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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Looper functions
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Stored procedures
Changes or returns the visibility status of the refresh bar in a Looper control.
This function can be used when the Looper control supports the "Pull-to-refresh" option. To enable this option in a Looper control:
  1. Open the Looper control description window.
  2. On the "Details" tab, in the "Moves and gestures" area, check "Pull to refresh".
  3. Validate.
Note: This function is only available in WINDEV for use in simulator mode.. Used in a WINDEV application, this function has no effect.
// Event "Pull to refresh" of a Looper control
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check the display of selection bar because the refresh of
// Looper control data will be performed in a secondary thread.
// Otherwise, the refresh bar would be automatically hidden at the
// end of process execution.
LooperRefreshVisible(LOOP_Data, True)
// Refreshes the data of the Looper control in a secondary thread
ThreadExécute("threadUPDLoop", threadNormal, ProcThreadUPDLoop)
// Procedure for refreshing the data of the Looper control
// Run an HTTP request
// Go back to the main thread to add the request content into the
// Looper control
ExecuteMainThread(ProcUPDLoop, HTTPGetResult())
// Procedure for filling data in the Looper control
PROCÉDURE ProcUPDLoop(sData is string)
// Process the received data in order to populate the Looper control
// The Looper control data is refreshed,
// hide the refresh bar
LooperRefreshVisible(LOOP_Data, False)

Changing the state of the refresh bar Hide the details

LooperRefreshVisible(<Looper control> , <Visible>)
<Looper control>: Control name
Name of the Looper control to be used.
<Visible>: Boolean
  • True to display the refresh bar,
  • False to hide it.

Getting the state of the refresh bar Hide the details

<Result> = LooperRefreshVisible(<Looper control>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the refresh bar is displayed,
  • False if the refresh bar is hidden.
<Looper control>: Control name
Name of the Looper control to be used.
  • During a "Pull-to-refresh", the refresh bar corresponds to the area displayed above the cells of the Looper control during the data refresh.
  • LooperRefreshVisible is used, for example, to manage how the refresh bar is displayed when the data from the Looper control is refreshed in a secondary thread. This prevents the application from freezing (the example uses this method).
  • When the refresh bar is shown by LooperRefreshVisible, the "Pull to refresh" event of the Looper control is not executed.
    Note: It is possible to force execution of this event by using function ExecuteProcess with constant trtPullToRefresh.
  • To hide the refresh bar, LooperRefreshVisible(False) must be called as many times as LooperRefreshVisible(True) was run.
Component: wd300android.aar
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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