<Source>.InfoLock (Function) In french: <Source>.InfoBlocage
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Returns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file.
LockList is string // Lists all the locks of the Customer data file LockList = Customer.InfoLock()
Information about the locks set on a data file identified by its name Hide the details
<Result> = <Source>.InfoLock([<Record number>])
<Result>: Character string - Empty string ("") if there is no block or if the manipulated data file is not an HFSQL Client/Server data file.
- Information about the lock. This information is separated by TAB characters and it has the following format:
<Physical name of the data file relative to the database> + TAB + <Record number> + TAB + <User> + TAB + <Name of client computer> + TAB + <IP address of client computer> + TAB + <Name of client application> + TAB + <Type of lock> + TAB + <Date of lock implementation> + TAB + <Number of seconds since start of lock> + CR - <Record number> is set to -1 if the lock was set on the data file.
- The <Type of lock> parameter can correspond to:
- W: Lock in write mode.
- RW: Read/Write blockage.
- W-T: Transaction lock in write mode.
- RW-T: Read/write lock performed by a transaction.
- The <Date de pose du blocage> parameter is of the form: AAAAMMJJHHmmSS. This date is in UTC format (Universal Time Coordinated).
<Source>: Type corresponding to the specified source Name of the data file used. <Record number>: Optional integer Number of the record for which the lock information is requested. If this parameter is not specified, <Source>.InfoLock lists all the locks of the data file.
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