Help / Editors / Project editor
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Create a Custom-Folder
  • Opening a Custom-Folder
  • Associating the project elements with a Custom-Folder
  • Dissociating an element from a Custom-Folder
  • Renaming a Custom-Folder
  • Actions that can be performed on a Custom-Folder
  • Printing the content of a Custom-Folder
  • Component
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
"Custom-Folders" simplify the organization of projects, allowing you to group the elements of your application by themes. Custom-Folders are available:
  • for each category of elements in the "Project explorer" pane: windows, reports, ...
  • at project level.
How to?

Create a Custom-Folder

To create a Custom-Folder:
  1. Display the "Project explorer" pane if necessary.
  2. Select the folder in which the Custom-Folder will be created: Windows, Pages, ...
  3. Select "New Custom-Folder" in the popup menu.
  4. Enter the name of the Custom-Folder and validate. The Custom-Folder appears in the "Project explorer" pane as a yellow folder. This Custom-Folder can be customized. For more details, see Actions that can be performed on a Custom-Folder.
  • If you are using SCM, you must be Master on the project to create a Custom-Folder: the Custom-Folder will be carried over during the next synchronization. Otherwise, the created Custom-Folder will disappear during the next synchronization.
  • Custom-Folders are available in the sets of procedures.

Opening a Custom-Folder

To open a Custom-Folder, double-click its name in the "Project explorer" pane.

Associating the project elements with a Custom-Folder

To associate a project element with a Custom-Folder:
  1. Select the requested element in the "Project explorer" pane.
  2. Drag and Drop the element to the requested Custom-Folder.
To associate the same element with several Custom-Folders, hold the Ctrl key down during the Drag and Drop to the Custom-Folder.
Remark: When saving a new element, the following window is displayed:

Saving an element

This window is used to specify the custom-folder to which the current element will be associated.
In order for this window to be automatically displayed each time a new element is saved, check "Ask for the location of the new elements in the project" in the "Options" tab of the project description ("Project" tab, "Project" group, "Description").
A project element can be associated with several Custom-Folders.
Remark: Custom-Folder and SCM:
If you are using the SCM, you must be master on the project to associate a new element with a Custom-Folder. In this case, to retrieve the element in the Custom-Folder, the other developers must:
  • go to the "SCM" tab, "Project" group, expand "Master/Guest".
  • select "Get the Master version (full)". In all the other cases, the element will be retrieved but it will not be included in the Custom-Folder.
  • A guest can include an element in a Custom-Folder. However, the other developers cannot retrieve the element in the same Custom-Folder: they will only retrieve the element.

Dissociating an element from a Custom-Folder

To dissociate an element from a Custom-Folder:
  1. In the "Project explorer" pane, select the element to dissociate.
  2. Drag and Drop the element found in the Custom-Folder to the project name.

Renaming a Custom-Folder

To rename a Custom-Folder:
  1. In the "Project explorer" pane, select the Custom-Folder to rename.
  2. Select "Description" in the context menu.
  3. In the window that appears, modify the Custom-Folder name and validate.
Actions that can be performed on a Custom-Folder

Printing the content of a Custom-Folder

You can print the documentation of elements found in a Custom-Folder:
  1. Select the Custom-Folder in the "Project explorer" pane.
  2. Select "Print the Custom-Folder documentation" in the popup menu.
  3. The wizard for generating the documentation of the elements in the Custom-Folder starts.
When a component is added into the current project, the elements used by this component are grouped in a Custom-Folder.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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