<Connection variable>.InfoLock (Function) In french: <Variable Connexion>.InfoBlocage
Available only with this kind of connection
Returns information about the lock set on a data file, on one or all the records in a data file.
CSConnection is Connection LockList is string ... // Lists all the locks set on the data files of CSConnection LockList = CSConnection.InfoLock() // Lists all the locks set on the Customer.fic data file of CSConnection LockList = CSConnection.InfoLock(".\customer.fic")
Information about the locks set on a data file identified by its connection Hide the details
<Result> = <Connection>.InfoLock([<Data file path>] [, <Record number>])
<Result>: Character string Name of the data file used. <Connection>: Control name Number of the record for which the lock information is requested. If this parameter is not specified, <Connection variable>.InfoLock lists all the locks of the data file. <Data file path>: Optional character string Full path of the data file, relative to the database defined by <Connection>. If the <Connection> parameter corresponds to the logical name of a data file, it is ignored. If this parameter is not specified, all the locks set on all the data files of the database are returned. <Record number>: Optional integer Number of the record for which the lock information is requested. If this parameter is not specified, <Connection variable>.InfoLock lists all the locks of the data file.
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