- Characteristics of inserted row
- Position of inserted row
- Limits: Maximum number of lines displayed
- Miscellaneous
- Adding rows
- Cascading input
- Table field/Hierarchical file table: Changes to the linked data file
- Table field/Hierarchical table file: Insert several lines
- Editable Table or TreeView Table control
- Inserting images
TableInsert (Function) In french: TableInsère Inserts a row into: - a Table control,
- a TreeView Table control,
a table displayed in a Combo Box control. Remarks:
ResInsertion = TableInsert(TABLE_TableClient, "Paul" + TAB + "Dubois", 5)
<Result> = TableInsert(<Table control> [, <Row> [, <Index>]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the element was inserted,
- False otherwise.
<Table control>: Control name Name of the control to be used. This control can correspond to: - a Table control.
- a TreeView Table control.
a Combo Box control with table. If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the control used will be the control to which the current event belongs. <Row>: Optional character string Row to insert. This row has the following format:
<Elément de la colonne1> + TAB + <Elément de la colonne2> + TAB + ... If this parameter is not specified, an empty row is inserted into the control. For a control based on a data file, the default values defined in the linked data file are taken into account. <Index>: Optional integer Index of the row to insert. The index of the first row is set to 1. | | Index not specified | The row will be inserted before the current row. If no row is selected, the row is inserted at the bottom of the control. | Index greater than the number of control rows. | The row is inserted at the bottom of the control. | Index equal to 0 | The row is inserted at the beginning of the control. | Index equal to -1 | The row will be inserted before the current row. |
Remarks TableInsert can be used on: - Table or TreeView Table controls based on a data file.
- Table or TreeView Table controls populated programmatically.
- single-selection or multi-selection controls.
 Reminder: Multi-selection is not available for Table fields in "Server" mode.
Characteristics of inserted row - Each inserted element is converted into the type of relevant column.
- To specify no value for an element, use an empty string ("") or 0 (according to the type of column). For example:
TableInsert(TABLE_TableClient, "Dubois" + TAB + "Pierre" + TAB + "" + TAB + "21/06/72")
- If an element corresponds to the calculation result, the numeric expression must be enclosed in brackets. For example:
TableInsert(TABLE_TableCalcul, (53+29) + TAB + (83-21))
Position of inserted row By default, the row is inserted at the specified position. Special cases: - If the control is sorted with TableSort, the new row is positioned according to the current sort and not the specified index.
- If the control is sorted by the user, the sort is ignored when inserting the row. The row is inserted at the specified position.
Limits: Maximum number of lines displayed The maximum number of lines that can be displayed in a TreeView Table control or Hierarchical Table is limited only by the available RAM (theoretical maximum: 2 billion lines).. However, we do not advise you to use large Table or TreeView Table controls for performance and user-friendliness reasons (time required to fill the control for example). Miscellaneous To add rows at the end of a Table or TreeView Table control, use TableAddLine. Inserting images To insert an image into a Table control: specify the name and full path of image to insert. For example:
TableInsert(TABLE_MaTable, "C:\MesDocuments\MonImage.BMP")
 specify the path and name of image to insert. The path is relative to the "<Project_Name>_WEB" directory. For example:
TableInsert(TABLE_MaTable, "MonImage.BMP")
Note: To display the added image correctly, the column must be of type Image.
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