Weight (Property) In french: Poids
The Weight property is used to manage the weight of an element in a TreeMap control. It is possible to: - Get the weight of an element in a TreeMap control.
- Change the weight of an element in a TreeMap control.
Remark: Changing an element's weight changes its size in the TreeMap control.. The weight was specified when the element was added to the TreeMap by TreeMapAdd.
IndiceSélection is int = TMAP_TreeMap
LIB_TailleFichierNoZippe = TMAP_TreeMap[IndiceSélection].Poids
TMAP_TreeMap[IndiceSélection].Poids = PoidsZippe(TMAP_TreeMap[IndiceSélection])
Getting the weight of an element in a TreeMap control Hide the details
<Result> = <Element of TreeMap Control>.Weight
<Result>: Real or integer Current weight of the element in the specified TreeMap control. <Element of TreeMap Control>: Control name Element of the TreeMap control whose weight you want to get. This parameter has the following format:
<Champ TreeMap>[Indice de l'élément]
Changing the weight of an element in a TreeMap control Hide the details
<Element of TreeMap Control>.Weight = <New weight>
<Element of TreeMap Control>: Control name Element of the TreeMap control whose weight must be changed. This parameter has the following format:
<Champ TreeMap>[Indice de l'élément] <New weight>: Real or integer New weight of the specified element.