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Stored procedures
InitParameter (Function)
In french: InitParamètre
Initializes the management of persistent values. Specifies the location used to store:
  • the values of the persistent controls.
  • the size and position of the controls and windows.
  • the values managed by SaveParameter and LoadParameter.
Remark: Initialization of persistent values is "global".. Therefore, if a component initializes the management of persistent values, the management of persistent values will be initialized for the application that uses the component.
WINDEVReports and QueriesAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac CatalystUser code (UMC)
// Paramétrage des valeurs persistantes 
// dans un fichier .XML qui dépend de l'utilisateur 
InitParameter(paramXML, "Param_" + USER + ".xml")
WINDEVReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
// Paramétrage des valeurs persistantes
// dans une clé de la base de registre avec un n° de version
InitParameter(paramRegistry, ProjectInfo(piRegistry) + "\3.51")
// autre possibilité:
InitParameter(paramRegistry, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DDSoft\DDTool\3.51")
WINDEVReports and QueriesAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac CatalystUser code (UMC)
// Paramétrage des valeurs persistantes
// Paramétrage par une chaîne
MaChaîne is string
MaChaîne = fLoadText("MonFichier.xml")
InitParameter(paramString, MaChaîne)
<Result> = InitParameter(<Initialization mode> [, <Source of values>])
<Result>: Character string
Initialization mode used before the call to InitParameter. <Result> has the following format:
<Mode d'initialisation> + TAB + <Source des valeurs>
<Initialization mode>: Integer constant
Type of backup for the persistent data:
paramIniThe parameters will be saved in a [Global] section of a file in .INI format.
If this option is selected:
  • the INI file is named <Project name>.INI by default. This file is created in the directory of the executable.
    iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This file is created in the "/Library" directory of the application.
    WINDEVLinux This file is created in the "$HOME/.local/share" folder.
  • <Source of values> corresponds to the name of the .INI file to be used.
    If this directory is not specified, the file is created in the executable directory.
    iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst If this directory is not specified, the file is created in the "/Library" directory of the application.
    WINDEVLinux This file is created in the "$HOME/.local/share" folder.
paramRegistryThe parameters will be saved in the registry.
If this option is selected:
  • by default, the entry used corresponds to the result of ProjectInfo(piRegistry) (which means HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\<Company>\<Project name>)
    <Company> corresponds to the company specified when creating the executable. If this name is not specified, <Company> corresponds to "WINDEV applications".
  • in Test mode, the path used in the registry is as follows: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WinDev\30\TestMode\.
  • <Source of values> corresponds to the registry entry to be used.
Java <Source of values> will be ignored. If this mode is chosen to store the persistent data, the support used for backup depends on the operating system on which the application is run. In Windows, the data is saved in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs) and in Mac OSX, the data is saved in the system preferences.
AndroidAndroid Widget <Source of values> will be ignored. If this mode is chosen to store persistent data, the data is stored in the system preferences.
WINDEVLinux This parameter is not supported in this version.
paramStringThe parameters will be read in an XML string. <Source of values> (mandatory parameter) must be a string variable.
In this case, the parameters are not saved in an XML file but in the string variable.
This constant can be used to retrieve parameters coming from an HTTP server (parameters returned by HTTPRequest for example).
paramXMLThe parameters will be saved in a file in .XML format.
If this option is selected:
  • the XML file is named <Project name>.XML by default. This file is created in the directory of the executable.
    iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst This file is created in the "/Library" directory of the application.
    WINDEVLinux This file is created in the "$HOME/.local/share" folder.
  • <Source of values> corresponds to the name of the .XML file to be used.
    If this directory is not specified, the file is created in the executable directory.
    iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst If this directory is not specified, the file is created in the "/Library" directory of the application.
    WINDEVLinux This file is created in the "$HOME/.local/share" folder.
<Source of values>: Optional character string
This parameter depends on the selected initialization mode.
Related Examples:
WD Persistence Training (WINDEV): WD Persistence
[ + ] This example presents the use of InitParameter, LoadParameter and SaveParameter.
These functions are used to configure the backup of controls, variables and other parameters.
This example is divided into three parts:
- The configuration
- The manual management of variables (SaveParameter and LoadParameter)
- The optimization
1°) Configuration

The configuration window enables you to modify the location of the backup of parameters (registry, INI file, XML file) as well as its path (registry key or file path).
2°) Manual management of the variables
The manual management enables you to save the content of the variables via SaveParameter and to restore them via LoadParameter. Each parameter is identified by a name. These values are saved at the location defined in the configuration window.
3°) The optimization
This window explains how to optimize your code to avoid the slowness caused when the saved values are restored. Indeed, when restoring the value of a control, its modification code is run. If you have long processes (queries with parameters for instance), this window shows you how to speed up the loading of the window.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300std.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/19/2024

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