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  • ExtendedInfo property and Connection variable
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ExtendedInfo (Property)
In french: InfosEtendues
Native Connectors (Native Accesses)HFSQL Client/ServerAvailable only with these kinds of connection
The ExtendedInfo property is used to get additional information:
  • about a data file accessed by a Native Connector or HFSQL Client/Server.
  • about an item accessed by a Native Connector or HFSQL Client/Server.
  • about a connection. In this case, this property is equivalent to the CtExtendedInfo property.
This extended information can be modified for a file, a connection or an item defined through programming.
For more details, see the documentation supplied by the provider of the database.
Important: At this time, this property can only be used with AS/400 data files (and items) and with HFSQL Client/Server connections. On HFSQL Client/Server connections, only the encryption can be managed by the ExtendedInfo property.
This information is displayed in the data model editor:
  • in the description window of a data file.
  • in the description window of the items found in a data file.
  • in the description window of a connection: on the "Analysis" tab, in the "Connection" group, click "Connections".
This property can be used:
  • in read-only mode for a file or an item defined in the data model editor or through programming.
  • in write mode for a data file defined through programming or for a connection.
// Get extended information about the Customer data file
// Get extended information about the CustomerName item in the Customer data file

Finding out the extended information Hide the details

<Extended information> = <Data file/Item/Connection>.ExtendedInfo
<Extended information>: Character string
Extended information about the specified element. The different details are separated by semicolons (';').
<Data file/Item/Connection>: Character string
  • Name of the data file used. This name was defined in the data model editor or with the File Description type.
  • Name of the item used (format: <Data file name>.<Item name>). This name was defined in the data model editor or with the Item Description type.
  • Name of the connection used. This connection can correspond to:

Defining the extended information Hide the details

<Data file/Item/Connection>.ExtendedInfo = <Extended information>
<Data file/Item/Connection>: Character string
  • Name of the data file used. Name defined using the File Description type.
  • Name of the item used (format: <Data file name>.<Item name>). Name defined using the Item Description type.
  • Name of the connection used. This connection can correspond to:
<Extended information>: Character string
Extended information about the specified element. The different details must be separated by semicolons (';').
Remark: The list of extended information recognized by OLE DB and the Native Connectors is presented in Optional connection information.
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ExtendedInfo property and Connection variable

Changing the encryption information of an HFSQL Client/Server connection with the ExtendedInfo property automatically updates the information returned by the Encryption property (and vice versa).
Therefore, the following line of code:
MyConnection.CryptMethod = hCryptRC5_16
will modify the ENCRYPTION option in the string of extended information.
Similarly, the following line of code:
MyConnection.ExtendedInfo = "CRYPT=RC5_16"
will modify the Encryption property.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 07/17/2023

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