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Stored procedures
The following constants are used by the email functions.
emailAddressErrorTest regarding the validity of an email address: an error occurred during the check.EmailCheckAddress
emailAddressIncorrectSyntaxTest regarding the validity of an email address: the syntax of address is incorrect.EmailCheckAddress
emailAddressRefusedTest regarding the validity of an email address: the address was refused by the email server.EmailCheckAddress
emailAddressValidTest regarding the validity of an email address: the address is valid.EmailCheckAddress
emailAllMessage to read: the read emails and the unread emailsEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes, EmailReadLast, EmailReadLastHeader, EmailReadPreviousHeader, EmailReadFirstHeader, EmailReadNextHeader, EmailReadPrevious, EmailReadFirst, EmailReadNext
emailAsynchronousTransmit the emails in asynchronous modeEmailStartSession, EmailStartSMTPSession
emailBodyEmail section where the search is performed: body of emailsEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes
emailCompanyConfidentialType of confidentiality: confidential emailEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailErrorOutgoing status of email: an error occurredEmailStatus
emailHighPriorityPriority of the email: high priorityEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailLowPriorityPriority of the email: low priorityEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailMessageIDEmail section where the search is performed: Identifier of emailsEmailSeekFirst
emailNoneEmail section where the search is performed: search performed via a selection formula of Lotus NotesEmailSeekFirstNotes
emailNormalPriorityPriority of the email: standard priorityEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailNoSensitivityType of confidentiality: no confidentialityEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailOptionDefaultNon-secure connectionEmailStartIMAPSession,
emailIMAPSession variable,
emailPOP3Session variable,
emailSMTPSession variable
emailOptionEncodeHeaderEncodes the message headers in Quoted-Printable if necessary.
The message header is not encoded by default. This constant prevents the emails with wrongly encoded accented characters.
emailOptionHeaderBccUsed to add the non-official recipients into the source code of email header. EmailBuildSource
emailOptionMessageIDSend the email while taking the Email.MessageID variable into accountEmailSendMessage
emailOptionNoCIDThe identifiers generated for the images found in the HTML file are unique by import.EmailImportHTML
emailOptionReferenceSend the email while taking the Email.Reference variable into accountEmailSendMessage
emailOptionSecuredTLSStart the SMTP session secured by the TLS protocol.
In version 28 Update 4, this constant was replaced with the emailProtocolSMTPS constant.
emailSMTPSession variable
emailParameterHTMLWhen reading mails from a POP or IMAP server, the HTML part consists of a header and the HTML content itself. The charset that indicates the character encoding (UTF-8, ISO 8859-1, ISO-xxxx, etc.) can be in either or both of these parts.EmailConfigure
emailParameterModeUsed to choose the operating mode of emails.
  • The functions for email management can use the "wininet" module of Windows for the IMAP, POP3 and SMTP protocols in SSL mode or in STARTTLS mode. This mode corresponds to the default operating mode of functions for email management.
  • The functions for email management can use an implementation that supports the multi-platform. Therefore, the email management is the same for your Windows, Linux and mobile platforms (Android/iOS).
emailPendingOutgoing status of email: pending emailEmailStatus
emailPersonalType of confidentiality: personal emailEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailPrivateType of confidentiality: private emailEmail structure, variable of type Email
emailProtocolSMTPSStart the SMTP session secured by the TLS protocol.EmailStartSMTPSession,
emailSMTPSession variable
emailRecipientEmail section where the search is performed: recipients of emailsEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes
emailSenderEmail section where the search is performed: senders of emailsEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes
emailSentOutgoing status of email: email sentEmailStatus
emailSessionIgnoreExpiredCertificateThe certificate date is ignored. emailSMTPSession variable
emailSessionIgnoreInvalidCertificateThe certificate is ignored. emailSMTPSession variable
emailSessionIgnoreInvalidCertificateNameThe site name specified in the certificate is ignored.emailSMTPSession variable
emailSessionIgnoreRevocationThe check in the list of revoked certificates is ignored.emailSMTPSession variable
emailStatusNotReadIndicates that an email was not read.EmailChangeStatus
emailStatusReadIndicates that an email was read.EmailChangeStatus
emailSubjectEmail section where the search is performed: subjects of emailsEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes
emailSynchronousTransmission mode of the emails in synchronous modeEmailStartSession, EmailStartSMTPSession
emailUnreadMessage to read: the unread emails onlyEmailSeekFirst, EmailSeekFirstNotes, EmailReadLast, EmailReadLastHeader, EmailReadPreviousHeader, EmailReadFirstHeader, EmailReadNextHeader, EmailReadPrevious, EmailReadFirst, EmailReadNext
emailValidateByServerValidation level of the email address: checks whether the email server of the domain to which the address belongs accepts the address in input. The syntax of the email address is automatically checked (emailValidateSyntax constant).EmailCheckAddress
emailValidateSyntaxValidation level of the email address: checks the syntax of the email address. The TLD (Top Level Domain) is not checked.EmailCheckAddress
emailValidateSyntaxStrictValidation level of the email address: checks the syntax of the email address as well as the TLD (Top Level Domain) in relation to the list of existing TLDs.EmailCheckAddress
ertAsynchronousRetrieve the messages in asynchronous modeEmailGetAll
ertFullRetrieve the entire messages (header, body and attachments)EmailGetAll
ertHeaderRetrieve the headers of messagesEmailGetAll
ertNotReadRetrieve the messages marked as "unread".EmailGetAll
folderAppointmentType of the listed folder: folder of appointmentsEmailListFolder
folderContactType of the listed folder: folder of contacts and groups of contactsEmailListFolder
folderDraftType of the listed folder: folder of draftsEmailListFolder
folderGenericType of the listed folder: generic folder (created by the user)EmailListFolder
folderInboxType of the listed folder: folder of emails receivedEmailListFolder
folderLogType of the listed folder: folder of logsEmailListFolder
folderNoteType of the listed folder: folder of notesEmailListFolder
folderOutboxType of the listed folder: folders of emails waiting to be sentEmailListFolder
folderPersonalType of the listed folder: root of "Personal folders" folderEmailListFolder
folderRecycleBinType of the listed folder: folder of deleted elementsEmailListFolder
folderSentEmailType of the listed folder: folder of emails sentEmailListFolder
folderTaskType of the listed folder: folder of tasksEmailListFolder
LstFolderAllType of list to perform: all the foldersEmailListFolder
LstFolderNormalType of list to perform: folders containing emails onlyEmailListFolder
LstFolderSortedMode for sorting the list: sorted listEmailListFolder
LstFolderTypeDisplay the name and type of the folderEmailListFolder
optionSSLSpecifies whether an SSL connection is required.
In version 28 Update 4, this constant was replaced with the optionTLS constant.
EmailStartPOP3Session, EmailStartIMAPSession,
emailIMAPSession variable,
emailPOP3Session variable,
emailSMTPSession variable,
LDAPSession structure
optionTLSSpecifies whether an SSL connection is required.EmailStartPOP3Session, EmailStartIMAPSession,
emailIMAPSession variable,
emailPOP3Session variable,
emailSMTPSession variable,
LDAPSession structure
outlookAPTWithContactMode for managing the contacts and participants: The AppointmentXXX functions will list the contacts associated with the appointments in the mAppointment.Participant variable.EmailStartOutlookSession,
outlookAPTWithParticipantMode for managing the contacts and participants: The AppointmentXXX functions will list the participants associated with the appointments in the following variables:
  • mAppointment.Participant
  • mAppointment.ParticipantCc
  • mAppointment.ParticipantBcc
Minimum version required
  • Version 11
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Last update: 06/14/2024

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