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  • Connection and timeout functions
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Stored procedures
EmailGetTimeOut (Function)
In french: EmailLitTimeOut
Reads the value of the "timeout" for connecting to the SMTP, POP3 and IMAP messaging servers. The value of the "timeout" is set to 10 minutes by default. This value can be modified by EmailSetTimeOut.
Reminder: The timeout is the maximum amount of time allowed while waiting for a response from the SMTP, POP3 or IMAP messaging server. If the server does not respond within this time-out, the connection fails.
<Result> = EmailGetTimeOut()
<Result>: Integer
Timeout value in seconds.
Remark: A "timeout" is always defined on the server. Therefore, no error can be returned by EmailGetTimeOut.

Connection and timeout functions

The connection functions (EmailStartSession, EmailStartPOP3Session and EmailStartSMTPSession) are locking functions during the entire connection. If the server does not respond, these functions are locking functions during the time-out duration.
Caution: The value of the timeout defined by EmailSetTimeOut has no correlation with the duration of EmailStartSession, EmailStartPOP3Session and EmailStartSMTPSession. Indeed, it is the duration of non response from the server. The time of the address resolution must be added to this duration.
For example, with a server that responds instantaneously, the connection can take 3 to 4 seconds if the DNS is slow (even if the time-out is set to 1 second).
Component: wd300com.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/23/2024

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