- Properties specific to Diagram variables
Diagram (Variable type) In french: Diagramme
The Diagram type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a diagram that can be edited in the Diagram Editor control. You can define and change the characteristics of this diagram using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MyShape is diagRectangle
MyShape.X = 100
MyShape.Y = 100
MyShape.Width = 350
MyShape.Height = 150
MyShape.Background.Color = PastelRed
MyShape.Comment = "Rectangle"
MyDiagram is Diagram <- DIAGEDT_MyDiagram
Add(MyDiagram.Shape, MyShape)
MyDiagram is Diagram <- DIAGEDT_MyDiagram.Value
FOR EACH ShapeInDiagram OF MyDiagram.Shape
ShapeInDiagram.Y += 10
Properties Properties specific to Diagram variables The following properties can be used to handle a diagram: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
BackgroundColor | Integer | Background color of the diagram. This property can correspond to: - an RGB color (returned by RGB),
- an HSL color (returned by HSL),
- a WLanguage preset color.
- a variable of type Color. In this case, the opacity specified in the variable is taken into account.
| | Real | Spacing between gridlines. | PageLayout | diagLayout | Diagram layout. This layout is used for printing the diagram. | Shape | Array of diagShape | Array that contains the different shapes in the diagram. This property is read-only. | Value | String, Buffer, etc. | Value of the diagram. This property can correspond to: - a Diagram Editor control,
- the path of a Diagram file,
- a variable of type Buffer containing a diagram.
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Diagram control
[ + ] Simplified use of a Diagram control
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