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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Image control
  • Display modes
  • Transparency
  • Position, Symmetry
  • Position
  • Symmetry
  • Programming
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Display modes
An image can be displayed in a window, a window control, a report control, a page control or a block according to several display modes.
These display modes produce different results:

100%: Image is displayed at 100% from the top left corner of the window, control or block.

Centered: The image is displayed at 100% and centered in the window, control or block.

Stretched: The image is distorted to occupy all the space in the window, control or block.

RepeatString: The image is displayed at 100% and repeated in the window, control or block to occupy all the space in the window, control or block.

Homothetic: The image is enlarged proportionally to fit the entire window, control or block.

Extended homothetic: The image is proportionally enlarged so that the smaller side of the image is displayed entirely in the window, control or block.

Homothetic centered: The image is homothetic and centered in the window, control or block.

Homothetic centered extended: The image is extended, and centered in the window, control or block.
Homothetic without growth: If Image can be displayed entirely in the window, Image control or block, it is displayed at 100%. If the image is bigger than the window, Image control or block, it is automatically reduced proportionally in order to be entirely displayed.

Java This mode is not supported in Java.

In homothetic mode, image quality can be improved when the image is reduced from its original size:
  • WINDEV "High-quality display (HQ)" option when selecting the display mode in the "General" tab of the control description.
  • WEBDEV - Server code "High quality" when selecting the display settings in the "General" tab of the control description
AndroidAndroid Widget PHP This option is not available.
WEBDEV - Server code control vignette: Only "Homothetic centered" and "Stretched" modes are available.
The "Actual preview enabled" option shows the result of the display modes on the image associated with the Image control.
When displaying an image, you have the ability to define its transparency options. These options will be kept even if the image is modified programmatically (Image property).
The possible options are as follows:
  • Transparent magenta: Magenta in the image will be transparent when displayed, both in the editor and at runtime.
    Transparency: none
    Transparency: none
    Transparent magenta
    Transparent magenta

    AndroidAndroid Widget The magenta cannot be used to manage the transparency.
  • Top left pixel: All the pixels with the same color as the top left pixel of the image will be transparent.
    WEBDEV - Server code The transparency of the top left pixed does not work on the generated images (dynamically created on the server).
Caution: Using a transparent Image or Background slows window redisplay considerably (time multiplied by 3 or 4).. We advise you to:
  • avoid using images with a transparent background.
  • for the images in GIF or PSD format, make sure that no transparency color is described in the image format (via an image processing software for example).
Position, Symmetry


This parameter is used to define the position of the upper-left corner of the image in relation to the window or to the window control.
These options will be kept even if the image is modified programmatically (Image property).


Symmetry options are used to change the orientation of the image in the image file. These options will be kept even if the image is modified programmatically (Image property).
The options are as follows:
Vertical symmetry
Vertical symmetry
Horizontal symmetry
Horizontal symmetry
Horizontal and vertical symmetry
Horizontal and vertical symmetry
The images can be managed programmatically:
  • via the following properties:
    BackgroundImageThe ImageFond property lets you view and modify the background image of an element: window, page, field or state.
    BackgroundImagePrintedThe property ImageFondImprimé allows you to:
    • Determine if the background image of a report (form or other) should be printed.
    • Print (or not) the background image of a report.
    BackgroundImageStateThe BackgroundImageState property allows you to get and change the number of drawings in the image associated with the background of a button.
    ImageThe Image property gets and sets the background image of a control or block.
    ImageModeThe ImageMode property gets and sets the display mode of an image in an Image control, in the column of a table of type Image or in the background of a Chart control in a window.
  • via the following functions:
    WinBackgroundImageModifies the background image of a window and specifies the display mode of this image.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/18/2024

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