| |
Errors | Designation |
Error opening access log. Check setup | This message is displayed when starting a WEBDEV site.
This message is displayed by the OmniHTTPd server. This message can have several causes:- the OmniHTTPd server is installed in a directory that uses long names.
Solution: Reinstall the OmniHTTPd server in a directory that doesn't use long names. - several OmniHTTPd servers are opened.
Solution: Close all open servers and restart a single instance of OmniHTTPd. - the "Log file" directory does not exist.
Solution: In the server control Panel, disable all "Log File" directories and restart the server.
HTTP/1.0 404 Object not found or Resource not found | This message is displayed in the Internet browser when starting the site.
This message is caused by a bad configuration of the Internet server. It means that the server cannot find the CGI protocol manager.
Solution: Check the configuration of the Internet Server used, in particular:- the virtual directory (or alias) pointing to the directory containing the CGI protocol manager, WD300AWP.EXE
- the registry key of the CGI protocol manager must be set to WD300AWP.EXE.
Reminder: WEBDEV configuration information is stored in the registry, in the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WEBDEV\30.0" entry. |
Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site... | This message is displayed by the Internet browser when running a WEBDEV website if no Internet server is started when running the site.
Solution: Launch an Internet server before launching a WEBDEV site. |
Could not resolve local name, Error code: 11004 | This message is displayed when starting the OmniHTTPD server.
Solution:- Open the properties of OmniHTTPD server (right-click the server icon in the taskbar).
- Go to the "Server" tab.
- Uncheck "Lookup Site Address (Dynamic)".
- Validate and restart the server.
RunTime Error .WDD missing or invalid JW06 name | If you are using a WEBDEV site in development mode:- Open your project in WEBDEV.
- Save your project.
If you are using a site installed on the WEBDEV Application Server:- Recompile your project: under "Project", in the "Project" group, pull down "Recompile and synchronize" and select "Recompile project".
- Regenerate the library.
- Recreate the setup of your site.
- Re-install the site on the server.
Remark:- In all cases, check whether the installation directory of example corresponds to the directory used by the WEBDEV administrator ("Applications" tab).
- Otherwise:
- delete the administrator site.
- in the development version, open your project in WEBDEV and click the "GO" icon.
- in the deployment version, re-install the site.
1, ERR_MISSING_PAGE | The request is incomplete. It contains no information about the context.
This error message is displayed during a click on a link that uses an invalid syntax or that points to an HTML page that does not exist.
Solution: Check the syntax used for the link and the existence of the called page. |
4, ERR_BUTTON_EXPECTED | The request is invalid. The action to perform is missing.
This error message can be displayed in several cases:- a link is specified in the HTML page with the [%URL()%] syntax without button name in the parameters.
Solution: In the link parameters, you must specify the name of the button on the WEBDEV page corresponding to the action to be performed. - a click was performed on a button that only exists in the HTML page. This button does not exist in the page.
Solution: The buttons in the HTML page must have their equivalent in the corresponding WEBDEV page. - a form validation is performed without using a button (JavaScript code) or a validation is performed via the ENTER button.
Solution: A button is required to validate a form. Tip: To enable the user to validate a form using the ENTER key, simply define a "Send field value to server" hotkey in the WEBDEV page, associating the ENTER call-letter ("Detail" tab of the field).
5, ERR_NO_CURRENT_PAGE | The site did not work properly because no page was returned (EndProgram may have been called without returning a page).
This error message occurs when a WEBDEV website is closed without using the HTML page indicating the end of connection. To avoid this message, a page indicating the end of connection must be displayed by PageDisplay or EndProgram. |
6, ERR_PARSER | Syntax error in the HTML file named <FILE_NAME>, line <LINE_NUM>.
An invalid syntax was used in the HTML page displayed. Check the code in the HTML controls or the HTML code inserted into the controls of your WEBDEV website ("Advanced" tab in the control description window). |
7, ERR_BAD_ACTION | The special action named <ACTIONNAME> is unknown.
A specific action was defined by the WD_ACTION_ parameter in the HTML page but invalid parameters have been used. You must correct the syntax used to define the action. This error can occur when implementing a link used to open or close a secure transaction. Check and correct the syntax used. |
8, ERR_NO_PAGE | You want to work on the <PAGE_NAME> page. It does not exist or it is hidden by an object of another type (a control for example).
The WEBDEV page used is hidden by another object on the server: the corresponding HTML page cannot be displayed. This error can occur when using the "Back" and "Next" keys of the browser. Solution: Check how the browser's "Back" button is managed on your site. |
9, ERR_BAD_PARAMETER | The <COMMAND_NAME> command does not contain the proper parameters.
A specific action was defined by the WD_ACTION_ parameter in the HTML page but invalid parameters have been used. You must correct the syntax used to define the action. This error can occur when using a custom action defined for a button or for a link, or when using a link to open or close a secure transaction. Check the syntax used. |
10, ERR_BAD_FILE | The <FILE_NAME> file cannot be opened (and therefore returned).
The HTML file that must be displayed in the browser does not exist.
Solution: Check that the file is present in the site directory. |
11, ERR_WWADMIN_EXIST | The WEBDEV administrator was already started. A single one is allowed on each computer.
Several sessions of the WEBDEV administrator (WD300ADMIN.EXE) cannot be started on the same computer. |
12, ERR_NO_WWADMIN | The management program of WEBDEV was not started.
The access to a dynamic WEBDEV website can be performed only if the WEBDEV administrator (WD300ADMIN.EXE) is started and run on the Internet server.
Solution: Check that the WEBDEV administrator is running on the server. |
13, ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY | Insufficient memory to perform the operation.
Insufficient memory to run the program.
Reminder: The resource required per connected user: For each connected Web user, you must plan for:- about 400 KB of RAM per connection, in addition to the memory required by the server.
- about 1 MB of disk space per connection.
For example, for 20 parallel connections, you must plan for:- RAM: 67.8 MB (7.8 MB of RAM for this site, 60 MB for the NT server)
- Virtual memory: 84 MB (20 MB for the connections, 64 MB for the NT server)
14, ERR_MAX_CONNECTION | The connection is refused because the maximum number of connections (<NB_CONNECTION>) allowed by the Webmaster for this site has been reached. Retry later.
This message is displayed on the Internet browser when the number of connections to the dynamic WEBDEV websites installed at the hosting provider is greater than the total number of authorized simultaneous connections.
Solution: It may be necessary to review the WEBDEV administrator settings at the hosting company. |
15, ERR_BAD_COMMANDLINE | The command line passed to the (<ENGINE_NAME>) engine is invalid. The >SWITCH_NAME> switch is missing.
A WEBDEV website is started from an incorrect command line (bad arguments, ...).
Solution: Check the command line used to launch your WEBDEV site. |
17, ERR_BAD_CONFIG | The configuration of the <SITE_NAME> site is incorrect for the <VALUE_NAME> value.
This error is caused by a wrong site setup in the registry. You must:- re-install the site.
- correct the site configuration in the registry.
Reminder: When a WEBDEV site is installed, a new entry is created in the registry. This new entry is created in the following key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WEBDEV\30.0\<ProjectName>". The project name and directory are specified. |
18, ERR_BAD_WEBDEV_CONFIG | Wrong overall WEBDEV configuration. The <KEY_NAME> key is missing or incorrect.
The WEBDEV setup was not performed properly in the registry.
Note: Information about WEBDEV settings is stored in the registry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ PC SOFT\WEBDEV\30.0".. An entry is created for each new WEBDEV website. |
19, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT | The context to which this request refers (<CONTEXT_NAME>) does not exist (or does not exist anymore). You may have been disconnected.
This message is displayed by the Web browser when the WEBDEV engine is not active anymore. The WEBDEV engine is not active anymore in several cases:- the idle time was exceeded: the user has been disconnected.
Solution: Restart the site and, if necessary, set a disconnection timeout in the administrator options in the event of greater inactivity. - the HTML page was not refreshed (in test mode only)
Solution: Refresh the page display using the "Refresh" button under the Internet browser.
20, ERR_BAD_URL | The <URL_NAME> URL is not valid.
This message is displayed when an invalid URL is used in the HTML page.
In WEBDEV, a URL is valid if it starts with:- the following syntax: [%URL()%] for example:
<a hRef="[%URL()%]?Table=[%TABLE%]&RESULT"> - a "/" sign: for example:
<a hRef="/Img_WEB/Hello.gif"> - the http protocol: for example:
<a hRef="http://flop.www/pages/Index.html ">
21, ERR_INTERNAL | Internal error: <ERREUR>
A very rare error occurred. Solution: Try to establish a protocol for reproducing this error and contact Free Technical Support. |
22, ERR_TIMEOUT_REQUEST | The request did not respond within the timeout (<TIMEOUT> seconds).
An action was requested from the Internet server and the response time has exceeded the timeout specified in the WEBDEV administrator (WD300ADMIN.EXE). The Web user was disconnected. Solution: Check that the response time is long enough. |
23, ERR_SESSION_CLOSED | You have been logged out.
The Web user was disconnected by the WEBDEV administrator. Reminder: From the WEBDEV administrator, you have the ability to disconnect:- a Web user from a WEBDEV website.
- all Internet users of WEBDEV sites available from the host.
24, ERR_CLOSED_PAGE | The request refers to the <PAGE_NAME> page that does not exist anymore. (it may have been closed by the process).
This error means that the page corresponding to the HTML page is not available anymore. During a process, the current page may have been closed by a procedure. Solution: Check your site's code, in particular the existence of the context of the page being manipulated (with the ContexteExiste function, for example). |
25, ERR_MSG_BOX | The site has generated the following error message <ERROR_MESSAGE>.
A dialog box was displayed on the server, locking the site. WEBDEV automatically closes the message box and the corresponding message is displayed in the browser. Solution: Correct the site according to the error message displayed. In most cases, the error corresponds to a programming error found in the site. |
26, ERR_BAD_SERIAL_NUMBER | The serial number is invalid.
The serial number used for WEBDEV is invalid. |
27, ERR_SYSCALLFAILED | The call to the <FUNCTION_NAME> system function failed.
The site tries to use a WLanguage function. The resources required by this function (WEBDEV DLL) are not accessible. Solution: Check that all the DLLs required for your site are present on the Web server. |
28, ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE | The <FILE_NAME> HTML file cannot be opened.
The HTML file corresponding to the WEBDEV page or requested by PageDisplay is not accessible and it cannot be opened. |
30, ERR_NO_PROJECT | The <PROJECT_NAME> project does not exist (in WDP or in WDL).
Check the configuration for this project. The site is not installed properly (corresponding files not copied onto disk or invalid corresponding entry in the registry). Re-install the site and/or check its configuration in the registry.
Reminder: When a WEBDEV site is installed, a new entry is created in the registry. This new entry is created in the following key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WEBDEV\30.0\<ProjectName>". The project name and directory are specified. |
32, ERR_NO_APPLICATION | The <SITE_NAME> site is unknown: it was not configured for WEBDEV.
The site is not installed properly (invalid correspondence with the registry). Re-install the site and/or check its configuration in the registry.
Reminder: When a WEBDEV site is installed, a new entry is created in the registry. A new entry is created in the following key: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PC SOFT\WEBDEV\30.0\<ProjectName>". The project name and directory are specified. |
33, ERR_BAD_DLLEXE | The <DLL_NAME> DLL is not compatible with this WEBDEV version.
This message is displayed if:- a conflict occurs between the DLLs installed on the computer.
- the WEBDEV DLLs are not installed properly. Reinstall WEBDEV.
34, ERR_NO_DLLEXE | Unable to load the <DLL_NAME> DLL.
Some of the WEBDEV DLLs required by the WEBDEV administrator and by the WEBDEV engine have not been copied onto the setup computer. Solution: Reinstall WEBDEV. |
35, ERR_CANNOT_LAUNCH | The engine failed to start for the following reason: <RAISON>.
The WEBDEV engine was not started. |
36, ERR_UNKNOWN | Unknown error.
A very rare error occurred. Solution: Try to establish a protocol for reproducing this error and contact Free Technical Support. |
37, ERR_NO_TABLE | The <COMMAND_NAME> command operates with tables and <CONTROL_NAME> is not a table.
The WD_ACTION_ parameter was used on a control other than a TABLE control. Solution: Check custom actions on your page. |
38, ERR_ALREADYCONNECTED | The connection is refused because you are already connected to this site.
The maximum number of connections for the same Web user on a WEBDEV website has been reached. The Web user must disconnect from one of the sites.
Reminder: the maximum number of connections by a single user to a WEBDEV site is configured in the WEBDEV administrator. |
39, ERR_NOTACTIVATED | The module was not enabled (it must be reinstalled).
WEBDEV was not installed properly. Reinstall WEBDEV.
Reminder: There are:- WEBDEV Development Version, used when developing a WEBDEV website.
- WEBDEV Application Server. This server must be installed at the hosting company when a WEBDEV site is deployed.
40, ERR_NOTAVAILABLE | This command is available in development mode only.
WEBDEV "Development version" is used to deploy a WEBDEV site..
Solution: Install the "WEBDEV Application Server" to deploy a WEBDEV site. |
41, ERR_NOTADEVVERSION | This version cannot be used in development.
The WEBDEV Application Server is used to develop a WEBDEV website.
Solution: WEBDEV development version must be installed to develop a WEBDEV site. |
42, ERR_LOADMOREDLL | The <COMPONENT_NAME> user component cannot be loaded.
A user component was defined in the registry by the MOREDLL entry (to optimize the management of AS/400 for example). This registry key is not valid. |
43, ERR_TIMEOUTINIT | The engine was not initialized within the timeout (<TIMEOUT> seconds).
This error, that occurs when starting the WEBDEV engine, can have several reasons:- using a response time that is not long enough between two requests.
Solution: Modify the setting of the administrator. - the server is saturated.
Solution: Use a bigger server or use several parallel servers.
46, ERR_UPDATING_SERVER | A server update is in progress. Please try again later.
This error message signals to the Web users that they cannot connect to their site because an update is currently performed on the server. To display this message on the computer of the Web users during an update and to avoid any new connection to a server site, check "Lock the server (for an update)" in the WEBDEV administrator. |
47, ERR_TEST_WDP | The test mode cannot operate without the project (.WWP) and its pages.
Note: The test mode does not use the WDL. A test of the site built with WEBDEV "Development version" requires the presence of the project (.WWP file) on the computer. If this file is not found, the test cannot be run. |
48, ERR_SYNCHRONIZATION | The requested action cannot be performed. The [BACK] or [NEXT] buttons of the browser were used on a page with dynamic data. The visible data is no longer synchronized with the data processed on the server. The server is going to return the latest data. Check the page displayed and retry your request.
Technical note:- this message can be configured (synchronization code).
- to avoid this message, a specific process must be found in the synchronization code.
The page context found on the server and the page displayed in the browser on the computer of the Web user are out of sync: the data displayed and the data found on the server do not correspond.
This message is displayed when the Web user clicked the browser "Back" button. We recommend that you thoroughly run the test of a WEBDEV website before deploying it, especially the use of browser "Back" button. WEBDEV proposes an automatic method for managing the browser "Back" button. |
49, ERR_BAD_APPLICATION | This site is not allowed to be used with this WEBDEV version.
You are trying to use a WEBDEV website with a limited server.
To use your WEBDEV website, you must have the WEBDEV Application Server. |
50, ERR_NO_END_TAG | Syntax error in the <FILE_NAME> file. The end tag for the <NAME_HTML_TAG> tag is missing.
An error has been found in the HTML file to be displayed: a start tag is present, but no end tag.. The HTML page cannot be interpreted by the WEBDEV engine. You must correct the corresponding code. This error can occur when using:- HTML controls
- JAVA controls
- FLASH controls
- HTML code inserted into the WEBDEV controls ("Advanced" tab)
- HTML code inserted into the page ("Advanced" tab)
Check the HTML code found in these controls. |
51, ERR_LAUNCH_FAILED | Error while starting the site.
The site cannot start because it is automatically closed. Solution: Check that you are not using the function EndProgram in the project initialization code, or any other function or processing that stops your site. |
52, ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_TMP | Unable to create the temporary file named <FILE_NAME>. Test canceled.
This error occurs during the test of a WEBDEV website on a development computer. This error occurs because:- no temporary directory is found on the development computer.
Solution: Create a directory c:\Temp directory, for example. - there is not enough space on the development computer.
Solution: Free up space on the development disk.
53, ERR_CANNOT_RUN_EXPLORER | Unable to launch .htm application, File: <NOM_FICHIER>, Code: <CODE>.
This error occurs when running the test of a WEBDEV site in the following cases:- the browser was closed as soon as the site test was started (by a project GO for example).
- when running the GO of the project (or page), WEBDEV cannot start the default browser associated with the HTML pages.
Solution: Check that files with the ".HTM" extension are associated with a browser by default. |
54, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INVALID | The context to which this request refers (<CONTEXT>) is unknown. The server may have restarted since your last request.
This error can occur when the WEBDEV administrator was stopped then restarted or if the Web server was rebooted. These actions may have been performed by the monitoring tool (WWSURVEILLANCE). |
55, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_INTERNAL | Internal error: Invalid context (<CONTEXTE>). (status = <STATUS>)
This error occurs when the context corresponds neither to the current site nor to the current page. |
56, ERR_DISCONNECTED_BY_ADMIN | You have been manually disconnected by the WEBDEV administrator. {RECONNECT}
This error occurs on the browser of the Web user when:- the Web user was disconnected from the site by the WEBDEV administrator ([Disconnect] or [Disconnect all] button)
- the Web user was disconnected from the site by the remote WEBDEV administrator.
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
57, ERR_DISCONNECTED_TIMEOUT | You have been disconnected because your last request is too old (timeout = <TIMEOUT> sec) {RECONNECT}
This error occurs on the browser of the Web user when the response time of the last action performed is greater than the time configured in the WEBDEV administrator. By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
58, ERR_DISCONNECTED_RELOG | The context to which this request refers is not valid anymore, it was replaced with a new context during your last connection to the site {RECONNECT}
This message appears, for example, when the surfer uses the browser's "Back" button: the surfer is on an old page of the site and the corresponding context no longer exists..
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
59, ERR_BAD_CONTEXT_FOUND | The context to which this request refers (<REFERENCE>) is invalid (your session was ended for an unknown reason). {RECONNECT}
This message appears, for example, when the surfer uses the browser's "Back" button: the surfer is on an old page of the site, from a previous connection..
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
60, ERR_DISCONNECTED_ERROR | This session was terminated by the following error: <ERREUR>
This message is displayed when the Web user tries to reconnect to a WEBDEV website that ended by an error for example.
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
61, ERR_DISCONNECTED_EXEC | The session does not exist anymore (you have exited from it or it was ended 'normally') {RECONNECT}
This message is displayed when the Web user tries to use a WEBDEV website that is already ended for example. For example, the user clicks the "Back" button to go back to a page of a site, but they had already quit that site via the [Exit] button.
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
62, ERR_BAD_VERSION_RQS | Invalid version number of dialog structure. This problem comes from a mix of incompatible versions of WD300Session/WD300AWP/WD300Admin.
To fix it, reinstall WEBDEV. WEBDEV Application Server versions are incompatible: reinstall WEBDEV. |
63, ERR_DISCONNECTED_UPDATE | You have been disconnected because the site was updated on the server. {RECONNECT}
This message is displayed when the Web user was disconnected for an update.
Reminder: during the remote update of a WEBDEV site, the Web users connected to this site are automatically disconnected.
By default, the Web user is automatically reconnected to the site after 3 seconds. |
64, ERR_FORBIDDEN_UPDATE | WEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote update.
This message is displayed when trying to perform a remote update. The administrator is not configured to allow the remote update. |
65, ERR_FORBIDDEN_INSTALL | WEBDEV is configured to forbid the remote setup.
This message is displayed when trying to perform a remote update. The administrator is not configured to allow the remote setup. |