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Stored procedures
Remark: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (Spreadsheet functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions are used to handle the Spreadsheet control:
SpreadsheetAddDataAdds a data into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetAddFormulaAdds a calculation formula into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetAddImageAdds an image into the current worksheet of a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetAddLinkCreates a link in a Spreadsheet control cell. The text in the cell becomes the link.
SpreadsheetAddNameSpecifies a name to identify a cell found in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetAddWorksheetAdds a worksheet into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetAllowProcedureAllows the use of a WLanguage function/procedure in a formula of a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetBorderSelectionModifies the border of selected cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetCloseCloses the XLSX document that was opened by SpreadsheetLoad.
SpreadsheetControlFormulaAllows you to use a control in order to create a custom formula bar for the Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetDeleteAllDeletes the entire data from a Spreadsheet control found in a window (cells, formulas, size and header layouts).
SpreadsheetDeleteColumnDeletes a column from a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetDeleteImageDeletes an image from the current worksheet in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetDeleteNameDeletes one of the names used to identify a cell found in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetDeleteRowDeletes a row from a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetDeleteWorksheetDeletes a worksheet from a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetEndModificationSignals the end of grouping for a set of operations on a Spreadsheet control in a single event (management of "undo/redo").
SpreadsheetFreezeUsed to freeze the display of a row or column in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetGetFormulaRetrieves the calculation formula of a cell found in a Spreadsheet control of a window.
SpreadsheetGetMergeUsed to find out whether a cell is merged with other cells and to get the name of merged cells.
SpreadsheetGetSelectionRetrieves the list of selected cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetGetSortInfoReturns various information about the sort performed in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetInputFunctionInserts a function name at cursor position in the editable cell of a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetInsertColumnInserts an empty column into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetInsertRowInserts an empty row into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetInsertWorksheetInserts a worksheet into a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetListCommentLists all the comments on the current worksheet of a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetListImageLists the images found in the current worksheet of a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetListNameReturns the list of names that identify a cell in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetListWorksheetReturns the list of worksheets found in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetLoadLoads a file in XLSX format in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetMergeCellMerges specified or selected cells in an Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetModifyNameModifies the name used to identify a cell in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetMoveWorksheetMoves a worksheet within a Spreadsheet control in a window.
SpreadsheetPositionDisplays the specified cell in a Spreadsheet control found in a window:
  • either the visible area of Spreadsheet control is moved to display the cell.
  • or the cell is displayed in the upper-left corner of visible area of Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetRecalculateAllRecalculates all formulas of a Spreadsheet control found in a window (including the formulas that use WLanguage functions/procedures).
SpreadsheetReplaceFinds and replaces a value in a Spreadsheet control.
  • the scrollbar position in a Spreadsheet control,
  • the current worksheet,
  • the elements selected in the current worksheet of Spreadsheet control.
These elements have been saved by SpreadsheetSavePositionAndSelection.
SpreadsheetSaveSaves the content of a Spreadsheet control in a file in XLSX format.
  • the scrollbar position in a Spreadsheet control for the current worksheet,
  • the current worksheet in the Spreadsheet control,
  • the selected elements in the Spreadsheet control for the current worksheet.
SpreadsheetSeekSeeks a value in the cells of a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetSelectCommentAllows you to:
  • know if a comment is selected in a Spreadsheet control,
  • select or deselect a comment in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetSelectMinusDeselects one or more cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetSelectPlusSelects one or more cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetSelectWorksheetSelects a worksheet (identified by its name) in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetSortSelectionSorts the values selected in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetStartModificationIndicates the start of a group of operations on a Spreadsheet control in a single event (management of "undo/redo").
SpreadsheetStyleSelectionReturns or modifies the style of selected cells in a Spreadsheet control found in a window.
SpreadsheetTypeAndMaskSelectionReturns or modifies the type and mask of selected cells in a Spreadsheet control.
SpreadsheetUnmergeCellUnmerges the specified or selected cell in a Spreadsheet control.
Other functions can also be used to handle the coordinates of a cell:
xlsCoordinatesToNameRetrieves the name of a cell, XLS worksheet or Spreadsheet control according to its coordinates.
xlsNameToCoordinatesReturns the coordinates of a cell, XLS file or spreadsheet control according to its name.
Related Examples:
The Spreadsheet control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Spreadsheet control
[ + ] Using the Spreadsheet control.
This example explains how to:
- load an xlsx file in a spreadsheet control,
- save the spreadsheet in a file,
- fill the control with data coming from the database,
- insert rows, columns,
- access the cells and handle them (modify their value, their style, ...),
- enter formulas,
- ...
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 02/01/2024

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