SysEnvironment (Function) In french: SysEnvironnement Returns the environment variables of the operating system for the current computer. Note: To view and/or modify the environment variables in the current computer, open the Control Panel and click the "System" icon.
ResEnvironment = SysEnvironment()
<Result> = SysEnvironment([<Environment variable>])
<Result>: Character string - Full environment of current computer (or server) if no <Environment variable> is specified. The environment lines are separated by CR characters.
- Environment line whose first word corresponds to the <Environment variable> parameter.
- Empty string ("") if a problem occurred.
<Environment variable>: Optional character string Variable to find in the environment of the current computer ("PATH" or "USERNAME" for instance). Remarks - The search on the <Environment variable> parameter is generic. For example, SysEnvironment("PR") returns the line corresponding to the prompt (if it exists in the environment).
- If several lines match the search, only the first one is returned.
SysEnvironment returns the same result as the SET command of the DOS command line.
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