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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Control functions
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Stored procedures
Control constants
The following constants are used by the functions for control management:
ConstantDescriptionUsed by the functions
aiAutomaticOpeningConfigures the automatic opening of the list of options.AssistedInputConfigure
aiDelayTimeout before triggering the assisted input.AssistedInputConfigure
aiFilterFilter that will be used for the assisted input.AssistedInputConfigure
aiMinSizeNumber of characters in input before opening the list of optionsAssistedInputConfigure
aiNoCaseTaking the case and the accented characters into account.AssistedInputConfigure
aiWidthListBoxSets the width of the list of options.AssistedInputConfigure
brkFooterType of break to create: Break footer. BreakAdd
brkHeaderType of break to create: Break header. BreakAdd
brkHeaderAndFooterType of break to create: Break header and footer. BreakAdd
byCreationOrderOrder of enumeration: according to the creation order of controls.EnumControl
byTabOrderOrder of enumeration: according to the navigation order with the TAB key.EnumControl
byZOrderOrder of enumeration: according to the Z-index of controls, from the lowest one to the highest one.EnumControl
caRestoreBinding between control and data file: restore the original data binding.ControlAlias
ceBrokenBindingType of error: the value of linked item is not found.ControlError
ceNullType of error: The linked item is an HFSQL item that contains NULL.ControlError
ceOverflowType of error: the control value is greater than the input/display mask defined for the control.ControlError
ceReadFieldType of error: error while reading an item.ControlError
New in version SaaS
Coordinate origin: control used.
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Coordinate origin: screen.
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Coordinate origin: window.
New in version SaaS
htmlBackBrowsing direction:
Displays the previous page (equivalent to the "BACK/Previous" button of browser).
htmlForwardBrowsing direction:
Displays the next page (equivalent to the "FORWARD" button of browser).
htmlHomeBrowsing direction:
Displays the home page (equivalent to the "Home" button of browser).
htmlRefreshBrowsing direction:
Refreshes the current page (equivalent to the "Refresh" button of browser).
htmlStopStops loading resources used by the page. The "Load resources" event of the control is not executed. HTMLNavigate
icoBottomError icon display: The icon is displayed below the control. InvalidInputShowIcon
icoLeftError icon display: The icon is displayed to the left of the control. InvalidInputShowIcon
icoRightError icon display: The icon is displayed to the right of the control. InvalidInputShowIcon
icoTopError icon display: The icon is displayed above the control. InvalidInputShowIcon
paramIniType of backup for the persistent data: backup in a file in .INI format.InitParameter
paramRegistryType of backup for the persistent data: backup in the registry.InitParameter
paramStringType of backup for the persistent data: read operation in an XML string.InitParameter
paramXMLType of backup for the persistent data: backup in a file in XML format.InitParameter
reasonClickEntry in the current control via a mouse click.ControlInOutReason
reasonCodeFocus set to the current control by SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput.ControlInOutReason
reasonKeyboardEntry in the current control via the keyboard (TAB key, shortcut, etc.).ControlInOutReason
reasonOpeningEntry in the current control caused by the window opening.ControlInOutReason
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the button on the left of the input zone (for Edit control fields)..
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the button on the right of the input zone (for Edit control fields)..
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the outer frame of the field.
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's horizontal elevator frame.
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's internal frame.
New in version SaaS
New in version SaaS
Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's vertical elevator frame.
New in version SaaS
rtfAlignmentAlignment of selected paragraphs.RTFSelection
rtfBackgroundColorBackground color of the text to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfBoldBold characters to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfCaseSensitiveThe search is case sensitive.RTFSearch
rtfColorColor of the text to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfFontNameName of font to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfFontSizeFont size (in pixels) to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfFullWordSearches for the full words only.RTFSearch
rtfItalicItalic characters to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfStrikethroughStrikethrough characters to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rtfUnderlinedUnderlined characters to retrieve or modify.RTFSelection
rthOptionCompatibleUsed to restore the operating mode of version 22 (and earlier). RTFToHTML
rthOptionNoneNew conversion mode used to manage the images and the tables.RTFToHTML
sbBothThe horizontal and vertical scrollbars are displayed.ScrollBarShow
  • The horizontal scrollbar is displayed.
  • Handling the horizontal scrollbar.
  • The vertical scrollbar is displayed.
  • Handling the vertical scrollbar.
spellcheckCheckerTypeAllows you to select the type of spell checker used. ConfigureSpellCheck
spellcheckEnabledEnables or disables the spelling checker of OpenOffice for all the edit controls.ConfigureSpellCheck
spellcheckIntegratedCheckerType of spell checker used: the integrated spell checker will be used for all the edit controls of the application.ConfigureSpellCheck
spellcheckNationSpecifies the dictionary language that will be used.ConfigureSpellCheck
spellcheckOpenOfficeCheckerType of spell checker used: the OpenOffice spell checker will be used for all the edit controls of the application.ConfigureSpellCheck
tDefaultCalculates the height or width of a text in pixels in an Edit or Combo Box control.TextHeight, TextWidth
tMultilineCalculates the height or the width of a text displayed on several lines in an Edit control or in a Combo Box control (automatic or forced CR characters are taken into account).TextHeight, TextWidth
tooltipDelayBeforeOpeningTimeout before displaying the tooltips.ToolTipDelay
tooltipDelayDisplayDisplay duration for the tooltips of controls.ToolTipDelay
tSingleLineCalculates the height or width of a text displayed on a single line in an Edit control or in a Combo Box control (automatic CR characters are ignored).TextHeight, TextWidth
tWithMarginCalculates the height or width of a text in pixels in an Edit or Combo Box control, taking into account the margins set for the control (left indentation, right indentation, etc.).TextHeight, TextWidth
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/07/2024

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