Help / Tools / WDMap
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • WDMap started from the editor
  • WDMap started by the "WDMAP.EXE" program
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Stored procedures
WDMap is used to find out whether an HFSQL data file must be reindexed and reindex an HFSQL data file.
Two types of reindex operations are available:
  • Standard reindexing: Standard reindexing (with statistics and without compression).
  • Reindexing with compression: Reindexing with compression (keeps the active records only. All the crossed or deleted records are permanently deleted).
  • The indexes are reorganized by the reindex operation. After the indexing operation, the access to indexes is optimized. The indexing operation may be required if the index file is lost or damaged.
  • WDMap allows you to easily reindex a data file. However, to reindex a file more completely, use WDOptimizer.
  • You can also reindex a file from the Windows explorer. To do so, select "Optimize" in the context menu of the file to reindex. Then, the reindexing is performed by WDOptimizer.
How to?

WDMap started from the editor

To reindex a data file:
  1. Display the data file to reindex (for more details, see Viewing the records found in a data file).
  2. To perform:
    • a standard reindexing: Select "Tools .. Reindexing .. Standard".
    • a reindexing with compression: select "Tools .. Reindexing .. With compression".

WDMap started by the "WDMAP.EXE" program

To reindex a data file:
  1. In the wizard, select "Reindex a file" and go to the next step.
  2. Select the file to reindex and validate.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/15/2024

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