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Stored procedures
Display constants used by prefix syntaxes only
ConstantDetailsUsed by the functions
Versions 18 and later
Forces the created executable to be run as administrator. This mode is used to avoid the virtualization of files from Windows Vista.zipCreateExe
New in version 17
Used to force the backup of file names in Ansi format in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application that is using the Ansi mode.
Versions 19 and later
Cancels the extraction of files from the archive.zipExtractFileList, zipExtractAll
zipCreateIfNotFoundCreates the archive if it does not exist.zipOpen
zipCurrentDirectoryAll the archive files will be extracted into the current directory.zipCreateExe
zipDefaultDirUses the default directory (<Default extraction directory>).zipCreateExe
zipDirectoryStores the different directories found in the file path as well as the file name and extension. For example: \Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
Returns the different directories of the file (the name and the extension of the file are not returned)
zipDriveStore the full and absolute path of file (name of disk, name of directories, file name and file extension). For example: C:\Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
This constant has no effect on the ZIP format.
Returns the unit name only.
zipExtensionReturns the extension of the file (preceded by ".").zipExtractPath
zipFilenameReturns the name of the file (without its extension).zipExtractPath
Versions 18 and later
Archive file in 7z format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatCABArchive file in CAB format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatNoneNo archive file is created.hBackupDescription variable
zipFormatRARArchive file in RAR format.zipArchive variable
Versions 21 and later
Archive file in TAR format (uncompressed format).zipArchive variable
Versions 21 and later
Archive file in TARGZ format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatWDZArchive file in WDZ format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatZIPArchive file in ZIP format.zipArchive variable
hBackupDescription variable
zipHeader64Allows you to create an archive larger than 4 GB on which zipChangePath can be used.zipCreate,
Versions 19 and later
Ignores the extraction of the file in error.zipExtractFileList, zipExtractAll
zipInMemoryUsed to manage the archives stored in memory (add a file found in a buffer or extract a file from a buffer).zipAddFile, zipExtractFile
zipNoneStores the file name and extension. For example: FileName.pdf
Extraction into the current directory without restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).
zipOverwriteDuring the extraction, the existing read-only files are automatically overwritten by the extracted files.zipExtractAll
zipReadOpening in read-onlyzipOpen
zipRelativeThe path passed as parameter is considered as being the root of the archive. The stored path for all files and sub-directories is given in relation to this root.zipAddDirectory
Versions 19 and later
Retries the file extraction.zipExtractFileList, zipExtractAll
zipSelectRestorePathThe self-extraction will display the "Keep the tree structure" option in the dialog box.zipCreateExe
zipTempDirectoryThe archive files will be extracted from the temporary directory of the computer where the executable is run. All the files are extracted into the same location.zipCreateExe
zipTreeThe archive files will be extracted according to the tree structure of directories found in the archive.zipCreateExe
zipUncompressedThe content of the archive will not be compressed.
This parameter can be used with the CAB archives, in order to use the archiving function of this format.
New in version 17
Used to force the backup of file names in Unicode format in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application that is using the Unicode mode.
zipWithUIThe self-extracting program will display a dialog box allowing the user to chose the destination directory.
Remark: This constant corresponds to zipWithGUI in previous versions
zipWriteOpening in read/write.zipOpen
Versions 23 and later
ConstantDetailsUsed by the functions
Versions 18 and later
Forces the created executable to be run as administrator. This mode is used to avoid the virtualization of files from Windows Vista.<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
New in version 17
Used to force the backup of file names in Ansi format in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application that is using the Ansi mode.
<zipArchive variable>.Create
Versions 19 and later
Cancels the extraction of files from the archive.<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFileList, <zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipCreateIfNotFoundCreates the archive if it does not exist.<zipArchive variable>.Open
zipCurrentDirectoryAll the archive files will be extracted into the current directory.<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipDefaultDirUses the default directory (<Default extraction directory>).<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipDirectoryStores the different directories found in the file path as well as the file name and extension. For example: \Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
Returns the different directories of the file (the name and the extension of the file are not returned)
<zipArchive variable>.AddFile
<zipArchive variable>.AddDirectory
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractPath
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFile
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipDriveStore the full and absolute path of file (name of disk, name of directories, file name and file extension). For example: C:\Directory\Files\FileName.pdf
This constant has no effect on the ZIP format.
Returns the unit name only.
<zipArchive variable>.AddFile
<zipArchive variable>.AddDirectory
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractPath
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFile
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipExtensionReturns the extension of the file (preceded by ".").<zipArchive variable>.ExtractPath
zipFilenameReturns the name of the file (without its extension).<zipArchive variable>.ExtractPath
Versions 18 and later
Archive file in 7z format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatCABArchive file in CAB format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatNoneNo archive file is created.hBackupDescription variable
zipFormatRARArchive file in RAR format.zipArchive variable
Versions 21 and later
Archive file in TAR format (uncompressed format).zipArchive variable
Versions 21 and later
Archive file in TARGZ format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatWDZArchive file in WDZ format.zipArchive variable
zipFormatZIPArchive file in ZIP format.zipArchive variable
hBackupDescription variable
zipHeader64Allows you to create an archive larger than 4 GB on which zipChangePath can be used.<zipArchive variable>.Create,
<zipArchive variable>.Open,
<zipArchive variable>.OpenCAB (Function),
<zipArchive variable>.OpenRAR
Versions 19 and later
Ignores the extraction of the file in error.<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFileList, <zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipInMemoryUsed to manage the archives stored in memory (add a file found in a buffer or extract a file from a buffer).<zipArchive variable>.AddFile, <zipArchive variable>.ExtractFile
zipNoneStores the file name and extension. For example: FileName.pdf
Extraction into the current directory without restoring the tree structure of file (if it was stored).
<zipArchive variable>.AddFile
<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFile
zipOverwriteDuring the extraction, the existing read-only files are automatically overwritten by the extracted files.<zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipReadOpening in read-only<zipArchive variable>.Open
zipRelativeThe path passed as parameter is considered as being the root of the archive. The stored path for all files and sub-directories is given in relation to this root.<zipArchive variable>.AddDirectory
Versions 19 and later
Retries the file extraction.<zipArchive variable>.ExtractFileList, <zipArchive variable>.ExtractAll
zipSelectRestorePathThe self-extraction will display the "Keep the tree structure" option in the dialog box.<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipTempDirectoryThe archive files will be extracted from the temporary directory of the computer where the executable is run. All the files are extracted into the same location.<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipTreeThe archive files will be extracted according to the tree structure of directories found in the archive.<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipUncompressedThe content of the archive will not be compressed.
This parameter can be used with the CAB archives, in order to use the archiving function of this format.
<zipArchive variable>.Create
New in version 17
Used to force the backup of file names in Unicode format in the Archive file.
This constant is used by default in an application that is using the Unicode mode.
<zipArchive variable>.Create
zipWithUIThe self-extracting program will display a dialog box allowing the user to chose the destination directory.
Remark: This constant corresponds to zipWithGUI in previous versions
<zipArchive variable>.CreateExe
zipWriteOpening in read/write.<zipArchive variable>.Open
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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