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See the 929 new features (PDF)

Take advantage of the 215 new common features in version 2024
WEBDEV 2024 benefits from most of the 215 new features common to the 2024 version..
In particular, WEBDEV 2024 benefits from improved speed, new fields, new business logic Fields, new Waffle graph, changes to the Surveillance Robot, Favorite Fields, changes to the code editor, spatial data and HFSQL anonymization, new WLanguage features, etc..
And in addition to all these new features, WEBDEV 2024 benefits from amazing new features specific to the Web. See the following pages to learn more.
5 new business logic fields for WEBDEV
5 new business logic fields are available in version 2024 for WEBDEV:
  • Display FAQ,
  • Sliding cards,
  • Label to be entered,
  • Non-blocking Upload control,
  • Tactile signature.
New business logic field for FAQ display
The business logic "FAQ display" field displays a list of questions/answers in a current FAQ mode.: only the questions are displayed by Default , each answer must be completed by the user.
The beauty of this presenter is that it offers a "summary" by Default.
A search box is available in the business logic field. .
Of course, the FAQ list can be dynamic and come from a database.
New Champ business logic scrolling cards
The business logic "Scrolling maps" field lets you scroll through the contents of a cell's floor plans.
New non-blocking business logic Upload control field
The control business logic "control Non-blocking Upload" allows you to propose one or more downloads, which will be carried out as part of the Background task, without blocking the surfer..
Champ business logic manages multi-file drop.
An upload progress gauge is displayed for each file..
Uploads can be cancelled per file.
New Touch-Signature Business Field for tablet sites and Phone
The "Signature Tactile" business field is intended for sites displayed on Phone or tablets..
The Champ business logic allows finger-signing on the screen.
The signature is returned as Image.
Cookie business field: regulatory changes
The Business Field " Cookie " is evolving into a 2024 version to comply with the regulations of certain Country.
The choice "REFUSE ALL" is systematically proposed.
New business logic field with label now available for input
The business logic field "Label to be entered" is used to display a label, which displays an Icon pen..
When the user clicks on this Icon pen, the label changes to edit control.
Web tour
Version 2024 makes it easy to create Guided Tours for one or more pages of your websites..
You can easily guide users and web surfers.
See new features 001 to 013.
Browser code
Guided Tour WLanguage types and functions (GuidedTourStep, etc.) are available in Navigator code..
This makes it possible to carry out the desired interactions without the latency of a call to the server..
It is always possible to call up a Server code before or after a step.
A multiplatform modus operandi
The methodology for creating guided tours is similar for Windows, Mobile and the Web..
The Guided Tour generator works in the same way.
There are accessibility standards that have been defined to help users with disabilities (visual or cognitive impairment, color blindness, physical disabilities, dyslexia, etc.).
These standards are implemented, among other things, by adding ARIA tags to the HTML code of the page..
WEBDEV version 2024 offers personalized autocompletion of fields (see new feature 780 ), helping to increase the accessibility of interactive sites.
Move an control off the page
When manipulating, it is possible to position an control directly off the page, without any special handling.
Font too small? UI error appears
In version 2024, the page editor reports font sizes detected as "too small"..
The "postage stamp" interfaces are therefore detected!
Similarly, external fonts that are not found on the development workstation are flagged.
  • Cell control: several different cells can contain fields with the same name.
  • Looper: it becomes possible to place an control Internal Page in a Repeated Zone.
  • Linear Repeat Zones accept Internal Pages (in addition to Internal Page fields).
  • The UI selection process for the Web fonts qUI to be used in the project has been revised and simplified.
  • Style editing: an "Apply" button appears for immediate viewing of any changes.
New CSS Grid control
The new control CSS Grid enables fluid, responsive positioning of control s on the page..
See new feature 789.
Container column: field anchoring
In version 2024, it is now possible to define an anchor for fields contained in a Container column.
Server button? Browser? Both, sir
Historically, in the WEBDEV editor, you had to indicate for each button whether it was Server or Browser..
In version 2024, this distinction is no longer necessary..
When code is present in server processing, the browser will automatically call the server.
And if no code is present in server processing, no server call will be made..
Note: for compatibility reasons, the history mode is still available.
automatic form filling
In a Web form, the browser can pre-fill the content of each control, or propose a list of values for each control.
The browser ideally uses the autocomplete tag to search its history for one or more relevant values.
When this tag is not indicated in control , the browser uses different heuristics (name of control , label of control ...) to pre-fill or propose a value, which will necessarily be less relevant.
In version 2024, it will be possible to specifically indicate the type of information expected in control.
The browser will therefore use the relevant historical data to pre-fill the control.
Fields can be grouped.
A WEBDEV style for an control consists of:
  • Native WEBDEV style itself,
  • For each control element (label, input field, column header, etc.), one or more CSS styles.
See opposite New 782.
CSS styles UI becomes more informative
The CSS Style Editor window provides useful information on how to manipulate CSS styles..
On each control state, a badge indicates the number of changes made to the initial CSS style.
Then, for each CSS style state, the tab indicates the number of changes made in the tab itself.
This allows you to keep track of the tabs where you made changes.
Divide the number of styles by 10: several CSS styles in a single control element
In version 2024, you can use multiple CSS styles for each element of a control:
  • wording,
  • input area,
  • border,
  • table header,
  • text within tables, etc
  • etc
As development continues, CSS styles start to pile up.
The control s Style tab evolves in version 2024 to allow the combined use of several CSS styles for each element of the control.
These CSS styles can be:
  • in the project's CSS style sheet,
  • in independent CSS files.
It is therefore unnecessary to create a new CSS style for each combination of CSS styles, which drastically reduces the number of styles in the CSS style sheet..
Note: Default will also deploy the external CSS files used by the website.
Cross-referencing project CSS styles: where are my styles used?
A badge appears on each style in the 2024 version: this badge indicates the number of uses of each CSS style in WEBDEV styles and project fields.
Clicking on the badge opens the list of WEBDEV fields and styles that use this CSS style..
You might consider deleting unused CSS styles, or grouping similar WEBDEV styles together.
GO of a field template: choice of layout
With WEBDEV 2024, you can choose the layout to be used for a GO from template de champs.
When testing, it is no longer necessary to resize the browser for the layout to change..
The layout currently being edited is used.
New Waffle chart
The new Waffle graph type is available in WEBDEV.
See new feature 022.
Search among page popups
Searching for a popup by name is now available in the editor.
SaaS: password security
When creating customer account passwords, a password security level indicator is displayed.
SPA: programming internal page changes
SPA technology applications benefit from programmable internal page changes.
This allows you to divide up and structure a page containing a large number of fields.
CSS Grid: a bi-directional layout system
CSS Grid is a layout system used in web pages.
Positioning is defined in cells that are laid out in rows and columns. These cells contain controls.
To compare with Flexbox:
  • Flexbox is unidirectional, horizontal OR vertical,
  • CSS Grid est bidirectionnel, horizontal ET vertical.
    CSS Grid can be used for the entire page, or only for a given section.
    It is possible to include one or more grids in a CSS Grid, and also one or more Flexboxes in a CSS Grid.
CSS Grid: describing properties
A CSS grid can be described by a number of properties:
  • number of lines,
  • number of columns,
  • size of row (or column): fixed, percentage, fraction of available size,
  • number of slots occupied by an control in the grid,
  • horizontal and vertical justification within a cell,
  • gutter,
  • and all grid CSS properties.
New CSS Grid control
Use the 7-tab window to define the properties of the new CSS Grid control.
You can write custom CSS code in a specific section of this window.
Fluid positioning: CSS grid and Flexbox are best friends
Responsive pages are created with WEBDEV using either layout technology or a combination of CSS Grid and Flexbox.
In version 2024, a "ready-to-use" button displays your Twitch profile.
Share on social networks
In version 2024, a new BrowserShare function opens in a window proposing the sharing of an Document or a link through social networks.: Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, Mail, etc.
Generally used by mobile sites.
All the new WLanguage functions in version 2024 are available in WEBDEV
WEBDEV Server code benefits from all the new WLanguage functions and features in version 2024.
See new features 804 to 884.
Calling the PageDisplay function in an Ajax call
In an Procedure Server called from a Browser code, it is now possible to use the PageDisplay function .
The PageDisplay function is available everywhere.
XSRF? attack (or CSRF) Don't panic, New type of Cookie secured
CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks are commonplace..
This type of attack consists in having an authenticated person carry out an operation requiring special privileges without their knowledge, for example by simply opening an image containing a hidden Command....
The new Property SameSite type Cookie helps fight against XSRF (CSRF) type pirate attacks.
Ajax repeated zone: new selection server event
The new Selection event in Server code allows you to enter any Server processes to be executed during a selection in a Repeater Zone row: practical!
Using pre-launched sessions: detecting the use of forbidden functions
Automatic pre-launched sessions are a very useful feature for accelerating site speeds..
On the other hand, it's obvious that a pre-launched session can't use certain WLanguage functions that communicate with the browser, since the browser isn't yet present....
For this type of error to be caught at compile time, it is necessary to enable detection of pre-run session errors..
In version 2024, when the Application Server is configured to generate pre-run sessions, and the site has not enabled pre-run session errors, a warning message is displayed.
Server code: 91 new WLanguage functions
The WLanguage is enriched by 91 new functions in Server code, as well as 34 new constants (see the list on the PCSOFT.FR website).
Tailwind CSS: a library of predefined utility classes
Tailwind CSS is a widely used framework CSS utility class..
Tailwind CSS is made up of CSS classes that define numerous styles and aspect behaviors.
WEBDEV 2024 is compatible with this framework.
Tailwind CSS classes also describe positioning rules.
These rules are supported by WEBDEV fields contained in Flexboxes or CSS grids.
For more details, see WEBDEV and Tailwind CSS.
Tailwind CSS: how to use it in WEBDEV
To use Tailwind CSS with WEBDEV 2024, simply activate the option in your project!
There's nothing to install or configure.: simply enter the name or names of the Tailwind CSS classes to be used in the Styles tab.
WEBDEV automatically generates the CSS Style sheets corresponding to the Tailwind CSS classes used..
A reminder: with WEBDEV 2024, an control can use several CSS styles simultaneously.
For more details, see WEBDEV and Tailwind CSS.
WEBDEV's page editor displays WEBDEV fields using Taillwind CSS classes in WYSIWYG mode.
For more details, see WEBDEV and Tailwind CSS.
Tailwind CSS: techniques
Taiwind CSS offers many features:
  • variants for report,
  • media queries to modify the appearance of fields,
  • configuration file to define its own classes, which aggregate the base classes,
  • etc
These features are supported by WEBDEV 2024.
For more details, see WEBDEV and Tailwind CSS.
Ajax automatic
With version 2024, Ajax use becomes totally transparent.
The WLanguage functions AJAXExecute and AJAXExecuteAsynchronous of previous versions are no longer required, but are of course retained for compatibility..
See New 910.
Automatic Ajax calls: banner displays number of calls from browser code
Useful information displayed in the code editor, in Ajax automatic mode, the banner shows the number of calls to Procedure from Browser code..
Note: when this number is zero, it means that there is no call to this Procedure in the project's Browser code.. In this case, to avoid malicious calls, the Application Server refuses direct calls to this Procedure from the browser..
Clicking on the number of calls displays a list of these calls, and takes you to their source code.
Webification made easier
Transforming your existing WINDEV applications (or parts of applications) into websites is easier than ever before.
The split view in the environment allows you to edit windows and pages at the same time, which makes everything easier.
The migration wizard simplifies the webification process.
New WLanguage functions
The new PageEcritCodeHttp and PageEcritCodeHttpPersonnalisé WLanguage functions can be used to specify the custom HTTP code to be returned when AWP is called.
Treeview tables
The new WLanguage function JSON ToHierarchicalTable allows you to fill a Hierarchical Table control to visualize the content of JSON.
The new WLanguage function HierarchicalTableTo JSON allows you to construct a JSON file from the content of table .
Null management in JSON
When a member is "null" in the Document JSON, there are now 2 possibilities for generating the text file:
  • generate Null ,
  • not generate the member.
Powerful new features
Among the many new features available under Linux are the Interactive Guided Tour, the new Waffle graph, automatic AJAX Calls, GridCSS, Tailwind and more.
81 new WLanguage functions on Linux
81 new functions are available Linux:
PHP: layout management
In version 2024, fixtures are managed at runtime: PC, Tablet, Phone, etc.
PHP: tag indentation
Version 2024 generates PHP pages with indented source code tags.
12 new WLanguage functions in PHP
12 new functions are available in PHP:
Security: dual authentication on administration site
In version 2024, access to the Application Server administrator is protected by double authentication.
Administration: API news
In version 2024, API is enriched to enable even greater automation of your website administration actions:
  • list sites,
  • list Webservices,
  • delete sites,
  • delete webservices.
  • New UI access statistics tool.
Ajax automatic
Version 2024 simplifies and automates Ajax calls from browser code.
When WEBDEV detects the call of an Procedure Server from the Browser code, by default, this Procedure Server is automatically called in Ajax mode..
There is no longer an option to activate in the Procedure banner. .
For compatibility, historical options are still available, in particular to make an Procedure Server non-callable. from a Navigator code.
AjaxExecute function no longer required
In version 2024, it is no longer necessary to use AJAXExecute or AJAXExecuteAsynchronous to call a Server procedure from Browser code.
Simply use the usual Procedure call syntax .
In the code editor, an icon indicates that the call is being made to an Procedure Server and not an Procedure Browser.
Parameters and return values for Ajax type calls
In previous versions of WEBDEV, the AJAXExecute function was required in order to execute a Server procedure in Ajax. It was only possible to pass strings as parameters, and only retrieve strings as return values..
In version 2024, the passing of parameters and the retrieval of return values use the type of variables thanks to the constant AjaxTypeStructure:
  • entire ,
  • string,
  • boolean,
  • structure,
  • array ,
  • associative array
  • etc
Ajax repeated zone: accessing attributes
In version 2024, it is now possible to access the content (attributes) of Repeated Zones in Browser code.
  • The Property ..Extra is available in get on all types of fields in Browser code.
5 new WLanguage Navigator functions
BrowserShareStarts the device's native share functionality.
GuidedTourChangeStepMoves to another step of the Guided Tour.
GuidedTourInfoReturns information about a Guided Tour.
GuidedTourStartStarts the Guided Tour and displays the first step.
GuidedTourStopStops the current Guided Tour or another specified Guided Tour.
Documentation of WebService entry points: code is analyzed to generate documentation
WEBDEV automatically generates REST Webservice documentation in OpenAPI format.
Documentation of Webservice entry points is automatically deduced from the Webservice procedure code.
Remotely update running application servers
In version 2024, you can remotely update one or more Application Servers.
This updated can be run:
  • from the WEBDEV administration application via TSE.
  • from the WEBDEV server administration site.
When a version higher than the installed version of the Application Server is available, either a minor version or a major version, the administrator proposes the update and the choice of version..
When a version is selected, it is automatically installed..
No further handling required.
The more Application Servers you install, the more time you save!
automatic update for application servers in operation
In addition to the previous new feature, it is now possible to make Application Server updates fully automatic.
Updates can be made systematically as soon as a new version of application server is available on the PC SOFT website. .
The update can also be set to trigger according to a specific choice: a version I set myself.
This version number must be present on an HTTP server.
The frequency at which an update is triggered can be set; the day and time of setup can also be set..
For example, on Sundays at 3 a.m., or every day every hour, etc.
automatic relaunch of a site following unexpected shutdown
When a website encounters a fatal error: connection failure, untimely update, fatal programming error, etc. in version 2024, the Application Server automatically relaunches the site..
An incremental backoff strategy (n attempts every 10 seconds, then n attempts every minute, then n attempts every hour) and a maximum number of retries, allow you to seamlessly restore websites.
If the Page in error is an Page of type Referencable Session, this Page will be redisplayed on relaunch.: useful for billboards!
Load balancing between all active accounts
This is a highly anticipated feature in the Application Server: the ability to fairly distribute CPU resources between WEBDEV accounts.
By default, the Application Server distributes workload evenly between all active accounts at a given time.
Therefore, any resource-intensive process will not slow down the websites of other accounts.
No account can take over the CPU.
Priority management by site
It is possible to assign a different priority to each site in an account.
You can choose between 3 priorities: weak, medium, high.
A high-priority site will benefit from more account resources than other sites.
WEBDEV account: security
WEBDEV account security has been improved in version 2024.
When using several different accounts on the same physical server, account partitioning is reinforced.
In shared use, an account's directories are no longer accessible outside the account.
Server error logs: file expansion monitored
In version 2024, error log files are automatically deleted when disk space becomes weak: older files are deleted to free up disk space.
For Default, the trigger threshold is 10 GB, which can be modified.
  • application server now returns raw HTTP error codes.
Transform an template Figma into pages WEBDEV
The Figma model import function allows you to convert models created by graphic designers into WEBDEV pages, while respecting your graphic choices..
See "Figma Import" in detail, Novelties 043 to 048.
A simple operating mode
The procedure for retrieving Figma models is simple and intuitive: after analyzing each element, simply specify which type of control it is and WEBDEV 2024 generates and positions the corresponding control..
If necessary, WEBDEV 2024 will ask you some simple questions to define control parameters. .
See "Figma Import" in detail, Novelties 043 to 048.
Supervision of synchronization for each node
WEBDEV's application and administration site allow you to monitor the report synchronization progress node by node..
Similarly, any synchronization errors are displayed on a node-by-node basis.
Matomo web analysis tool
The Matomo Web Analysis tool is supported by WEBDEV websites.
All you have to do is enter the appropriate identifiers, and all your browsing statistics will be available in Matomo..
One of Matomo's key features is that data is stored in Europe.
Native SQL Server and Oracle connectors
You can now script the activation of a native SQL Server or Oracle connector (indicate serial number, etc.) in a WEBDEV site's Image Docker.
  • it is no longer necessary to manually configure the Address Docker root.
Security: NTLM authentication
WEBDEV version 2024 lets you deploy a WEBDEV site on servers using NTLM authentication.
  • Deployment takes a closer look at the available disk space.
Minimum version required
  • Version 2024
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Last update: 05/29/2024

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