildBrowsingTable
taLeafType of element: the element is a leaf.TableTypeItem
taMergeExports the content of Table control and merges the cells with the existing XLS file. The formatting and the existing formulas are kept. The data is not merged. The existing data is not stored. Only the data of columns found as well in the existing XLS file is kept.TableToExcel
taMultiLineColumnBy default, text columns are created with the Multiline property set to True. BuildBrowsingTable
taNextChild to return: the next child
Table control to display: the next page
Looper control to display: the next page
taNoAdjustThe width of columns is not adjusted.BuildBrowsingTable
taNodeType of element: the element is a node.TableTypeItem
taNoMemoImageImage Memo items are not added to the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taNoMemoTextText Memo items are not added to the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taNoTitleConfigure the Word/Excel file: does not copy the title of columns.ConfigureAAF
taNoTotalDoes not export rows with totals, average or automatic count (these rows are exported by default).ConfigureAAF
taNoUpdEditCbIf the control is an editable Combo Box control, the edit control associated with the Combo Box is not modified according to the new content of the list.
If this constant is not used: the edit control of the combo box is modified by default.
taNoXSLThe style sheet (".XSL" file) is not created.TableToXML
taPreviousTable control to display: the previous page.
Looper control to display: the previous page.
  • Refreshes the Table control (Looper control or List Box control) and positions at the beginning of control.
  • The first row is selected. This row corresponds to the first record.
  • Re-runs the query linked to the Table control (Looper or List Box control). For more details, see Table controls and queries.
Caution: Only the query linked to the Table control (Looper or List Box) will be run. If specific options have been specified with HExecuteQuery (hModifyFile, for example), these options are ignored.
New in version SaaS
Determines whether or not a wait indicator is displayed when the table is refreshed from the bottom.TableAddInProgress, LooperAddInProgress
New in version SaaS
Determines whether or not a wait indicator is displayed when the table is refreshed from the top.TableAddInProgress, LooperAddInProgress
taSelectedLinesExports the selected rows (all the rows are exported by default).ConfigureAAF
taSingleLineColumnBy default, text columns are created with the Multiline property set to False. BuildBrowsingTable
taStartRedisplays the Table control (Looper control or List Box control) by positioning on the first record of linked file. The first record is selected.TableDisplay
taVisibleposition of the row in the table: visible row.TablePosition
taWithAutoIDCreates a column for the automatic identifierBuildBrowsingTable
taWithAutoIDInput allowed in the column associated with the automatic identifier.BuildBrowsingTable
taWithBinaryAdds the binary items (link composite key for example) into the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taWithDetailsBindingA sub-table is automatically generated to display the records found in the data files linked to the selected row. BuildBrowsingTable
taWithInvisibleColumnsExports the invisible columns to the Word or Excel file.ConfigureAAF
taWithLayoutExports the color and font of Table control.TableToExcel
tcpCreationOrder of columns: order in which the columns are created.TableColumnIndex
tcpDisplayOrder of columns: order in which the columns are displayed at run time.TableColumnIndex
tcsColumnRetrieves the column number.TableCellSelect
tcsLineRetrieves the row number.TableCellSelect
tiColNameType of information to return: column name.TableInfoXY
tiColNumberType of information to return: column creation index.TableInfoXY
tiLineNumberType of information to return: row index.TableInfoXY
tiOnButtonCollapseExpandType of information to return: The coordinates correspond to the "+/-" buttons used to expand and collapse a row in a TreeView Table control.TableInfoXY
tiOriginScreenModifies the origin used.
By default, (0,0) corresponds to row 1, column 1 (the scrollbars being located at the origin). If tiOriginScreen is used, (0,0) corresponds to the origin of the screen.
tmInChildType of move: The branch is moved and it will be the first child of destination branch. The branch moved will be positioned one level below the destination branch in the hierarchy.TableMoveBranch
tmInSiblingType of move: The branch is moved and it will be the next sibling of the destination branch. The branch moved will be positioned on the same hierarchy level as the destination branch but at the following position.TableMoveBranch
toColumnElement taken into account: number of columns in the Table control, number of attributes in the Looper control.TableCount
toShownElement taken into account:
  • number of non-empty rows visible in the Table control,
  • number of non-empty rows visible in the Looper control,
  • number of Widgets visible in a Dashboard control.
  • Table control based on a data file:
    • Total number of records in the linked file (filtered or not)
    • Number of visible records (Table control with continuous scrollbar)
  • Table control populated programmatically: number of rows in memory
  • Looper control based on a data file: total number of records
  • Looper control populated programmatically: number of rows in memory
  • Dashboard control: total number of widgets
toVisibleElements taken into account: maximum number of rows visible in the Table control or in the Looper control.TableCount
tsCellElement taken into account: Number of selected cells.TableSelectCount
tsCellColumnElement taken into account: Number of the column for the cell selected in the Table control.TableSelect
tsCellRowElement taken into account: Number of the row for the cell selected in the Table control.
tsColumnElement taken into account:
  • Number of the selected column.
  • Number of selected columns.
tsRowElement taken into account:
  • Number of the selected row.
  • Number of selected rows.
WithAllConfigure the print of a Table control: Prints the table while taking all the options into account (corresponds to WithMultipageColumns + WithDate + WithNbRecords + WithNbPages + WithTitle)TablePrint
WithDateConfigure the print of a Table control: the date is printed at the top of page.TablePrint
WithMultipageColumnsConfigure the print of a Table control: if the Table control exceeds the page size, the columns are printed over several pages.TablePrint
WithNbPagesConfigure the print of a Table control: the number of pages is printed at the end of page.TablePrint
WithNbRecordsConfigure the print of a Table control: the number of records is printed at the end of document. The caption used corresponds to the caption defined for the counter (in the Table control description).TablePrint
WithTitleConfigure the print of a Table control: the page title is printed at the top of page. If the title of Table control is not visible, prints the window title.TablePrint
The following constants are used to manage Table, TreeView Table, Looper and List Box controls, using prefix syntax:
ConstantDescriptionUsed by the functions
amDisplayDestinationRow movement: The modified row is displayed in the control. If necessary, the rows are automatically scrolled to display the modified row in the Table control. The selected row (selection bar) does not change.
This constant can be combined with the amMove and amSwap constants.
<List box>.MoveLine
amFirstRow movement: Moves the row to the first position.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amLastRow movement: Moves the row to the last position.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amMoveRow movement: Moves the row to the index of the destination row.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amNextRow movement: Moves the row one position downwards.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amNextPageRow movement: Moves the row one page to the bottom (a page corresponds to the number of rows that can be simultaneously displayed in the Table, List Box or Looper control).<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amPreviousRow movement: Moves the row one position upwards.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amPreviousPageRow movement: Moves the row one page to the top (a page corresponds to the number of rows that can be simultaneously displayed in the Table, List Box or Looper control).<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
amSwapRow movement: The source and destination rows are swapped.<Table>.MoveLine
<List box>.MoveLine
filterContainsDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Contains" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterDifferentDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "differs" from the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotContainDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "does not contain" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotEndWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "does not end with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterDoesNotStartWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Does not start with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterEndsWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "ends with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is equal" to the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterGreaterDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is greater than" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterGreaterOrEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is greater than or equal to" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterLessDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is less" than the specified charactersTableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterLessOrEqualDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "is less than or equal to" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
filterNoneDisables the automatic filter used by the assisted input. The filter must be performed manually.<Edit>.ConfigureAssistedInput
filterStartsWithDisplays the rows whose value for the specified column "Starts with" the specified characters.TableEnableFilter,
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property
rowAverageUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Mean type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowCountUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (count type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowMaximumUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Maximum type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowMinimumUsed to handle the row corresponding to an automatic calculation (Minimum type).Automatic calculations in the tables
rowSelectedUsed to handle the row that is currently selected.<List box>.MoveLine
searchContainsGeneric search whose type is "Contains" TableSearch,
  • Sorts the Table control according to the specified column and switches the column to search mode.
  • Exact-match search whose type is "Equals to".
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property,
searchExactMatchExact-match search (whose type is "Equals to") TableSearch,
  • Sorts the Table control according to the specified column, switches the column to search mode and fills the edit control of the column with the characters specified in <Initial Value;;>.
  • Generic search whose type is "Starts with"
<Table column>.InputSearch,
MagnifierMode property,
taByLogicalOrderThe columns are created according to the logical order of items defined in the data model editor.
For the queries, the logical order and the physical order of items are identical.
taCollapseNode status: The node is collapsed<TreeView Table>.ItemStatus
taColumnDisplayedOrderExports the columns according to the order of columns currently displayed in the Table control (and not according to the order of columns defined in the editor).ConfigureAAF
taColumnsTitlesConfigure the Word/Excel file: inserts the title of columns.ConfigureAAF
taCurrentFirstRefreshes the Table control (Looper control or List box control) from the current file record. The first row is selected. This row corresponds to the current record.<Table>.Display
<List box>.Display
taCurrentRecordRefreshes the Table control from the current record in the file:
  • Re-runs the linked query if necessary.
  • Takes into account the records added, modified or deleted by other computers.
  • Selects the current record. If the current record is deleted or if it does not correspond to the filter, selects the next record that is not deleted.
  • The scrollbar position is stored as long as the selection remains visible.
  • Runs the beginning of initialization and the end of initialization, then the selection process of selected row (even if it is not modified).
taCurrentSelectionRefreshes the Table control (Looper control or List box control) from the current file record. The position of selection bar is not modified. The selected record corresponds to the current record.<Table>.Display
<List box>.Display
taErrorNode status: Node not found
Type of element: the element does not exist
<TreeView Table>.ItemStatus
<TreeView Table>.TypeItem
taExpandNode status: The node is expanded<TreeView Table>.ItemStatus
taFillTableFills a Table control populated programmatically with the file content.BuildBrowsingTable
  • Child to return: the first child element
  • Position in the table: First table element
<TreeView Table>.GiveChild,
taInitRe-display the control by running the initialization code.<Table>.Display
<List box>.Display
taItemCaptionThe column titles correspond to the captions of items typed in the analysis.BuildBrowsingTable
taKeepBrowseKeyThe search key of a Table control based on a data file does not change.BuildBrowsingTable
taKeepColumnKeeps the existing columns.BuildBrowsingTable
taLeafType of element: the element is a leaf.<TreeView Table>.TypeItem
taMergeExports the content of Table control and merges the cells with the existing XLS file. The formatting and the existing formulas are kept. The data is not merged. The existing data is not stored. Only the data of columns found as well in the existing XLS file is kept.TableToExcel
taMultiLineColumnBy default, text columns are created with the Multiline property set to True. BuildBrowsingTable
taNextChild to return: the next child
Table control to display: the next page
Looper control to display: the next page
<TreeView Table>.GiveChild
taNoAdjustThe width of columns is not adjusted.BuildBrowsingTable
taNodeType of element: the element is a node.<TreeView Table>.TypeItem
taNoMemoImageImage Memo items are not added to the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taNoMemoTextText Memo items are not added to the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taNoTitleConfigure the Word/Excel file: does not copy the title of columns.ConfigureAAF
taNoTotalDoes not export rows with totals, average or automatic count (these rows are exported by default).ConfigureAAF
taNoUpdEditCbIf the control is an editable Combo Box control, the edit control associated with the Combo Box is not modified according to the new content of the list.
If this constant is not used: the edit control of the combo box is modified by default.
<List box>.Display
taNoXSLThe style sheet (".XSL" file) is not created.TableToXML
taPreviousTable control to display: the previous page.
Looper control to display: the previous page.
  • Refreshes the Table control (Looper control or List Box control) and positions at the beginning of control.
  • The first row is selected. This row corresponds to the first record.
  • Re-runs the query linked to the Table control (Looper or List Box control). For more details, see Table controls and queries.
Caution: Only the query linked to the Table control (Looper or List Box) will be run. If specific options have been specified with HExecuteQuery (hModifyFile, for example), these options are ignored.
<List box>.Display
New in version SaaS
Determines whether or not a wait indicator is displayed when the table is refreshed from the bottom.<Table>.AddInProgress, <Looper>.AddInProgress
New in version SaaS
Determines whether or not a wait indicator is displayed when the table is refreshed from the top.<Table>.AddInProgress, <Looper>.AddInProgress
taSelectedLinesExports the selected rows (all the rows are exported by default).ConfigureAAF
taSingleLineColumnBy default, text columns are created with the Multiline property set to False. BuildBrowsingTable
taStartRedisplays the Table control (Looper control or List Box control) by positioning on the first record of linked file. The first record is selected.<Table>.Display
<List box>.Display
taVisibleposition of the row in the table: visible row.<Table>.Position
taWithAutoIDCreates a column for the automatic identifierBuildBrowsingTable
taWithAutoIDInput allowed in the column associated with the automatic identifier.BuildBrowsingTable
taWithBinaryAdds the binary items (link composite key for example) into the Table control.BuildBrowsingTable
taWithDetailsBindingA sub-table is automatically generated to display the records found in the data files linked to the selected row. BuildBrowsingTable
taWithInvisibleColumnsExports the invisible columns to the Word or Excel file.ConfigureAAF
taWithLayoutExports the color and font of Table control.TableToExcel
tcpCreationOrder of columns: order in which the columns are created.<Table>.ColumnIndex
tcpDisplayOrder of columns: order in which the columns are displayed at run time.<Table>.ColumnIndex
tcsColumnRetrieves the column number.<Table>.CellSelect
tcsLineRetrieves the row number.<Table>.CellSelect
tiColNameType of information to return: column name.<Table>.InfoXY
tiColNumberType of information to return: column creation index.<Table>.InfoXY
tiLineNumberType of information to return: row index.<Table>.InfoXY
tiOnButtonCollapseExpandType of information to return: The coordinates correspond to the "+/-" buttons used to expand and collapse a row in a TreeView Table control.<Table>.InfoXY
tiOriginScreenModifies the origin used.
By default, (0,0) corresponds to row 1, column 1 (the scrollbars being located at the origin). If tiOriginScreen is used, (0,0) corresponds to the origin of the screen.
tmInChildType of move: The branch is moved and it will be the first child of destination branch. The branch moved will be positioned one level below the destination branch in the hierarchy.<TreeView Table>.MoveBranch
tmInSiblingType of move: The branch is moved and it will be the next sibling of the destination branch. The branch moved will be positioned on the same hierarchy level as the destination branch but at the following position.<TreeView Table>.MoveBranch
toColumnElement taken into account: number of columns in the Table control, number of attributes in the Looper control.<Table>.Count
toShownElement taken into account:
  • number of non-empty rows visible in the Table control,
  • number of non-empty rows visible in the Looper control,
  • number of Widgets visible in a Dashboard control.
  • Table control based on a data file:
    • Total number of records in the linked file (filtered or not)
    • Number of visible records (Table control with continuous scrollbar)
  • Table control populated programmatically: number of rows in memory
  • Looper control based on a data file: total number of records
  • Looper control populated programmatically: number of rows in memory
  • Dashboard control: total number of widgets
toVisibleElements taken into account: maximum number of rows visible in the Table control or in the Looper control.<Table>.Count
tsCellElement taken into account: Number of selected cells.<Table>.SelectCount
tsCellColumnElement taken into account: Number of the column for the cell selected in the Table control.<Table>.Select
tsCellRowElement taken into account: Number of the row for the cell selected in the Table control.
tsColumnElement taken into account:
  • Number of the selected column.
  • Number of selected columns.
tsRowElement taken into account:
  • Number of the selected row.
  • Number of selected rows.
WithAllConfigure the print of a Table control: Prints the table while taking all the options into account (corresponds to WithMultipageColumns + WithDate + WithNbRecords + WithNbPages + WithTitle)<Table>.Print
WithDateConfigure the print of a Table control: the date is printed at the top of page.<Table>.Print
WithMultipageColumnsConfigure the print of a Table control: if the Table control exceeds the page size, the columns are printed over several pages.<Table>.Print
WithNbPagesConfigure the print of a Table control: the number of pages is printed at the end of page.<Table>.Print
WithNbRecordsConfigure the print of a Table control: the number of records is printed at the end of document. The caption used corresponds to the caption defined for the counter (in the Table control description).<Table>.Print
WithTitleConfigure the print of a Table control: the page title is printed at the top of page. If the title of Table control is not visible, prints the window title.<Table>.Print
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 07/03/2024

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