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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Windows functions / Dialog Box functions
  • Overview
  • How to?
  • Customizing the system information windows
  • Tips
  • Multilingual dialog boxes
  • Creating multilingual dialog boxes
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Customizing the system information windows (or dialog boxes)
Your applications use several system dialog boxes? A specific skin template is used in your project? Why not customize these windows and give them the "appearance" of your application?
WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to use:
  • System windows.
  • Custom windows, integrated into the project:
    These windows are system information windows (dialog boxes) that can be customized and used in all your applications.
No code is required. Regardless of the mode chosen, the Warning, Info, YesNo, OKCancel, Confirm, Error and Dialog functions automatically use the display mode according to the configuration used.
  • By default, in a new project (version 28 and later):
    • WINDEV Mobile system dialog boxes are used.
  • The characteristics of system dialog boxes are:
    • gray background.
    • icon indicating the type of information displayed.
    • standard buttons.
  • By integrating custom windows into the project, you can create multilingual dialog boxes (images, button labels, etc.). By default, these windows support French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese. For more details, see "Multilingual dialog boxes".
For more details, see Dialog box.
How to?

Customizing the system information windows

To customize the system information windows:
  1. Open the project description window. To do so, go to the "Project" tab, "Project" group, and click "Description".
  2. Go to the "Style" tab.
If you use WINDEV:
  1. In "Info, YesNo, Confirm, and Dialog system windows (WINDEV configurations)", select "Custom (integrated into the project)".
  2. Validate. An internal component named "WDAAF" is automatically included in your project (if it does not already exist). This component contains the "WINDEVMESSAGEBOX" and "WINDEVDIALOGBOX" windows. The skin template of your project is applied to these windows.
If you use WiINDEV Mobile:
  1. Check "Customize Info, YesNo, Confirm, and Dialog system windows (Android and iOS configurations)".
  2. validate. An internal component named "WMFAA" is automatically integrated into your project (if necessary). This component contains the "WINDEVMOBILEDIALOGBOX" and "WINDEVMOBILEMESSAGEBOX" windows. The skin template of your project is applied to these windows.}
These custom windows replace the standard information windows (displayed using Warning, Confirm, Dialog, Error, Info, OKCancel and YesNo).
Note: to stop using custom windows, simply:
  1. Change the options in the project description to use non-custom windows.
  2. Delete the windows that correspond to the message boxes of the internal component ("Remove and delete from disk" in the context menu of the "Project explorer" pane).
  3. If necessary, delete also the "WDAAF" or "WMAAF" internal component (if empty).
  4. If necessary, delete the files corresponding to the "WINDEVxxxMESSAGEBOX" and "WINDEVxxxDIALOGBOX" windows from the project directory.


  • Do not modify the code of the "WINDEVxxxMESSAGEBOX" and "WINDEVxxxDIALOGBOX" windows, nor the code of their controls.
  • Don't delete any control.
  • If you add controls to the "WINDEVxxxMESSAGEBOX" and "WINDEVxxxDIALOGBOX" windows, make sure there is no code associated with those controls.
  • Limit changes to the style of windows and their controls, and test all changes made.
Multilingual dialog boxes

Creating multilingual dialog boxes

To create multilingual dialog boxes:
  1. Customize the system information windows (see the previous paragraph).
  2. Type the multilingual captions of different buttons in their description window ("Description" in the context menu).
  3. Select the multilingual images of different Image controls in their description window ("Description" in the context menu).
  4. Use multilingual character strings (Ctrl + T) in the syntax of Warning, Confirm, Dialog, Error, Info, OKCancel, YesNo.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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