| | |
Constant | Description | Used by the functions |
aiAutomaticOpening | Configures the automatic opening of the list of options. | AssistedInputConfigure |
aiDelay | Timeout before triggering the assisted input. | AssistedInputConfigure |
aiFilter | Filter that will be used for the assisted input. | AssistedInputConfigure |
aiMinSize | Number of characters in input before opening the list of options | AssistedInputConfigure |
aiNoCase | Taking the case and the accented characters into account. | AssistedInputConfigure |
aiWidthListBox | Sets the width of the list of options. | AssistedInputConfigure |
brkFooter | Type of break to create: Break footer. | BreakAdd |
brkHeader | Type of break to create: Break header. | BreakAdd |
brkHeaderAndFooter | Type of break to create: Break header and footer. | BreakAdd |
byCreationOrder | Order of enumeration: according to the creation order of controls. | EnumControl |
byTabOrder | Order of enumeration: according to the navigation order with the TAB key. | EnumControl |
byZOrder | Order of enumeration: according to the Z-index of controls, from the lowest one to the highest one. | EnumControl |
caRestore | Binding between control and data file: restore the original data binding. | ControlAlias |
ceBrokenBinding | Type of error: the value of linked item is not found. | ControlError |
ceNull | Type of error: The linked item is an HFSQL item that contains NULL. | ControlError |
ceOverflow | Type of error: the control value is greater than the input/display mask defined for the control. | ControlError |
ceReadField | Type of error: error while reading an item. | ControlError |
New in version SaaScrControl | Coordinate origin: control used. | |
New in version SaaScrScreen | Coordinate origin: screen. | |
New in version SaaScrWindow | Coordinate origin: window. | |
htmlBack | Browsing direction: Displays the previous page (equivalent to the "BACK/Previous" button of browser). | HTMLNavigate |
htmlForward | Browsing direction: Displays the next page (equivalent to the "FORWARD" button of browser). | HTMLNavigate |
htmlHome | Browsing direction: Displays the home page (equivalent to the "Home" button of browser). | HTMLNavigate |
htmlRefresh | Browsing direction: Refreshes the current page (equivalent to the "Refresh" button of browser). | HTMLNavigate |
htmlStop | Stops loading resources used by the page. The "Load resources" event of the control is not executed. | HTMLNavigate |
icoBottom | Error icon display: The icon is displayed below the control. | InvalidInputShowIcon |
icoLeft | Error icon display: The icon is displayed to the left of the control. | InvalidInputShowIcon |
icoRight | Error icon display: The icon is displayed to the right of the control. | InvalidInputShowIcon |
icoTop | Error icon display: The icon is displayed above the control. | InvalidInputShowIcon |
paramIni | Type of backup for the persistent data: backup in a file in .INI format. | InitParameter |
paramRegistry | Type of backup for the persistent data: backup in the registry. | InitParameter |
paramString | Type of backup for the persistent data: read operation in an XML string. | InitParameter |
paramXML | Type of backup for the persistent data: backup in a file in XML format. | InitParameter |
reasonClick | Entry in the current control via a mouse click. | ControlInOutReason |
reasonCode | Focus set to the current control by SetFocusAndReturnToUserInput. | ControlInOutReason |
reasonKeyboard | Entry in the current control via the keyboard (TAB key, shortcut, etc.). | ControlInOutReason |
reasonOpening | Entry in the current control caused by the window opening. | ControlInOutReason |
New in version SaaSrectEditButtonLeft | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the button on the left of the input zone (for Edit control fields).. | |
New in version SaaSrectEditButtonRight | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the button on the right of the input zone (for Edit control fields).. | |
New in version SaaSrectExternal | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the outer frame of the field. | |
New in version SaaSrectHorizontalScrollbar | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's horizontal elevator frame. | |
New in version SaaSrectInternal | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's internal frame. | |
New in version SaaSrectVerticalScrollbar | Search area: Rectangle corresponding to the field's vertical elevator frame. | |
rtfAlignment | Alignment of selected paragraphs. | RTFSelection |
rtfBackgroundColor | Background color of the text to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfBold | Bold characters to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfCaseSensitive | The search is case sensitive. | RTFSearch |
rtfColor | Color of the text to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfFontName | Name of font to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfFontSize | Font size (in pixels) to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfFullWord | Searches for the full words only. | RTFSearch |
rtfItalic | Italic characters to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfStrikethrough | Strikethrough characters to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rtfUnderlined | Underlined characters to retrieve or modify. | RTFSelection |
rthOptionCompatible | Used to restore the operating mode of version 22 (and earlier). | RTFToHTML |
rthOptionNone | New conversion mode used to manage the images and the tables. | RTFToHTML |
sbBoth | The horizontal and vertical scrollbars are displayed. | ScrollBarShow |
sbHorz | - The horizontal scrollbar is displayed.
- Handling the horizontal scrollbar.
| ScrollBarShow ScrollbarPosition |
sbVert | - The vertical scrollbar is displayed.
- Handling the vertical scrollbar.
| ScrollBarShow ScrollbarPosition |
spellcheckCheckerType | Allows you to select the type of spell checker used. | ConfigureSpellCheck |
spellcheckEnabled | Enables or disables the spelling checker of OpenOffice for all the edit controls. | ConfigureSpellCheck |
spellcheckIntegratedChecker | Type of spell checker used: the integrated spell checker will be used for all the edit controls of the application. | ConfigureSpellCheck |
spellcheckNation | Specifies the dictionary language that will be used. | ConfigureSpellCheck |
spellcheckOpenOfficeChecker | Type of spell checker used: the OpenOffice spell checker will be used for all the edit controls of the application. | ConfigureSpellCheck |
tDefault | Calculates the height or width of a text in pixels in an Edit or Combo Box control. | TextHeight, TextWidth |
tMultiline | Calculates the height or the width of a text displayed on several lines in an Edit control or in a Combo Box control (automatic or forced CR characters are taken into account). | TextHeight, TextWidth |
tooltipDelayBeforeOpening | Timeout before displaying the tooltips. | ToolTipDelay |
tooltipDelayDisplay | Display duration for the tooltips of controls. | ToolTipDelay |
tSingleLine | Calculates the height or width of a text displayed on a single line in an Edit control or in a Combo Box control (automatic CR characters are ignored). | TextHeight, TextWidth |
tWithMargin | Calculates the height or width of a text in pixels in an Edit or Combo Box control, taking into account the margins set for the control (left indentation, right indentation, etc.). | TextHeight, TextWidth |