- Properties specific to pdfPage variables
pdfPage (Variable type) In french: pdfPage
The pdfPage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a page from a PDF document loaded in memory. You can define and change the characteristics of this page using different WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. MyPDF is pdfDocument = "test.pdf"
FOR EACH DocumentPage OF MyPDF.Page
PDFSave(MyPDF, "passwordtest.pdf")
FilePDF is pdfDocument = PDFOpen(fDataDir + fSep +"MONPDF.pdf")
UnePage is pdfPage
OnePage = FilePDF.Page[1]
OnePage.AddImage(fDataDir + fSep + "MONIMAGE.jpg", 0, 0, OnePage.Width, OnePage.Height)
PDF_NoName1 = PDFFile
MyPDFDoc is pdfDocument = PDFOpen("C:\temp\Myguide.pdf")
FOR EACH ATextElement OF MyPDFDoc.Page[2].TextElement
Trace(ATextElement.Text + " X = " +
ATextElement.X + " Y = " + ATextElement.Y + " L = " +
ATextElement.Width + " H = " + ATextElement.Height)
MyPDFDoc2 is pdfDocument = "C:\temp\plan.pdf"
Add(MyPDFDoc2.Page, MyPDFDoc.Page[5])
Insert(MyPDFDoc2.Page, 1, MyPDFDoc.Page[32])
PDFSave(MyPDFDoc2, "MyPDFDoc2.pdf")
Properties Properties specific to pdfPage variables The following properties can be used to handle a page of a PDF document: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
New in version 2025Control | Array of pdfControl | Characteristics of controls in a PDF form. | Height | Real | Page height in millimeters. If this height is changed, the page is automatically resized and the elements are repositioned. | Orientation | String constant | Allows you to find out and modify the orientation of the page: - Orient0: Default orientation.
- Orient90: 90° page orientation.
- Orient180: 180° page orientation.
- Orient270: Page orientation 270°.
| TextElement | Array of pdfTextElement | Information about the text in the page. | Width | Real | Page width in millimeters. If this width is changed, the page is automatically resized and the elements are repositioned. |
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