Help / Control Centers / HFSQL Control Center / HFSQL Client/Server
  • Overview
  • Detailed characteristics of an HFSQL server
  • "Dashboard" tab
  • "Connections" tab
  • "Databases" tab
  • "Users" tab
  • "Group" tab
  • "Transactions" tab
  • "Scheduled elements" tab
  • "Backups" tab
  • "Notifications" tab
  • Ribbon options
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Stored procedures
The HFSQL Control Center allows you to fully manage HFSQL servers.

To display the characteristics of an HFSQL server:
  1. Connect (if necessary) to an HFSQL server. For more details, see Managing HFSQL Client/Server databases.
  2. Double-click the name of HFSQL server in the tree structure.
  3. The right section of Control Center displays a tab with the server name. This tab includes:
    • several tabs used to manage the characteristics of HFSQL server.
    • a ribbon used to configure the HFSQL server.
Detailed characteristics of an HFSQL server

"Dashboard" tab

This tab displays the main characteristics of the server.
Several actions can be performed on the server from the dashboard.
Server management - Dashboard tab
This tab displays the following characteristics in widget format:
  • Server name and status. The time, the amount of RAM and the system are also displayed.
  • Server version, with update mode. To configure the server update, click the corresponding link. For more details, see Automatic server update.
  • Current user. You have the ability to edit the profile of the current user.
  • Uses and groups defined on the server. A click performed on the information displayed allows you to access the characteristics of the users or groups.
  • Transactions: Displays the transactions in progress.
  • Configuration: Displays the main characteristics for configuring the server: Calculation of key statistics, activity statistics, index cache, logs, etc. Click an option to open the corresponding settings window.
  • Server activity: Displays the current tasks. A click on the number of current tasks is used to get the task details.
  • Scheduled tasks: Displays the different types of scheduled tasks found on the server. A click performed on these tasks is used to see their configuration.
  • Notifications: Displays the notifications received. You have the ability to configure the recipients of notifications directly.
  • Replication: Displays the replications of server data. You can directly configure the server replication.
  • Backup: Displays the scheduled backups. You have the ability to configure the scheduled backups.
  • Connections: Displays the number of connections. The link "More details" is used to display the "Connections" tab.
  • Volumetry of databases: Displays a chart used to find out the volume of each database installed on the server. The option "Display the list of databases" is used to display the "Databases" tab.
To configure the widgets displayed in the Dashboard:
  1. Display the table context menu of the "Dashboard" tab (in a location containing no widget for example).
  2. Select "Modification mode".
  3. The dashboard appears in "modification" mode. You can:
    • Hide some widgets.
    • Display the hidden widgets.
    • Resize the widgets with the mouse.
  4. To exit from the modification mode and to apply your changes, select "Modification mode " in the context menu.

"Connections" tab

This tab lists the different users connected to the different databases found on the server.
Server management - Connections tab
The list of active connections contains the following information:
  • the database name,
  • the username,
  • the computer name,
  • the name of the application that accesses the database, etc.
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Connections" group, are used to:
  • allow or forbid the connections,
  • disconnect the users,
  • send a message to the users.

"Databases" tab

This tab is used to list the different databases found on the server.
Server management - Databases tab
The following information is specified for each database:
  • The number of connections,
  • the number of locks,
  • the number of tables.
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Databases" group, are used to:
  • access the selected database,
  • display the details of the selected database or the details of all databases. One or more new tabs are opened, displaying the details of the database.
  • delete the selected database from the server.

"Users" tab

This tab is used to manage the users (creation, modification, deletion, search).
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Users" group, are used to:
  • create a new user,
  • edit the characteristics of an existing user,
  • delete a user.
When creating a user, the user can be defined as a superuser: users defined as "superusers" are allowed to perform all actions on the server, databases and files.

"Group" tab

This tab is used to manage the groups of users (creation, modification, deletion).
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Groups" group, are used to:
  • create a new group,
  • edit the characteristics of an existing group,
  • delete a group.

"Transactions" tab

This tab is used to manage the current transactions or the interrupted transactions on the server. You can:
  • See the current transactions,
  • Remove records from a transaction.
Server management - Transactions tab

"Scheduled elements" tab

This tab is used to create, modify and delete schedule operations on the server:
  • backups.
  • tasks (stored procedures).
  • optimization.
  • refresh of materialized views.
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Scheduled elements" group, are used to:
  • create a new scheduling,
  • display the details of a scheduling,
  • run a scheduling,
  • delete a scheduling.
Server management - Scheduled Elements tab
For more details, see Managing scheduled tasks.

"Backups" tab

This tab is used to perform and restore backups of the server and/or backups of databases. This tab lists the server backups:
  • currently run,
  • ended.
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Backups" group, are used to:
  • create a new backup (hot or scheduled backup),
  • restart a backup,
  • restore a backup,
  • delete a backup.
For more details, see Backups.

"Notifications" tab

This tab lists the different server notifications:
  • Failed scheduled tasks,
  • Failed backups,
  • Replication server not accessible,
  • etc.
When this tab is selected, additional options are displayed in the ribbon. These options, found in the "Notifications" group, are used to:
  • Delete the selected notifications.
  • Delete all the notifications from the server.
For more details on notifications, see Notifications of an HFSQL server.
Ribbon options
When the server characteristics are displayed, the ribbon shows several options:
  • general options.
  • options specific to the different selected tabs.
Server management - Ribbon
The general options are as follows:
  • In the "SQL query" group:
    • New query: This option is used to open a specific tab allowing you to perform a query.
    • Open a query: This option is used to open a specific tab corresponding to a query that was run beforehand.
  • In the "Server" group:
    • Stop server: This option is used to stop the server.
    • Start server: This option is used to start the server (if this one was stopped beforehand).
  • In the "Databases" group:
    • New database: This option is used to create a new database on the server.
    • Import an HFSQL Classic database: This option is used to import an HFSQL Classic database on the server in Client/Server mode. A wizard allows you to select the data files to import.
    • Get files from server: This option is used to copy files from the server to the computer. A wizard allows you to select the different copy options as well as the copy directory.
  • In the "Rights" group:
    • Manage rights: This option is used to manage the rights on the server for the selected user or group. You have the ability to store and restore a configuration of rights.
      Server management - Rights
  • In the "Parameters" group, the option "Server configuration" is used to configure the server. For more details, see HFSQL server configuration.
  • In the "Logs and statistics" group:
    • Show server logs: This option is used to get a synthetic view about the use of the database between two dates:
      • most used queries, longest queries,
      • most consuming applications
      • statistics by application, process, etc.
      This option is available only if the logs are enabled on the server.
    • Show server stats: This option is available only if the activity statistics are enabled on the server.
Minimum version required
  • Version 14
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Last update: 06/05/2024

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