This feature is reserved for advanced users, to handle special cases. In most cases, we recommend importing the wsdl file of the SOAP web service. For more details, see Importing/Consuming web services.
Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax ( SOAP functions (prefix syntax)). The following functions are used to manage the SOAP protocol:
| | SOAPAddAttribute | Adds an attribute to an automatic variable generated by the import of a web service. | SOAPAddHeader | Adds a header to the next SOAP function of a web service to run. | SOAPAddSAMLAssertion | Adds a SAML assertion to a web service request. | SOAPAddXMLSignature | Adds an XML signature to a web service request. | SOAPEncodeResult | Used to configure the format of the value returned by the WINDEV SOAP server to the SOAP client program. | SOAPError | Returns the error of the last SOAP procedure that failed. | SOAPGetHeader | Retrieves a header in the SOAP message received further to a call to a web service. | SOAPGetResult | Returns the result of the last SOAP procedure that was successfully run. | SOAPPrepare | Builds the SOAP request for calling a web service function. | SOAPRun | Runs a procedure on a SOAP server. | SOAPRunXML | Runs a procedure on a SOAP server. | SOAPToHTTP | Builds the HTTP request to call a function of a web service. This request can be modified to adapt it to the expectations of the web service, if necessary. It can then be sent using HTTPSend. |
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