Help / Express versions
Specific features of the Express version
This help page presents some of the differences between WINDEV 28 Express and "WINDEV 28 commercial version".
Reminder: WINDEV 28 Express is a "limited" version of WINDEV 28. This version introduces you to the main features of WINDEV 28.
To discover all the features of WINDEV 28, some examples from "WINDEV 28 commercial version" are included in this trial version.
Main limitations of the Express version
  • Applications developed with the Express version as well as some processes of the editors may have a lower performance.
  • Some elements used by WINDEV 28 Express are prefixed with "EXPRESS".
  • WINDEV 28 Express cannot open a project created with "WINDEV 28 commercial version".
  • "WINDEV 28 commercial version" can open a project or an element created with WINDEV 28 Express. To use the project (or the elements) of the Express version without inopportune messages, the project (or the elements) must be saved in "WINDEV 28 commercial version". It may also be necessary to update the project : on the "Project" tab, in the "Project" group, expand "Recompile and synchronize" and select "Repair project". WINDEV 28 Express does not allow you to import projects developed with earlier versions.
  • The Source Code Manager (SCM), used to share and manage resources (source code, windows, reports, etc., ... ) in a development team is not available.
  • WINDEV 28 Express cannot be used by several developers on a network. It can only be used on a single computer at a time.
Remark: WINDEV 24 Express can open and handle a project created with an earlier Express version (e.g., WINDEV 28 Express).
Limitations specific to each editor
Express versionCommercial version
Project editor
Login windowNot available
Windows per project: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Windows per project: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Reports per project: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Classes per project: Maximum numberLimited8,000
Sets of procedures per project: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Procedures per project: Maximum numberLimited5,000 for each project element
Global or locale variables per project: Maximum numberLimited65,500
Project processes: Maximum number of linesLimited65,500
Number of components imported into a projectLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Elements in a project: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Example-based RAD: Number of files taken into accountLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Languages of a projectLimited64
Renaming the frameworkNot allowed in the Express versionAllowed
Common renamed frameworkNot allowed in the Express versionAllowed
Importing a Visual Basic or Access projectNot allowed in the Express versionAvailable
User GroupwareThe user groupware cannot be customized in the Express version.Fully customizable
  • A component created with the Express version cannot be imported into a project created with WINDEV commercial version.
  • The components used by a project cannot be translated in the Express version.
Internal component: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
  • No RAD pattern can be created in the Express version.
  • Stand-alone messaging is not available in the Express version.
Window editor
Controls per window: Maximum numberLimited5,000
Procedures per window: Maximum numberLimited5,000
Process: Maximum number of linesLimited65,500
Languages selected for a window: Maximum numberLimited64
Internal windows: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Window templates: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Control templates: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
MiscellaneousThe Feedback component (used to manage user feedback for the applications) is not available in the Express version.
Report editor
Controls per report: Maximum numberLimited5,000
Procedures per report: Maximum numberLimited5,000
Process: Maximum number of linesLimited65,500
Languages selected for a report: Maximum numberLimited64
  • PDF files cannot be used as background of reports in the Express version.
  • The report viewer cannot be customized in the Express version.
  • Reports & Queries is not available in the Express version.
Data model editor
Files: Maximum numberLimited65,535
Items per file: Maximum numberLimited65,535
Keys per file: Maximum numberLimited65,535
Items per analysis: Maximum numberLimited65,535
  • The names of items and files in Reports & Queries cannot be translated.
Query editor
Files per query: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Help editor
Not availableAvailable
Modeling editor
Models: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Objects per template: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
UML editor
Objects per diagramLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
HFSQL database engine
Files, aliases, views or queries opened simultaneously: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Files that can be described dynamically by HDescribeFile, HDeclare, HDeclareExternal, HAliasExternal, HDBOpen, HDBCreation: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Files that can be opened during a transaction: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Assisted universal replication (ReplicEdit, ReplicAdmin and ReplicSynchro)Not availableAvailable
Log-based replication:
  • Via network: Maximum number of files that can be used:
  • Via replication file: Maximum number of files that can be used:
LimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
Generated executables
  • Applications created with the Express version automatically close after about 1 hour of use.
  • Applications created with the Express version have a limited lifetime (a few weeks).
  • 64-bit executable generation is not available in the Express version.
  • Java generation is not available in the Express version.
  • The generation of applications in Windows Store App mode is not available in the Express version.
  • The generation of executables with integrated framework is not available in the Express version.
Setup editor
Files that can be installed: Maximum numberLimitedUnlimited (depending on the resources of the current computer)
  • A custom installer cannot be used in the Express version.
  • The Express version cannot be used to perform setups via multiple directories.
  • The Express version cannot be used to create setup programs via MSI.
  • The Express version cannot be used to download the framework.
  • Network and Push setup modes are not available with the Express version
Various limitations
  • The ODBC driver on HFSQL is not supplied with the Express version.
  • The main utilities are included in the Express version: they have the same limitations as the executables generated with the Express version (close after 1 hour, etc.).
  • "WDConver" (tool for importing the external databases) is not available in the Express version.
  • "WDModFic" (tool for applying the modifications made to the data files in the data model editor to the end-user computers) is not available with the Express version.
  • The optional Native Connectors (Oracle, SQL Server, AS/400, Informix, etc.) are not available with the Express version.
    Remark: The Native MySQL and PostgreSQL Connectors are available with the Express version.
  • The RTF editor is not available with the Express version.
  • The link with external languages (C++, C#, Java, Basic, Cobol, Fortran, etc.) is not available with the Express version.
  • It is not possible to deploy SOAP applications.
Free Technical Support
Not available for the Express version.
For more details, see the official forums.
15 free queries (phone and email).
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 02/01/2024

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