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Stored procedures
Limitations of WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile
The limitations presented in this document affect:
  • the project.
  • windows.
  • controls.
  • menus (drop-down or context menu).
  • events.
  • image formats.
  • analyses, data file descriptions, items.
  • physical HFSQL data files.
  • physical xBase data files.
  • WINDEV libraries (WDL).
  • WINDEV executables.
  • the setup program.
Limitations of the project
Windows per project: Maximum numberUnlimited
Project languages: Maximum number20
Procedures per project: Maximum number5,000 procedures for each project element (window, report, set of procedures, ...)
Classes per project: Maximum number8,000 classes
Variables (global or local) in a project: Maximum number65,500 variables
Project processes: Maximum number of lines65,500 lines
Elements in a component (windows, sets, variables, classes, members, procedures, etc.): Maximum number65,500 elements
Limitations of the windows
Maximum dimensions32,000 x 32,000 pixels
Maximum number of controls per windowGreater than 5,000.
This limit can be less depending on the operating system used.
Logical name of a window: Maximum number of characters255 characters
Languages selected for a window: Maximum number64
Windows opened simultaneously at runtime: Maximum numberThis limit varies depending on the available memory and to the number of controls in each window.
Variables (global or local) in a window: Maximum number65,500 variables
Processes of a window: Maximum number of lines65,500 lines
Limitations of the different types of controls
Control: Maximum dimensions32,000 x 32,000 pixels
Logical name of a control: Maximum number of characters255 characters
Control process: Maximum number of lines65,500 lines
Edit control: Maximum number of characters2 billion (2 GB) characters
Multiline edit control: Maximum number of lines2 billions (2 GB) of lines and 2 billions (2 GB) characters
Static control: Maximum number of characters
  • If the static is entered in the editor: 2 billions (2 GB) characters,
  • If the static is assigned programmatically: limit depending on the available memory.
Image control: Maximum dimensionsUnlimited
Image control: Maximum number of images that can be found in an animated imageWidth x Height (in pixels) of the reference image
Check Box or Radio Button control: Maximum number of options256 options
List Box or Combo Box control: Maximum number of elements5 millions elements
Table control populated programmatically: Maximum number of lines5 millions lines
Change according to the available memory.
Table control (populated programmatically or based on a data file): Maximum number of columns1 million columns
Table control (populated programmatically or based on a data file): Maximum number of cellsDozens of millions of cells
Table control (populated programmatically or based on a data file): Maximum number of characters in a row2 billion (2 GB) characters maximum per row (for all the columns)
Column in a Table control (populated programmatically or based on a data file): Maximum width32,000 pixels
Text column of a Table control (populated programmatically or based on a data file): Maximum number of characters2 billion (2 GB) characters
TreeView control: Maximum number of elementsNo limitations
Limitations of the menus
Options and sub-options in a menu: Maximum total number2 billions (2 GB) of options and sub-options
Levels of options in a menu: Maximum number2 billions (2 GB) of option levels
Caption of a menu option: Maximum number of characters2 billion (2 GB) characters
Help message associated with the menu option: Maximum number of characters2 billion (2 GB) characters
Processes of a menu option: Maximum number of lines65,500 lines
Limitations on events / procedures / classes
Maximum number of lines in:
  • an event linked to an element (project, window, control, etc.)
  • a procedure (local or global)
65,500 lines
Maximum number of languages selected for the code20
Program line: Maximum number of characters1,000 characters
ProcedureMaximum number of parameters255 parameters
ProcedureName : Maximum number of characters255 characters
Nested LoopMaximum number140 nested loops
ClassMaximum number per project8,000 classes
ClassMaximum number of members65,500 members
ClassName : Maximum number of characters255 characters
Variable (global or local)Maximum number in a project65,500 variables
Variable (global or local)Maximum number in a window65,500 variables
Variable (global or local)Maximum number in a process65,500 variables
VariableName : Maximum number of characters255 characters
VariableString type: Maximum number of charactersLimit depending on the available memory
VariableFixed string: Maximum number of characters65,500 characters
VariableASCIIZ String type: Maximum number of characters65,500 characters
VariablePascal String type: Maximum number of characters255 characters
VariableArray: Maximum number of dimensions3 dimensions
VariableArray: Limit for a dimensionLimit depending on the available memory
The following image formats are supported in Windows:
  • Bitmap (*.BMP)
  • Graphics Interchange Format (*.gif)
  • Joint Picture Experts Group (*.jpg ; *.jpeg)
  • Kodak Photo CD (*.pcd)
  • PaintBrush (*.pcx)
  • Adobe Photoshop Format (*.psd)
  • TrueVision TARGA (*.tga)
  • Tagged Image File Format (*.tif ; *.tiff)
    Remark: the "tiled tiff" option of tiff 6.0 standard is not supported. In this case, we advise you to save the image in tiff 5.0 standard.
  • Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
  • Windows MetaFiles (*.emf ; *.wmf)
  • Icons (*.ico ; *.icw)
    • HQ display (High Quality) available.
    • Management of sheets in transparent BMP format (32 bits).
  • Cursors (*.cur)
  • Portable Document Format (*.pdf)
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg)
  • WINDEV images (generated by the image editor, *.WDPIC).
  • BMP, ICO, CUR and OS2 images used in windows are automatically handled by wd300obj.dll.
    In all other cases, wd300pnt.dll must be installed with the other WINDEV DLLs.
  • PDFs displayed in Image controls use the wd300pnt.dll library
Limitations of the analyses, file descriptions and items
AnalysisMaximum size of the ".WDD" fileUnlimited
AnalysisMaximum number of file descriptions65,535 files
AnalysisMaximum number of items65,535 items
AnalysisMaximum number of links65,535 links
AnalysisMaximum number of analysis generations231 (over 2 milliards) of generations
File descriptionLogical name: Maximum number of characters255 characters
File descriptionMaximum number per analysis65,535 files
File descriptionMaximum number of items65,535 items
File descriptionMaximum number of links per file65,535 links
File descriptionMaximum number of keys65,353 keys
File descriptionMaximum size of all the keys2 GB
ItemLogical name: Maximum number of characters255 characters
ItemMaximum number per analysis65,535 items
ItemMaximum number per file65,535 items
ItemMaximum number in a composite key65,535 items
ItemMaximum size65,535 bytes (except 255 bytes for the files in Windows Turbo Pascal in the language format)
ItemMaximum size of a memo item (text or binary)4 GB
ItemMaximum size of a binary string65,533 bytes
ItemMaximum number of elements in an array of items255 elements
KeyMaximum number per file description65,353 keys
KeyMaximum size of all the keys found in a file2 GB
KeyMaximum size of a key (composite or simple)65,535 bytes
KeyMaximum number of items in a composite key65,535 items
RecordMaximum size2 GB
RecordMinimum size16 bytes
Limitations of the physical data files, index files and memo files in HFSQL format
Maximum size of:
  • Data file (*.FIC)
  • Transaction file (*.FIC)
  • Log file (*JNL.FIC)
1024 TB
Index file (*.NDX): Maximum size1024 TB
Memo file (*.MMO): Maximum size1024 TB
Files opened simultaneously: Maximum numberUnlimited
iPhone/iPad The maximum number of files that can be simultaneously opened by an iPhone/iPad application cannot exceed 256. Therefore, up to 80 HFSQL files can be opened simultaneously (one ".fic" file, one ".ndx" file and one ".mmo" file for each HFSQL data file).
Locked items per file: Maximum numberUnlimited
Items per file: Maximum numberDepends on the size of a record (for a 20-byte record: 329 millions of billions of records, for a 4,096-byte record: 2 millions of billions of records)
File password: Maximum number of charactersUnlimited
.REP file: Maximum number of characters for the full name of the physical file255 characters
.REP file: Maximum number of characters for the logical name of the file255 characters
Limitations of xBase files
RecordMaximum number per data fileUnlimited
RecordMaximum size
  • Clipper5 file: 8,192 bytes
  • Other: 4,000 bytes
RecordMaximum number per index fileUnlimited
RecordMaximum number per memo fileUnlimited
ItemMaximum number per file
  • dBase 4 file: 255 items
  • DBX file: 512 items
  • Clipper5 file: 1,023 items
  • Other: 128 items
ItemMaximum size of a text item
  • Clipper5 file: 2,048 bytes
  • Other: 254 bytes
ItemMaximum size of a numeric item
  • dBase 4 file: 20 bytes
  • FoxPro file: 20 bytes
  • Other: 19 bytes
ItemMaximum size of decimal numeric item
  • dBase 4 file: 18 bytes
  • FoxPro file: 18 bytes
  • Other: 15 bytes
ItemName : Maximum number of characters10 characters
KeyMaximum size65,535 bytes
KeyName : Maximum number of characters10 characters
Key expressionMaximum size100 bytes
Key expressionAuthorized functionsDTOC, DTOS, Left, Right, Upper, Lower, STR, SUBSTR
IndexMaximum number in an MDX file47 indexes
Text memoMaximum number of characters written24,576 characters.
Limitations of the libraries
Maximum size of library file (".WDL" file)Available size on disk (or up to 2 GB)
Maximum number of elementsUnlimited
Limitations of the executables
Maximum size of executable program ( ".EXE" file)Available size on disk (or up to 2 GB)
Limitations of the setup program
Supported languagesMaximum number20 languages
ComponentsMaximum number500 components
File groupsMaximum number500 groups of files
UpdateMaximum number of analyses that can be taken into account by a single update100 analyses
Each update can automatically modify the data files belonging to 100 different analyses.
DLLMaximum number of DLLs associated with a custom setup program500 DLLs
Reminder: The setup program of a WINDEV application can be created by:
  • the setup program creation wizard: on the "Project" tab, in the "Generation" group, click "Setup procedure".
  • the setup editor (WDInst): on the "Tools" tab, in the "Utilities" group, click "WDInst".
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/12/2024

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