- Overview
- The different types of charts
- How to create charts?
- Creating charts in the editors
- Creating charts programmatically
To include charts in your applications or in your sites, WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include: The charts are used to efficiently view numeric data. The different types of charts The types of charts available are as follows: For more information on each type of chart, see the corresponding help page. Creating charts in the editors The window editor, page editor and report editor include a Chart control. When creating this control, the wizards ask you questions to define the type of chart to create. The description window of the control allows you to modify these options at any time. The WLanguage functions can also be used to modify the charts displayed in the Chart controls. To do so, specify the name of the Chart control in the different functions. Creating charts programmatically WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile include several functions for handling charts. These functions allow you to create the charts, to modify them, to change the display options... For more details, see:
Related Examples:
Training (WINDEV): WD Chart
[ + ] This example presents the different uses of the Chart control. Different types of charts are presented: - Pie - Sunburst - Line - Scatter - Column - Area - etc. The main features presented here are the possibility to customize of charts from the code, as well as to fill the chart from an HFSQL data file, or in the editor.
Training (WINDEV): WD Drawing on Chart
[ + ] This example is based on an internal component used to draw elements on a chart control: - Min/Max areas - Various areas - Flags - Plots and trackers ...
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Chart control
[ + ] Using the Chart control of WINDEV. The chart control is used to directly edit the data that will be displayed in the chart. This data can come from a table column, a list box, a WLanguage array. It can also be filled by programming.
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Chart control (click management)
[ + ] Customizing the click on a Pie chart. Here, the section clicked by the user is pulled out by the application. To implement this behavior, all you have to do is use grInfoXY (to identify the section clicked) and grPiePullOut (to pull out the section).
Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Loan
[ + ] The power of WINDEV and the ease-of-use of WLanguage have allowed us to develop this application within a single day! This example is used to simulate loans and to: - calculate the amount of the monthly repayments from the amount borrowed - calculate the amount that can be borrowed from a given monthly repayment - calculate the income of an investment from a monthly payment For each case, you have the ability to view the amortization table corresponding to your parameters.
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Chart functions
[ + ] Using the main chart designer features of WINDEV: - Create a Pie, Column or Line chart - Define the display area of a chart - Define the chart options (legend, percentage, ...) - Draw a line on a chart
Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Chart functions
[ + ] This example presents the main features of the chart designer of WEBDEV and it allows you to: - Create a chart: Pie, Column or Line - Define the display area of a chart - Define the options of the chart (legend, percentage, ...)
Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chart control
[ + ] Using the Chart control to display different types of charts: - Pie (or pie chart) - Line - Column chart - Area
Cross-platform examples (WINDEV Mobile): WM Click on Chart
[ + ] The "WM Click on Chart" example proposes a solution for pulling out the sections of a Pie chart via a simple click. This example includes a control template named "TPLC_PullOutChart". This control template is used to pull out the chart sections via a simple click. To include this feature in another application, all you have to do is import the "TPLC_PullOutChart" template.
Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Chart functions
[ + ] Using the Chart functions: - create a Pie, Column or Line chart by programming - define the chart options (legend, percentage, ...)
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