<Edit>.ConfigureAssistedInput (Function) In french: <Saisie>.ParamètreSaisieAssistée Specifies how to open and filter the autocomplete suggestion list. SAI_Direction.SupprimeToutSaisieAssistée()
SAI_Direction.ParamètreSaisieAssistée(aiFilter, filterNone)
SAI_Direction.ParamètreSaisieAssistée(aiFilter, filterContains)
SAI_Direction.ParamètreSaisieAssistée(aiAutomaticOpening, False)
<Edit control>.ConfigureAssistedInput(<Parameter> , <Value>)
<Edit control>: Control name Name of the Edit control to be used. <Parameter>: Integer constant Parameter to modify: | | aiDelay | Time before triggering the autocomplete feature. This time is expressed in milliseconds. By default, the time is set to 200 milliseconds. | aiFilter | Filter applied to the input suggestions. The "Starts with" filter is used by default. This filter can correspond to one of the following values: | | filterContains | "Contains" filter. | filterDifferent | "Is different from" filter. | filterDoesNotContain | "Does not contain" filter. | filterDoesNotEndWith | "Does not end with" filter. | filterDoesNotStartWith | "Does not start with" filter. | filterEndsWith | "Ends with" filter. | filterEqual | "Is equal to" filter. | filterGreater | "Is greater than" filter. | filterGreaterOrEqual | "Is greater than or equal to" filter. | filterLess | "Is less than" filter. | filterLessOrEqual | "Is less than or equal to" filter. | filterNone | Disables the automatic filter used on the autocomplete suggestion list. The filter must be applied manually. | filterStartsWith | "Starts with" filter. |
| aiWidthListBox | Width of the suggestion list (expressed in pixels). By default, this width corresponds to the width of the input area. | aiAutomaticOpening | Configures the automatic opening of the list of options: - True to open the list automatically,
- False to not open the list automatically. in this case, the list can be opened with <Edit>.OpenAssistedInput.
By default, the list opens automatically. | aiNoCase | Taking the case and the accented characters into account: - True to ignore both case and accents.
- False to take case and accents into account.
By default, both case and accents are ignored. | aiMinSize | Number of characters typed before opening the suggestion list. By default, the suggestion list opens as soon as the user types the first character. |
<Value>: Type corresponding to the value to modify New parameter value. Remarks - If <Edit>.ConfigureAssistedInput is called on a edit control, the option "Assisted input based on data binding" is automatically enabled on this control ("Details" tab of the control description window).
- The suggestion list does not open immediately. You need:
- the user must type a value that matches the first characters of one of the suggestions,
- the <Edit>.OpenAssistedInput function must be called.
- If the Edit control is linked to a data file:
- only the default filter ("Starts with") is available.
- the bound item in the data source must be key (faster iteration).
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