- Name of the known services
- Limitation
- Required permissions
SocketConnectBluetooth (Function) In french: SocketConnecteBluetooth Connects a client computer to a specific Bluetooth socket. Syntax
<Result> = SocketConnectBluetooth(<Socket name> , <Service> , <Address> [, <Maximum timeout>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the connection was established,
- False otherwise. If an error occurs, you can get more details on the error with ErrorInfo.
<Socket name>: Character string Name that will be given to the connection opened on the server socket. This name will be used by all socket functions. <Service>: Character string Corresponds to:- the name of a known service (see the Notes)
- the GUID of a service
<Address>: Character string MAC address of the server. <Maximum timeout>: Optional integer Maximum timeout (in milliseconds) for establishing the connection. This timeout will be used if the server refuses the connection (SocketDeny). In this case, the connection will not be locking. This parameter can correspond to: - an integer representing the number of milliseconds,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in a readable format (e.g., 1 s or 10 ms).
This timeout is set to 5000 milliseconds by default (5 seconds). Remarks Name of the known services The known services are the standard services described in the Bluetooth standard. The names of the accepted services are as follows: - ServiceDiscoveryServerServiceClassID_UUID
- BrowseGroupDescriptorServiceClassID_UUID
- PublicBrowseGroupServiceClass_UUID
- SerialPortServiceClass_UUID
- LANAccessUsingPPPServiceClass_UUID
- DialupNetworkingServiceClass_UUID
- IrMCSyncServiceClass_UUID
- OBEXObjectPushServiceClass_UUID
- OBEXFileTransferServiceClass_UUID
- IrMCSyncCommandServiceClass_UUID
- HeadsetServiceClass_UUID
- CordlessTelephonyServiceClass_UUID
- AudioSourceServiceClass_UUID
- AudioSinkServiceClass_UUID
- AVRemoteControlTargetServiceClass_UUID
- AdvancedAudioDistributionServiceClass_UUID
- AVRemoteControlServiceClass_UUID
- VideoConferencingServiceClass_UUID
- IntercomServiceClass_UUID
- FaxServiceClass_UUID
- HeadsetAudioGatewayServiceClass_UUID
- WAPServiceClass_UUID
- WAPClientServiceClass_UUID
- PANUServiceClass_UUID
- NAPServiceClass_UUID
- GNServiceClass_UUID
- DirectPrintingServiceClass_UUID
- ReferencePrintingServiceClass_UUID
- ImagingServiceClass_UUID
- ImagingResponderServiceClass_UUID
- ImagingAutomaticArchiveServiceClass_UUID
- ImagingReferenceObjectsServiceClass_UUID
- HandsfreeServiceClass_UUID
- HandsfreeAudioGatewayServiceClass_UUID
- DirectPrintingReferenceObjectsServiceClass_UUID
- ReflectedUIServiceClass_UUID
- BasicPringingServiceClass_UUID
- PrintingStatusServiceClass_UUID
- HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID
- HardcopyCableReplacementServiceClass_UUID
- HCRPrintServiceClass_UUID
- HCRScanServiceClass_UUID
- CommonISDNAccessServiceClass_UUID
- VideoConferencingGWServiceClass_UUID
- UDIMTServiceClass_UUID
- UDITAServiceClass_UUID
- AudioVideoServiceClass_UUID
- PnPInformationServiceClass_UUID
- GenericNetworkingServiceClass_UUID
- GenericFileTransferServiceClass_UUID
- GenericAudioServiceClass_UUID
- GenericTelephonyServiceClass_UUID
- ActiveSyncClass_UUID
If you use another service, specify its identifier directly (GUID). Limitation Only the Microsoft Bluetooth stack is supported by this function. For more details, see Which stacks to use?
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