- Use conditions
- Updating the data file linked to the Table or TreeView Table control
- Cascading input and update of linked data file
- Re-displaying the row that was saved
- Locking and updating the data file
- Duplicates and referential integrity
- Use TableSave to reduce the number of lines of code
TableSave (Function) In french: TableEnregistre Updates or adds the record bound to the current row in the Table or TreeView Table control. The record is updated: - in the data file linked to the control.
in the variable bound to the control.
TABLE_Produit = 5
TABLE_Produit[5].COL_Lib = "nouvelle valeur"
IF TABLE_Client.Modifié = False THEN
pclPresentationFiche is PFicheClient dynamic
IF TABLE_Client.Nouveau THEN
TableSave(TABLE_Client, pclPresentationFiche)
Syntax <Table control>: Control name Name of the Table or TreeView Table control based on a data file to be used. The current row of this Table control will be saved.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string (""), the Table control to which the current process belongs will be used. Remarks Use conditions TableSave can be used on: - a Table control based on a data file or a TreeView Table control based on a data file.
- single-selection or multi-selection controls. For a multi-selection control, only the last selected record is modified (the record corresponding to the last current row).
a Table control on variable (syntax 2).
Updating the data file linked to the Table or TreeView Table control TableSave saves the current control row in the data file linked to the control. The items are automatically assigned with the values of associated columns in the current row. When a modification is performed, TableSave replaces the former values by the new ones. The items not found in the control are not modified. Caution: - TableSave only manages the data file associated with the control. If some columns are linked to items found in other data files, these data files are not automatically managed.
- The "image" columns are not saved by TableSave. To modify the content of the memo associated with the image (rare case), use HLinkMemo.
- In the Check Box columns, the call to TableSave is implicit and it cannot be disabled. In any case, the modification of the value of check box will be applied to the data file.
Cascading input and update of linked data file - If the cascading input is enabled, the data file linked to the Table or TreeView Table control is automatically modified when the user goes to the next row (use of TableAdd, TableAddLine, TableInsert, TableInsertLine, TableModify and TableModifyLine). TableSave is useless.
- If the cascading input is not enabled, the data file linked to the Table or TreeView Table control is not modified. To write the added or modified row into the linked data file, TableSave must be used after the addition or modification function.
Remarks: Re-displaying the row that was saved After the call to TableSave, the row saved may "disappear". This "disappearance" is due to the value of the search key for the added or modified record. To avoid this problem, re-display the Table or TreeView Table control with TableDisplay. Locking and updating the data file If the data file is locked in the current process, TableSave saves the current row and unlocks the data file. Duplicates and referential integrity - If the management of duplicates is enabled (HSetDuplicates), HErrorDuplicates must be checked after the execution of TableSave to check the key uniqueness.
- If the management of referential integrity is enabled (HSetIntegrity), HErrorIntegrity must be checked after the execution of TableSave to check the referential integrity.
Use TableSave to reduce the number of lines of code TableSave reduces several lines of code. This single line allows you to avoid assigning the item variables one by one. For example, the following code: Client.Nom = ColonneNom
Client.Prénom = ColonnePrénom
Client.Adresse = ColonneAdresse
Client.CP = ColonneCP
Client.Ville = ColonneVille
is replaced with the following line:
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