FaxStatus (Function) In french: FaxEtat Returns the status of a fax that was sent by FaxSend. FaxStatus fills the FaxCompleteStatus structure that contains the fax characteristics. Remark: This function can be used in Windows 2000, XP or later. Reminder: In Windows Vista (and later), the management of faxes is available with Windows Professional et Windows Integral Edition. IDConnect is int IDConnect = FaxConnect() ... NomFax is string = "MonFax" IDFax = FaxSend(IDConnect, NomFax, "Message.txt", "0102030405") ... IF FaxStatus(IDConnect, NomFax) = FaxStatusSent THEN Info("Le fax a été envoyé") ELSE Info("Etat du fax: " + FaxCompleteStatus.StatusCaption) END ... FaxDisconnect(IDConnect) Syntax
<Result> = FaxStatus(<Connection ID> , <Fax name or Fax identifier>)
<Result>: Integer constant Status of specified fax: | | FaxStatusAnswered | The recipient answered. | FaxStatusBadNumber | Wrong fax number. | FaxStatusBusy | The recipient is busy. | FaxStatusCall | The fax is dialing out. | FaxStatusCanceled | The fax transmission is canceled. | FaxStatusDelayed | The call is delayed. | FaxStatusDisconnected | Disconnection during the transmission. | FaxStatusError | Unable to get the fax status. | FaxStatusFatalError | Fatal error. | FaxStatusHandled | The fax is handled and transmitted by the fax manager. | FaxStatusInactive | The fax sending is disabled (pause between two calls for example). | FaxStatusInit | The transmission is currently initialized. | FaxStatusLocked | The recipient number is locked. | FaxStatusNoAnswer | The recipient does not answer. | FaxStatusNoDialTone | No dial tone. | FaxStatusNotFaxCall | A call other than a fax call (phone call for example) was received by the device. | FaxStatusOffline | The device is offline and unavailable. | FaxStatusReceiving | The device is currently receiving a fax. | FaxStatusRing | The recipient fax is ringing. | FaxStatusRouting | The device is currently routing an incoming fax. | FaxStatusSend | The fax is currently sent. | FaxStatusSent | The fax was sent. | FaxStatusServerPending | The device is available. | FaxStatusUnavailable | The fax is busy (used by another application). |
<Connection ID>: Integer Connection identifier, returned by FaxConnect. This identifier must correspond with the one from the connection used to send the fax. <Fax name or Fax identifier>: Character string Corresponds to:- the name used to identify the outgoing fax. This name was defined with FaxSend.
- or the fax identifier (obtained using the FaxOutbox or FaxInbox functions)
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