Wait (Function) In french: Temporisation Temporarily stops the program execution. Syntax
Wait(<Timeout> [, <Type>])
<Timeout>: Integer Timeout in hundredths of a second. - The function has no effect if a negative value is used.
- If this parameter is set to 0, the function processes all the pending events and takes control immediately.
Regardless of the parameter value, the optional processes of controls are always run.
Note: This parameter can correspond to: - an integer corresponding to the number of hundredths of a second,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in a readable format (e.g., '1s' or '10cs').
<Type>: Optional constant Type of event that can be run during the wait: | | waitMouseAndKeyboard | The windows and the controls can be redrawn. The timers can be run. The mouse actions (click on controls for example) or the keyboard events can be run. Note: This constant is equivalent to function Multitask used with a negative value. | waitNothing | No event can be run. | waitRedraw (by default) | The windows and the controls can be redrawn. | waitTimer | The windows and the controls can be redrawn. The timers can be run. Note: This constant is equivalent to function Multitask when used with a positive value. |
Remarks The stop only affects the current thread. The other threads continue to run normally. - It is recommended to use ThreadPause or ServiceWait instead of Multitask or Wait when several threads are used (including for the main application thread) if the timer does not have to process user actions.
- Wait prevents the process from ending as long as the requested temporization is not completed. We advise you not to use a long temporization but to perform several short temporizations in a loop. For example, you can replace:
Wait(10000, waitMouseAndKeyboard)
LOOP (100)
Wait(100, waitMouseAndKeyboard)
- In a Service application, Wait must be replaced with ServiceWait.
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